
The monthly menstrual cycle is frequently associated with several symptoms such as exhaustion, bloating, mood fluctuations, and cramps.

For some, the symptoms are significantly severe, making the entire period difficult. All you want to do between the excruciating cramping and mood swings is reach for some comfort food.

However, there are some things that can aggravate your period symptoms, which you definitely do not want to happen.

A lot of foods that you usually eat correspond to higher cramps and increased menstrual pain.

Here’s a list of 7 foods that make period cramps worsen.

Canned foods

Canned foods not only have fewer nutrients, but they can also be high in sodium. This can induce more bloating and cramping.

Additionally, canned products can also contain high amounts of preservatives.

So when you’re on your period, stick to nutritious foods, lean proteins, fruits, and veggies.

Try to significantly limit your sodium intake during this time of the month.

Sugary foods

As tempting and delicious as high-sugar foods are, the unfortunate truth is giving into sugar-filled cravings during your period may be linked to increased pain during your period.

When you are menstruation, your blood sugar levels change dramatically.

More artificial sugar sweetener consumed during this time adds fuel to the fire, by making your blood sugar level will fluctuate dramatically.

Furthermore, sugar is inflammatory and can worsen cramping.

Additionally, refined sugar causes your body to retain sodium and water, resulting in bloating and mood swings.

Fried foods

You could be tempted to consume something fried, particularly if you enjoy ready-made snacks.

It’s best to avoid fried foods during your monthly cycle as it may upset your stomach and make your cramps worse.

Fried foods like burgers, pizza and french fries are notorious for increasing your estrogen levels and throwing them out of whack, which can in turn cause period pain.

Additionally, these foods can cause stomach distress and interfere with healthy digestion.

It is recommended that you stick to lightly boiled, steamed, or grilled foods during your period.

Dairy products

Dairy products are generally considered to be healthy options. However, during your period, the saturated fats in dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream can trigger inflammation, which can worsen your menstrual pain.

This is because these foods contain arachidonic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid), which can increase inflammation.

Nevertheless, given that the calcium in dairy products can help cramps by controlling your muscles’ nerve activity, it might be a good idea to consume dairy products in moderation.

Fatty foods

Fatty foods like bacon raise the level of prostaglandins in your body. Prostaglandins are natural chemicals present in the body.

High levels of prostaglandins in the body can constrict blood vessels and cause your uterus to contract.

This uterine contraction can induce abdominal cramping. 


Caffeine-filled drinks like tea and coffee can worsen pelvic pain before or during your period.

Excessive coffee consumption can promote the narrowing of blood vessels (vasoconstriction), which can aggravate period pains. It can also cause bloating and discomfort.


While you may crave a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverages, drinking is not recommended during menstruation.

Alcohol can dehydrate you, exacerbating headaches and causing bloating. It can also cause digestive problems including diarrhoea and nausea.

As a result, it is recommended that you postpone your alcohol consumption until later in the month.

Final thoughts

Limiting or eliminating the above-mentioned foods during this time of the month can help stabilise your mood and, hopefully, lessen cramp pain.

Eat foods in their natural state. Choose light, nutrient-dense foods to tame period cramps.

These foods may provide relief from stomach pain during your period. 

Aside from eating the correct foods during your period to minimise cramping, make sure to consume frequent, regular meals.

Avoid skipping meals, as feeling hungry will aggravate the cramps. Drink plenty of water because dehydration exacerbates muscle spasms, resulting in more acute cramping.

In association with a diet plan, you can also opt for frequent health screening tests to keep track of your physical fitness and necessary vitals as well as incorporate some preventative measures to improve your quality of life.