Prevention of tomato flu

Controlling the spread of the tomato flu is the goal of preventative interventions. 

Following are some simple techniques to stop the spread of the disease:

  • Hygienic conditions and proper sanitation should be prioritised.
  • While tomato flu seldom results in death, medical intervention is still necessary.
  • In the event of an infection, isolation is essential.
  • Children who are infected should avoid any social contact.
  • It is best not to scratch rashes and blisters.
  • Warm baths or showers should be given to children who are ill.
  • Give a balanced diet and adequate rest for quick recovery.

Final thoughts

A person is determined to have tomato virus when molecular and serological testing rule out the possibility of viral diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, zika virus, varicella-zoster virus, and herpes.

Tomato flu is extremely infectious, much like other influenza strains, thus it is crucial to take all possible measures, particularly in terms of cleanliness and sanitization.

The tomato flu is a self-limiting illness, meaning it goes away on its own, whether or not a specific therapy is used.

There isn’t yet a specific medicine that can treat it. The therapy is identical to that for dengue, hand, foot, and mouth illness, chikungunya, and related symptoms. 

It involves seclusion, relaxation, drinking a lot of fluids, and using a hot water sponge to soothe inflammation and rashes.

Furthermore, you should also undergo preventive health checkups. These health checks give a complete report about your health, allowing you to take necessary precautionary measures to improve your well-being and keep a host of ailments at bay.

All You Need To Know About The Tomato Flu Rise

Indian scientists and medical professionals are working nonstop to find a treatment for the recently discovered tomato flu.

A viral illness known as tomato flu or tomato fever has been noted in India since May 2022. 

In the Kollam district of Kerala, the first incidence of the illness was reported. And as of now, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Odisha have each detected about 90 instances.

Children under 5 have been commonly affected by this uncommon sickness known as tomato flu. 

The Lancet Respiratory Medicine states that there are no particular medications to treat tomato flu, which is infectious and self-limiting.

The virus that causes hand, foot, and mouth disease can have a new variation, but it is not fatal.

What is tomato flu

A rare viral illness called “tomato flu” is currently on the rise in India. A unique case of hand, mouth, and foot illness, this sickness is characterised by the appearance of painful blisters that are red and can grow to the size of tomatoes. 

Intestinal viruses are responsible for this unusual illness. Due to adults’ typically stronger immune systems and metabolisms, children between the ages of 1 to 9 are more susceptible to tomato flu or tomato fever.

Symptoms of tomato flu

Medical professionals think that children’s dengue or chikungunya fever may evolve into tomato flu. According to accounts, the initial signs of tomato flu are the same as those of any other viral infection. such as:

  • An abrupt rise in body temperature
  • Terrible body aches
  • Redness or rashes on the skin that itch constantly
  • Stinging blisters
  • Fatigue and lightheadedness

Other symptoms of tomato flu include severe mouth sores, rashes and itching on the hands, feet, and buttocks, swelling in the joints, nausea, and dehydration. 

Due to similar symptoms, the tomato flu is sometimes mistaken for a coronavirus, although specialists have shown that this virus is unrelated to SARS-CoV-2.

Treatment for tomato flu

According to reports, tomato flu or fever is a self-limiting illness, meaning that it often resolves on its own, without the need for treatment. 

As a result, there are no particular medications on the market that may be used to treat or cure the illness.

It is suggested to keep patients with the uncommon disease isolated since it is quickly transmitted from one person to another and is easily contagious.

Comparable to chikungunya or dengue, the main course of therapy for a patient with tomato flu or tomato fever is similar.

Patients are given a balanced meal and a lot of drinks to help them stay hydrated. Common medications like paracetamol or aspirin are recommended to reduce body temperature and relieve body aches.

It is recommended to exercise and focus on personal hygiene, including using a wet sponge to remove rashes and avoid scratching blisters or rashes.

Click here to know how to prevent it.

Allergic Rhinitis

We all are aware of that, this is the time of season change. We get cough and cold easily in these days and fever too. Sometime this type of fever or cold we may get from Allergic Rhinitis. 

Allergic rhinitis is the medical term of hay fever or allergies. It is typically causes cold and cough like symptoms.  Such as sneezing, itchiness, and a blocked or runny nose, watery eyes. These symptoms may start soon after being exposed to an allergen. You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that don’t cause problem for most people, these things are called allergens. 

