Suppose you need to go out for a date or just a hangout you are super ready with your flaunting hair, isn’t it awesome? Who doesn’t want to have a thick hair rather hair with good quality, just flawless in one word. But irregular food habit, irregular life style we do not get time to take care of our own hair and ended up to baldness. And get bullied or humiliated by others. But now we have a solution of above mentioned situation. Say bye to your baldness with hair transplant. Which gives you confidence. And it’s a safe procedure. Graft survival rates followings a hair transplantation are between 90 to 95 percent.

So what is hair transplant? Hair Transplant is a surgical technique that remove hair follicles from one part of the body called the “donor site” to a bald or balding part of the body known as the recipient site. The procedure of hair transplantation is to test patient’s scalp first then discuss the preference and expectation and approach the best way to them. Basically this hair transplantation concept was started in 19th century in 1897. But day by day it is improving on its own way and people also getting good result from it. Transplantation these days mostly rely on the FUE method, which uses a pen-like tool to extract and then implant each follicle. But as we know every unnatural thing comes along with side effects.
After hair transplantation some side effects may be there. Like bleeding scalp, scalp infection, thinning Of hair growth (rarely though), itching, scarring, cysts, Hiccups sometimes pain too. But in this transplantation process, experts move healthy hairs on your scalp to areas with thinning hair. Anywhere from 18 to 80 percent of transplanted hair will fully grow back in an estimated three to four months. There are dilemmas between do or not to do. But day by day we are choosing hair transplant more than earlier. Just we need proper consultant, right knowledge and proper place to do it. Get your desirable hair style again.
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