It is natural to find a few hairs tangled in the comb as you groom yourself every morning. Believe it or not, an average human sheds about 50-100 strands of hair daily. It is aprocces of hair growth and regrowth cycle which normally takes upto 2-6 years. It is also equally true that men are more likely to be faced with this problem than women. This does not warrant a second glance, however, indeed doctors say that losing 100 hairs per day is normal, so you should not be anxious about it. Unfortunately, hair loss soon overtakes the normal parameters and can affect your peace of mind and health. Now this is a problem that is as difficult to handle for both sexes, and many spend quite a few sleepless nights over it. Sure, you will find a number of quick-fix solutions available over the counter, but finding an appropriate ayurvedic treatment for hair fall can go a long way in arresting your problem, relieving you from stress.
What is hair loss?
If you think you are suffering from hair loss looking at your comb, well think again. Hair loss is not the same as hair fall. We shed 50-100 strands of hair each day, shocking right? But anything more than that could be a matter of concern.
Hair loss is complex and can be caused due to a number of factors, internal as well as external. No, your hair loss is not just genetic, what you eat, your hormones, your metabolism, digestion, sleeping patterns, levels of stress and activity as well as environmental factors such as sun, dust, pollution, water, all of which result in hair loss. Identifying and treating hair loss at an early stage will not help prevent from going completely bald but also promote hair regrowth. At Traya we believe that hair loss is a lifestyle concern and we address your root causes to arrest further hair loss.
What Are The Symptoms of Hair Loss?
- Thinning of hair:
This is one of the common symptoms of hair loss. Before hair fall starts, thinning of hair occurs. This mainly occurs as people age and can lead to a problem called receding hairline.
- Circular or patchy bald spots:
Appearance of bald spots is also a symptom of hair loss. At such spots the hair density is very less and the scalp is easily visible.
- Scalp patches with blisters:
This can result due to a fungal infection on the scalp. The blisters contain pus which damages the scalp as well as hair follicles.
- Complete loss of hair on body:
Certain conditions and medical treatments like chemotherapy and cancer are responsible for complete loss of hair on the body. But in this case hair grows back once the condition is back to normal.
There are multiple reasons for shedding hair at an abnormal speed, though. You would be aghast on seeing hair on your pillow and bedsheets, clothes, and shoulders as you go through the day. No worries! Some of the tried and tested reasons for losing hair include the following:-
What are the causes of hair loss
There are multiple reasons for hair fall and finding the cause is the first step towards coming out with solutions. Alopecia or hair loss might be the result of a disease or poor diet, but could be simply a result of genetic factors and the process of aging. The stress and strain of our daily lives, dieting, weight loss, menopause and pregnancy could be some of the factors responsible for hair loss. Following are some of the main reasons for hair fall:
1. Hereditary hair loss
This is one of the most common types of hair loss worldwide. Also known as genetic hair loss, this is mainly transferred from the parents to their children due to their genes. Genetic hair loss or Hereditary-pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss. Hereditary-pattern baldness is not really a disease, but a natural condition caused by a combination of genetics, hormone imbalance and the aging process. In men it is called male pattern baldness or male pattern hair loss whereas in women it is called female pattern hair loss. Thinning of hair is mostly seen as the first sign of this type of hair loss.
2. Thyroid Hormone Imbalance
Thyroxine, the hormone secreted by the Thyroid gland, is essential for normal human functions. When the amount of hormone is reduced or increased in the body, it can cause a severe imbalance that gets manifested in a number of ways. Hair fall is an indication of both hypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism. It is essential to address the problem of enjoying a full head of hair once again. The hair becomes sparse all across the scalp. Though regrowth is possible with treatment, it may take several months before the complete and uniform growth happens. This is one of the prime reasons for hair fall.
Alopecia is a condition seen in the individuals affected by thyroid imbalances. Patches of hair loss are seen in different areas and may cause complete baldness in the long run. Polycystic ovary syndrome and lupus erythematosus are autoimmune diseases associated with thyroid problems. In some rare cases some antithyroid drugs can also lead to hair loss. It is then difficult to diagnose if the thyroid is causing the hair loss or the medication.
Thyroid problems are mostly temporary and can be conveniently treated, though hair loss might yet happen in the initial phase of treatment.
3. Pregnancy
You are likely to be overjoyed at the prospect of giving birth to a baby. Unfortunately, pregnancy causes a number of changes that affect your body and mind. One of the prominent symptoms associated with this joyous event is acute loss of hair that may give rise to bald areas on parts of your head. Some women experience this during pregnancy and others are affected after delivery. No worries! Your bodily functions will be restored gradually after the birth of your baby. Your hair will grow back too. Following are some of the reasons for hair fall of women:
- Poor Nutrition: Lack of a balanced diet and poor nutrition in pregnant women often results in hair fall. While deficiency in minerals, vitamins and iron might be the cause, sometimes the excess quantity of vitamins in the body might also contribute to hair loss.
