Beautiful, long hair is something you all dream of. Don’t you? Hair is one of the most gorgeous features, and to keep that hair game on point you keep on trying a lot of things that make your hair strong and healthy. But one unavoidable problem that always comes back is the split ends no matter how well you try to maintain your hair. That’s quite a desolation for all of you. So, if you are looking for a quick home remedy for split ends, you have landed on the right site. What exactly are split ends? You need to understand that first before you dig more to know about the home remedy for split ends. There are oodles of types of split ends described by various experts, but then the straightforward understanding is from the name itself. Split ends mean the division of your hair strands into two different parts and this habitually arises at the tip of your hair. Trichoptilosis is what you’ll find if you search for the medical name of split ends. Split ends can affect your hair in various ways as your hair tends to become fragile, and dead. Well, there could be diverse reasons for the occurrence of split ends that you will get to know as you read through the article below, it is something that cannot be disregarded. While hair trimming is the best remedy to get rid of split ends, there is some other home remedy for split ends as well which will save you from a poignant trimming of your long full-grown hair. So, before we move on to the home remedy for split ends, let’s go through the cause of split ends.

Causes Of Split Ends 

There might be several reasons for having split ends. So, if you are having split ends, understand that you have damaged hair. Your hair goes through various environmental aggressors each day. Well, that’s the cause of the split end, some other causes are listed below:

Livelihood without stepping out of your home is impossible now. Everyone has to go out of their home for various work-related activities. Thus your hair is constantly getting sun exposure. That excessive heat of the sun along with the ceaseless dust and pollution all around is extremely harmful to your hair thus causing split ends. But do not worry as there is some amazing home remedy for split ends.

Like all other things proper steps need to be followed to achieve the desired goal, your hair too needs proper washing. Washing your hair with hot water and overwashing your tresses leads to split ends.

Hairstyling is the trend all around these days. Hairstyles are done mostly with the help of heat gears like straighteners and curlers. Though these techniques cannot be completely left out yet, quality products as well as a home remedy for split ends will cut short your problems. Moreover, the use of inappropriate chemical-infused products that are not suitable for your hair type can cause deep damage to your hair. Hence, if proper precautions are not taken before using heat styling tools it won’t take much time for your beautiful hair to turn into a damaged hair. Another common hairstyle from the days unknown is the braids. When your hair is braided the pulls in your hair cause tension leading to hair breakage.

Unwarranted brushing of your hair might lead to split ends. Harsh brushing of hair, while you are running out of time, should be avoided. Comb your hair with love and care always to stay away from split ends.

Don’t sail away in the love of your hair so much so that it is stopping you from hair trimming even after a long time. If your hair is getting unobserved, split ends are predictable that will cut off the beauty quotient from your looks.

Some other factors that might lead to the cause of split ends are excessive chemical treatments like hair coloring, tight hairstyles while sleeping, and even a poor regime. Following a home remedy for split ends throughout will not have any side effects.

Types of Split Ends 

Split ends are one of those annoying realities that’s exasperating yet inescapable. Split ends are generally caused due to the damage in your hair cuticle mainly occurring due to vigorous brushing of your hair. There are innumerable types of split ends that are being explained by the experts, but we have tried to cover the ones that are of utmost popularity. But do not panic while you read the types, home remedy for split ends is also there. The types are:

The most commonly found split ends are those which separate a small part of your hair into two halves. This is the most traditional type, debatably familiar as the basic split or the double split, this type is triggered due to the impairment caused in your hair cuticle and requires urgent handling.

This is just the beginning of a normal split end. While the basic split is the grown-up type, this type can also be called the baby formation of the traditional one which later grows to form the double split.  Since this is the preliminary sign of split ends, it can be easily healed if given little nourishment before it gets framed as a bigger hair problem.

Here comes a step more advanced version of the traditional split end. This is caused when the damage caused to the hair cuticles is overlooked for a long period. Well, these are not very common types as a lot of headlessness leads to this. If this occurs, your hair desires profound nourishment and hydration.