Basically Allergic rhinitis is caused by the immune system reacting to an allergen. Cold, cough or flu develop several days after exposure to a virus.  Some reports say that rhinitis is also may caused by inflammation. Allergic rhinitis symptoms may last 3 to 4 days. 

There is no permanent cure of it. But the effect of the condition can be lessened with the use of nasal spray and proper medicine. Sometimes Doctors suggest some home remedies such as the steam inhalation, drinking ginger tea. To avoid the inflammation, you can also avoid Dairy, Bread and booze.

But you need a proper treatment, if you are having this problem. If this left untreated. It may become chronic and lead to more complications at a time. As per a report nearly 8 percent of adults in US experience allergic rhinitis. Between 10 to 30 percent of the worldwide population may also have allergic rhinitis. 

Only good food (like food which have vitamin c), balance diet, and a healthy lifestyle can give you  relief from such health issues. Inspite of using antibiotics or another medicine many people shifting their treatment to homeopathy and that too without side effects. It is not a severe or not a non curable disease but you should take more care when it’s come to health. Don’t neglect any minor symptoms, visit doctor when needed. 

Heart Arrhythmia – The 16 Most Frequently Asked Questions


The basic job of the heart is to pump oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to your body in a rhythmic manner. Any disturbance in this pattern can put your health in jeopardy. An irregular heartbeat, often known as arrhythmia, is the improper beating of the heart, whether it seems irregular, too quickly, too slowly, or irregularly. These changes in your heartbeat occur when the electrical impulses in the heart don’t work properly.

Sometimes, it’s just a single skipped beat, but arrhythmias can last longer. When this happens it’s important that you place yourself into the care of a cardiologist. In this article, we discuss how to assess and treat irregular heart rhythm issues, or heart arrhythmias.

FAQ #1: How serious is arrhythmia?

The heart may not be able to pump enough blood to the body if the heartbeat is too fast, too slow, or irregular. Arrhythmias are linked to a variety of significant symptoms that can impair your body’s capacity to function properly.

FAQ #2: How do you feel when you experience arrhythmia?

A heart arrhythmia may be asymptomatic. However, when symptoms manifest, they can include: 

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fluttering sensation in the chest 
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Fainting or near fainting
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Racing or slow heartbeat
  • Mental confusion

It is important to seek urgent medical attention as soon as possible if you suddenly or frequently experience any of these signs and symptoms. 

FAQ #3: What causes arrhythmia?

Arrhythmias can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  • An overactive or underactive thyroid gland 
  • Certain disorders such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or sleep apnea 
  • Blocked heart arteries caused by coronary artery disease 
  • Changes in your heart anatomy
  • A high-stress lifestyle
  • Smoking, excessive drinking, drug abuse
  • Consuming too much caffeine

FAQ #4: What triggers arrhythmia?

Common triggers for an arrhythmia are:

  • Viral illnesses
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Changes in posture
  • Exercise
  • Drinks containing caffeine
  • Certain over-the-counter and prescribed medicines
  • Illegal recreational drugs
  • Stress

FAQ #5: What is the difference between heart palpitations and arrhythmia?

Arrhythmia is a condition in which the heart beats irregularly, either too rapidly or too slowly. Heart palpitation on the other hand is a brief sensation similar to that of a speeding heart or a brief arrhythmia.

FAQ #6: What are the dangers of heart arrhythmias?

Arrhythmias in the heart are linked to an increased risk of blood clots. A clot can spread from your heart to your brain if it breaks loose. It may obstruct blood flow, resulting in a stroke. If you have heart arrhythmia and already have heart disease or are 65 years or older, your risk of stroke significantly rises.

FAQ #7: Can arrhythmias be cured?

Treatment for arrhythmias is determined by the kind and severity of the arrhythmia. In some cases of this condition, there is no need for treatment. Medications are used to control abnormal heart rhythms. Once treated, most patients with a heart rhythm issue can return to their normal activity levels.

FAQ #8: What food to avoid if you have arrhythmia?

Foods that should be avoided include:

  • Caffeine and energy drinks
  • Alcohol
  • Red meat
  • Processed foods
  • Sugary foods and drinks
  • Salt

FAQ #9:  Can stress cause heart arrhythmia?