- Illness: Pregnant women are afflicted with various conditions such as gestational diabetes or fungal infections which might affect hair health. Medicines taken for depression or high blood pressure might be a reason for hair fall. They might also have a number of scalp infections and allergies that are one of the main reasons for thinning hair. Pregnant women are prone to a number of illnesses that cause hair loss.
- Hormonal problems: Hormonal changes happen in most women during pregnancy and they cause hair loss as they interfere with the normal hair cycle. A condition called ‘telogen effluvium’ results which essentially stands for excessive hair fall. This is a temporary condition and is reversed a few months after pregnancy. The hormone progesterone released during pregnancy causes dryness and makes the hair brittle near the roots. This is one reason of hair fall in females.
- Genetics: Hair fall has a high chance of reoccurring if the mother of the pregnant individual also experienced the same condition during pregnancy. This is one of the prime causes of hair loss in women.
- Thyroid: Thyroid deficiency problems during pregnancy also interfere with normal body functions, and lead to loss of hair.
- Birth control pills: The hair loss can also happen if the person has stopped taking birth control pills. Abortions and miscarriages can also cause hair loss.
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is caused by the excess release of male hormones in a female body. and results in excess body hair growth and hair loss from the scalp.
4. Medications
There are a number of medications that affect hair follicles, causing the strands to fall out. Chemicals within the drug are responsible for this outcome. You can thus expect drugs that arrest depression or are used to treat acne to cause hair fall. It is also a side effect of blood thinners as well as drugs that reduce cholesterol levels. It is thus advisable to consider ayurvedic treatment for hair fall that has no particular side effect.
5. Birth Control Pills
Hair loss may become evident when you try to plan your family with the aid of birth control pills. The drugs are hormonal in nature and likely to alter the secretion of certain hormones related to the reproductive system. You will be surprised to find yourself losing huge amounts of hair even after you cease taking them. It will help to check the composition and learn about the facts by discussing it with your doctor. Request him/her to prescribe medications with low androgen to avoid this being one of the reasons for hair fall.

6. Nutrition
Maintain proper health by following a balanced diet. You need to consume an adequate amount of all nutrients. You are likely to shed hair regularly if you follow poor nutrition lacking in proteins, iron, and vitamins. A nutritious diet will provide the necessary fodder for the hair follicles to grow in a proper manner.
7. Ringworm
A fungal infection is not considered to be a big deal. However, you may be subject to hair loss when ringworm infects your scalp, causing acute hair loss and bald patches’ appearance. They are sticky and scaly and one of the most common reasons for hair fall in toddlers and school-going children and have the potential to cause permanent hair loss. They might cause inflammation and lead to scarring. It is best to visit a dermatologist in such circumstances in order to get rid of the infection completely. However, you may continue to suffer from the problem, when you take oral antibiotics for healing the area.
8. Alopecia
Well, this is the specific term for hair loss that can be of different types. You may find yourself losing hair at the crown and along the sides, revealing a typical male baldness pattern. Known as androgenic alopecia, you will have to be content to live with it as your genes cause it. This is one of the main reasons for excessive hair fall. The causes of alopecia areata are more complex, though. This is a form of baldness with no explanations. It is believed to be an autoimmune disorder where your own immune system attacks the follicles of hair, causing it to come out in clumps. Unfortunately, it cannot be reversed completely, but an experienced dermatologist may offer varied treatments and reduce baldness to a degree.
9. Physical Injury
Toying with the hair and pulling at it excessively for fashioning it can wreak havoc. You will be saddened to find the thin, hair strands break in the process. Overstyling by weaving hair or braiding them too tightly may be one of the main reasons for hair fall as well. This might also damage the hair roots irreparably and hinder their capacity to regrow. Beware of visiting suspect hair salons for chemical treatments that involve colors and bleaches. All of the abovementioned could be reasons for hair fall. Try to avoid fancy hairstyles for a while and let nature take over. This will enable you to save your hair from damage, with the follicles growing unhindered.
10. Emotional Distress
Stress & anxiety can be at the root of your hairy problems and be one of the reasons for hair fall. Worrying about an impending divorce or having money problems can make you emotionally distraught. You tend to worry endlessly with no solution in sight. This is sure to take a toll on your health, too, with your hair falling more than usual. Do try to address the concern as effectively as possible. A rejuvenating scalp massage with warm herbal hair oil might work wonders in alleviating stress. You may also consider ayurvedic treatment for hair fall to minimize side effects. A good nutritious diet is of course an essential requirement, the lack of which could prove to be one of the prime reasons for hair fall.