A damaged hair could very well be the base of split ends forming a connection or knot. This tends to appear more on curly hairs. So, if you are having curly hair be extra tender to keep your hair from knots as this can further lead to hair fall.

When your hair has become entirely damaged, the split ends start taking the formation of tree branches meaning your hair has lost its shape completely. This mainly happens due to the ecological plunderers and when you are ignorant towards your hair. Tree Split means your hair ends are full of baby splits, double splits as well as doubly splits i.e when a new split starts growing from the traditional splits. If this is the instance, before searching for any kind of split end treatment simply go for a hair trimming.

How To Avoid Split Ends 

Do not think much about how to avoid split ends anymore. The following tips would come in handy to keep you away from split ends (split ends treatment at home), and if not a home remedy for split ends might be more effective.

Last but not the least, here are some hair split ends home remedies that will benefit you to preserve your hair moisturized throughout.

Home Remedies To Prevent Split Ends

Here are some finest home remedies for split ends along with the proper procedure for applying them:

Egg Yolk

Egg yolks are a very communal home remedy for split ends. Since eggs are high in protein and fat content, it acts as an excellent moisturizing and conditioning agent for your hair. Also, egg yolk masks fall under the category of home remedies for dry hair and split ends. So, if you are having dry and frizzy hair, do not delay treating your hair with an egg yolk mask. Remember to take the number of eggs according to the length and volume of your hair. Egg yolks mixed with a bit of olive oil and honey would be exceptional. Apply it for about half an hour before shampooing with lukewarm water.Honey

Honey is one such miracle ingredient that is readily available in your home and as honey obliges you in various ways, it is one great home remedy for split ends as well. Honey acts as a balm providing immense moisture to your hair and scalp. A pack made of honey, curd, and olive oil could turn out to be that miracle home remedy for split ends. Same as egg yolk, apply this pack for about 30minutes before washing off your hair.


Chamomile is an intense home remedy for split ends and hair growth. It has antiseptic possessions which help in hair growth and chamomile tea if used regularly helps prevent split ends. If you are willing to have beautiful hair, chamomile is the right choice. So, how will you apply that? Well, just like you prepare tea, soak in two chamomile tea bags in hot boiling water and keep it aside for cooling. By the time it gets cooled it will excerpt its rudiments into the water. You just need to rinse your hair using that water. That’s one easy home remedy for split ends.

Aloe Vera

Just like your skin, aloe vera may turn out to be your hair’s best friend as well. Aloe vera has anti-microbial properties which add moisture to your hair. And using it is as simple as you often cut down a stem from an aloe plant. Just rub in the aloe gel on your hair strands and it will cure your hair of split ends. Isn’t it a go-to home remedy for split ends? Do give it a try as it won’t consume much of your time.

Black Lentils

Don’t get astounded as black lentils for your hair is as good as it is for consuming in your diet. It is a source of many valuables like proteins, phosphorus, iron, fiber, iron, and folic acid to name a few. Folic acid is the source of oxygen for your hair follicles. Make a smooth paste with half a cup of black lentils along with half a cup of curd and a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds. Wash your hair after an hour from when you have applied the paste. This progresses your hair quality. 

These are some very easy home remedies for split ends.

Shampoos For Split Ends

Always look for the moisturizing ingredients present in your shampoo while you are looking for split ends solution and stay away from selecting products enriched with harsh chemicals. A proper selection of shampoo along with a perfect home remedy for split ends is all you need to find.

FAQ’S on Split Ends 

1. What causes split ends?

A. Negligence towards your hair can cause various problems and split ends are one of them.

2. What is the Split End solution?

A. Your hair growth is not disturbed anyway due to split ends. But the best suggestion would be to trim your hair to get rid of split ends. An even better solution than a home remedy for split ends.

3. What’s the usual duration in between hair trimming?

A. Well, you need to trim your hair after every 3-4 months or even after 2 months depending upon the rapidity at which your hair grows.

Well, you can consider split ends as a part of your life, but proper care and a correct home remedy for split ends will help you overcome all such quandaries. So, don’t let split ends decay your appearance. Try to take care of your split ends while it is in the initial stages otherwise, it will lead to a damaged hair