Here are some typical monsoon fungal diseases and some treatment advice. Read on to learn more about enjoying a healthy monsoon.


The monsoon’s alluring splendour brings with it a number of skin-related problems in the form of fungal infections, thanks to the damp weather.

The humid, moist, and damp weather is ideal for the growth and reproduction of numerous fungi to flourish and spread diseases.

If left untreated, the fungal infection can worsen into skin conditions that result in intense itching, scarring, rash, and redness.

From smelly feet to fungus nails to ringworm, there are many fungal infections associated with the monsoon season. 

If you have diabetes, are older than 65, have skin injuries, frequently wear artificial nails, or have a weaker immune system, you are at risk for fungal infections. 

To avoid the risk, you must be aware of them and take protective steps. Here are some typical monsoon fungal diseases and some treatment advice.


In the monsoon, eczema experiences a severe flare-up. This might be caused by bacteria growth, humid conditions, and moist skin.

You must avoid getting wet in the rain if you have a history of seborrheic eczema or seborrheic dermatitis.

Symptoms of eczema

Prevention of eczema

Athlete’s foot

If you have sweaty foot issues, you need to be careful of the athlete’s foot. This is a contagious fungal infection that thrives in a warm, moist environment.

It affects the skin on the feet, particularly in the space between the toes. It can spread to the toenails and sometimes the hands.

Symptoms of athlete’s foot

Prevention of athlete’s foot


Another common monsoon infection, ringworm causes round, scaly, crusted patches on the skin. It typically affects the feet, neck, and underarms.

The wearing of wet clothing may be the cause of this. It is an infectious condition that spreads from person to person by contact with diseased skin, sharing of combs, brushes, and other personal care products, as well as clothing.

Symptoms of ringworm

Prevention of ringworm

Fungal nail infection

Infections of the nail caused by fungi are most common during the monsoon season. Although they are not serious, they can be difficult to treat.

Usually, they begin at the cuticle around the nail, which becomes swollen, red, and tender to the touch.

Symptoms of fungal nail infection

Prevention of nail fungal nail infection

Final thoughts

The majority of fungal infections are not life-threatening and can be treated with ease if diagnosed early and treated in time. However, delaying a dermatologist consultation can increase the risk and severity of the condition.

Additionally, the use of over-the-counter steroid-containing combo creams makes the infection more complicated, making it persistent and challenging to cure. It may also cause irreparable skin damage. 

If you tend to experience skin rashes, especially during the monsoon, see a certified dermatologist right once to receive prompt treatment and enjoy the season without hassle.

Moreover, you should also frequently opt for health screening. It provides you with vital insights into your health, allowing you to take necessary measures to improve it.