11. Hormonal Imbalance
Different types of hormonal imbalances are responsible for hair fall. Female hormones promote the growth of hair, while male hormones ensure that you have a shorter hair cycle. Imbalances can be corrected with the help of a proper diet, natural supplements and oiling your hair on a regular basis. Using aloe vera gel on your scalp is also very good for your hair.
12. Age
The density of hair in your scalp decreases with age and after the age of 40 the capacity of the hair cells to regenerate is significantly diminished. This is the main reason for hair fall in males. A proper diet with the requisite minerals and vitamins would be required to combat hair loss. Products containing tree tea oil among other things would be useful to add that extra nutrition to your hair.
13. Anagen Effluvium
Hair growth follows a specific cycle that includes a growing and resting phase. This particular condition is one of the reasons for hair fall during the growth phase and may be triggered by internal or external factors. You do not have to worry about it as much as finding specific causes of alopecia areata. This condition is sure to be corrected after the reason is removed or by topical application of hair growing medication.
14. Scalp psoriasis
Scalp psoriasis is a condition that affects the skin and can be seen as scaly and flaky raised patches. Some areas may look like dandruff while other areas might have dry scales with a silvery sheen. The difference between scalp psoriasis vs dandruff is that dandruff could come and go but scalp psoriasis stays for a long time. It could affect the entire scalp or parts of the scalp. It would also spread to the neck, the ears and the hairline on occasions. Scalp psoriasis can at times produce itchiness, scalp pain and a burning sensation on the scalp.
15. Radiation therapy
A radiation therapy might help in hair growth but the chances of growing hair as before are very less. Radiation therapy not only kills cancer cells, but it can also harm healthy cells in your body. Healthy cells that have a high rate of growth, such as hair cells, are the ones most likely to be harmed by radiation therapy.
16. Sexually transmitted infection
A sexually transmitted infection, if left untreated can cause hair loss. One such example is syphilis, a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact. The disease starts as a painless sore typically on your genitals, rectum or mouth. Syphilis spreads from person to person via skin or mucous membrane contact with these sores. Syphilis can cause patchy hair loss on the scalp, eyebrows, beard, and other areas if left untreated.
Hair Loss Prevention
Here are some tips which can be followed to prevent hair loss:
- Always use a wide tooth comb to prevent hair breakage, and do not comb hair when it’s wet.
- Include lifestyle changes that can help reduce stress.
- Eat a nutritious diet that includes proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
- Protect hair from direct sunlight which can damage hair.
- Avoid harsh treatments such as hot rollers, curling irons, hot-oil treatments to hair. Limit the tension on hair from styles that use rubber bands, barrettes and braids.
Besides the ones mentioned above, having a healthy and consistent diet will help purify blood from within, discarding excess toxins which supports the growth, making a better environment for hair to be in the growing phase much longer, preventing it from becoming thin and brittle.
How To Diagnose Hair Loss
Before starting with the diagnosis process, visit a dermatologist or hair doctor for their prescription which will also aid your hair loss treatment. Before diagnosis a doctor may conduct various tests like blood test, pull test, scalp biopsy, light microscopy etc.
Treatments Available to Treat Hair Loss
Effective treatments for most types of hair loss are available. You might be able to reverse hair loss, or at least slow it. If you are suffering from a hair loss condition and still confused about what needs to be done, then click on Rejuvenate Health hair diagnosis and get a free consultation call from our hair doctors to know further about the treatment.
Q. Is it normal to lose hair every day?
A. It’s completely normal to lose hair everyday, but the only thing that matters is the volume of hair that you lose in a day. Losing 50-100 hairs per day is normal but if you are losing more than that, then you should consult a doctor because the sooner you treat your hair loss problem, the earlier you can get control over it.
Q. Which vitamin is the reason for hair fall?
A. There is not any particular vitamin behind hair fall. Almost all vitamins are necessary for proper growth of hair whether it’s water soluble (Vitamin B and C) or fat soluble (Vitamin A, D and E). A regular supply of vitamins in the body is necessary for proper hair growth.
Q. How do I stop my hair from falling out?
A. There are various medications that can help you control your hair fall problem. Traya offers chemical free, safe medicines and solutions that are completely doctor prescribed and science backed based on your hair and scalp conditions.
Remember that it is quite normal to lose around 100 hairs per day. Do not get unduly upset with excessive hair fall, though. Visit a medical practitioner for treatment. You may also check out the miraculous products from Rejuvenate Health for long-standing success.