Alopecia Areata condition causes patchy hair loss on the scalp. Check out the causes, symptoms and natural remedies to treat Alopecia Areata.

Alopecia Areata

Isn’t hair fall an inevitable part of your life. Well, if you are suffering from hair fall keep a check on it as hair falling out in hair patches is what alopecia areata is all about which can be unobserved effortlessly. But alopecia areata is one major reason for hair fall. How exactly does alopecia areata happen and is there an alopecia areata treatment? That’s quite strange though, the immune system of your body will outbreak your hair follicles, generally the most healthy ones. Though alopecia areata is a kind of transmissible disease still that’s not the only cause of it. You will be stunned to learn that almost 6.8 million of the population of the US suffers from alopecia areata symptoms. At present, alopecia areata is cureless; nevertheless, there are various alopecia areata treatment which will reduce your hair fall as well as help in speedy regrowth of your hair. If you want to learn about the causes and symptoms as well as the natural remedies for alopecia areata symptoms, make sure you take out a bit of time and give a read to this article.

What is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia Areata is also known as a self-immune disease and very rightly so as the very own immune system of your body will lead to the breakage of your healthy hair follicles. Besides occurring in the scalp of your hair, it may lead to hair breakage even in your eyebrows, eyelashes, face, and other parts of the body as well. Alopecia Areata symptoms are patchy hair spots occurring abruptly as also thinning hair. This disease can happen to anyone, be it male or female, but the early signs usually arise during your juvenile and adolescence before you cross the age of 30. Although a hereditary disease, it is perceived that only one or two among a five-member family suffers from alopecia areata. It is observed that if a child has inherited alopecia areata both the parents are the sufferers of this disease. Other than this alopecia areata symptoms may also occur due to stress. People suffering from diabetes, arthritis, and even celiac disease are at higher risk of attack. Alopecia areata treatment does not have any complete remedy, however, the only sign of respite is that it is not life-threatening. Well, alopecia areata also has some brutality as well –  It can be generally described as spot baldness. But if there is hair loss in multiple hair patches it is described as alopecia areata multilocularis. The condition of alopecia areata symptoms can be limited only to the beard, in such a situation, it is known as alopecia areata barbae. Complete loss of hair on the scalp is referred to as alopecia areata totalis while the hair loss from all parts of the body including the scalp is known as Alopecia Universalis. Do not get frightened to discover such types of peculiarities in your scalp or body. There is some alopecia areata treatment that will help prevent hair fall as well as help you in growing back your hair.

What are the Symptoms of Alopecia Areata?

How to Diagnose Alopecia Areata? 

As there is no cure for alopecia and no medication permitted for the treatment of this disease, here are some natural remedies for alopecia areata. Onion Juice or Garlic Gel 

As you might be well aware, onion juice is an excellent remedy for hair regrowth. Hence, applying onion juice or garlic gel to the areas suffering from alopecia areata will be a great hair fall solution for the hair regrowth.


Research states that a massage treatment for your hair made up of mixtures of various essential oils like lavender, rosewood, and thyme may come in handy for some people to overcome the disease of alopecia areata.

Green Tea 

Green tea has tons of benefits and as you all might know the procedure for making green tea, this remedy might come in as one of the easiest to try out. Apply cooled-down green tea liquid into your scalp to get rid of this peculiar disease.

Other Oils

Some other oils like coconut, olive, jojoba, and castor might also help you out from this misery.

Herbal Enhancements

Other than green tea some other herbal supplements like ginseng and Chinese hibiscus might also help.

Stress Management and Diet

Excessive stress can lead to alopecia areata. Stay away from getting stressed out as it plays an important role in the formation of this disease. Try and maintain a restricted diet or diet with an auto-immune protocol which mainly includes meats and vegetables.

Other than these, try to cover up your scalp, protect your eyes if you are losing your eyelashes, and protect your affected areas from cold temperatures.

Although a skin disease, yet very different from others as it does not cause rashes and redness. Make sure you understand the type of alopecia areata you are suffering from, whether it is mild or acute before deciding on any kind of treatment. Natural remedies might not work for people suffering from acute alopecia areata symptoms and might also be a good hair fall solution. For such instances, medical treatment is available. Steroid injections might help mild alopecia areata treatment. Oral treatments like consuming cortisone tablets might fight the disease. Other light therapy or radiation treatment will also help overcome alopecia areata symptoms. But before you take any decision, do consult a dermatologist for operative treatment.

Alopecia areata is a very peculiar disease and can be challenging if it affects your entire scalp. Though the prevention measures are limited since the cause is still unknown, don’t get depressed. Protect your hair from environmental dust and heat and take necessary precautions right away as soon as you start noticing even mild symptoms. As this takes place mostly during your teens, it might affect your appearance as well which effortlessly can lead to an emotional breakdown. But don’t forget that this disease is not life-threatening and may be temporary as well, as in some cases hair regrows on its own without any treatment. If you need help, you can get in touch with our dermatologists on board.