Clinical studies and research is ongoing as to whether anxiety or stress can directly cause rhythm disorders. However, it can exacerbate arrhythmia. Higher-than-normal levels of stress, anger, and depression have all been shown to have a significant likelihood of arrhythmia.

FAQ #10: Is arrhythmia an emergency?

While some arrhythmias can be relatively serious or even life-threatening, others may be completely harmless. If you notice something strange about your heartbeat, seek medical attention right away so that doctors can determine what’s going on and what you should do about it.

FAQ #11: Does exercise help with arrhythmia?

The rule of thumb to prevent arrhythmia is to choose yoga or cardio over weightlifting. Walking can help reduce the onset of arrhythmia symptoms. It is important to talk to your physician before starting an exercise program.

FAQ #12: How do you fix arrhythmia naturally?

The following methods can help control an irregular heartbeat:

  • Perform relaxation techniques
  • Reduce caffeine intake
  • Stimulate the vagus nerve
  • Keep electrolytes balanced
  • Keep hydrated
  • Limit excessive alcohol intake
  • Quit smoking
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a heart-healthy diet

FAQ #13:  Which position should you sleep in if you have arrhythmia?

It is recommended that to ensure optimum blood flow and breathing while sleeping, you should sleep specifically on the left side.

FAQ #14: When should I be concerned about heart arrhythmia?

If symptoms last for long periods of time, are significant, or come back time and again, it’s important to seek medical attention. If you feel dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, or chest pain — seek medical attention right away.

FAQ #15: How do you check for irregular heartbeats?

Your doctor may order lab tests to rule out underlying conditions like thyroid disorders or heart disease. He may also conduct an ECG or EKG to determine or diagnose an abnormal heart rhythm.

Final thoughts

You’ve probably heard this advice over and over again that the key to a healthy heart is: exercising, eating a heart-healthy diet, and quitting smoking. While it is critical for everyone to look after their hearts, it is especially critical to live a heart-healthy lifestyle if you have an irregular cardiac rhythm.

Prevention is better than cure, and more so when it comes to heart health. It’s best to get regular heart health checks to ensure that your is healthy and beating the way it should. 

Period Reg Flags That You Should Never Ignore For Good Health


Have you skipped your period? Do you have discomfort before, during, or after your menstrual cycle? Alert! These are the red flags you should not overlook.

Women’s general health is impacted by menstrual problems.

The first occurrence of the menstrual cycle, the duration of the menstrual cycle, heavy bleeding, clots, and prolonged intermenstrual bleeding are factors that determine good menstrual health.

Period red flags appear in different forms while you are on your period.

Cramping, continuous discomfort, tiredness from sexual activity, and other issues are some of the most typical ones.

These can be brought on by a combination of factors, such as stress, hormonal changes, or vaginal issues. Pay attention to these signs!

Here are some typical period red flags that you should never ignore:

Colour of the blood

Pink, red, and brown shades of menstrual blood are standard. The shades of period blood can imply different things.

Pink blood is frequently observed as a woman’s menstruation begins.

At this point, some new, vivid red blood may mingle with the vaginal discharge, lightening the colour and giving it a pinkish appearance. The blood may seem pink if your periods are mild.

Bright red blood: During your period, you can notice that the blood is bright red when your uterus begins to aggressively shed blood.

This only indicates that the blood in your body is new and has not been in the uterus or vagina for a while.

Dark red blood: Blood that is dark red merely means that it has been in the vagina longer. Blood clots can even show signs of it.

You need to watch this type of hormonal disturbance, and it can even mean the presence of uterine fibroids if the colour remains the same for a long time. 

Brown or black blood: Blood that has taken longer to leave the vagina can sometimes be brown or black in colour.

When your menstruation cycle is ending, the black blood occasionally combines with vaginal discharge and takes on a brown appearance. 

Haemorrhoids could be one of the causes of brown or black menstruation.

Another possibility is that your body is unable to handle the blood loss quickly enough since it is so substantial.

Get in touch with a health expert if this continues for a long time.

Heavy bleeding

Heavy bleeding can be alarming since it can be an indication of thyroid dysfunction, fibroids (benign uterine tumours), hormonal imbalance (usually an excess of oestrogen and a deficiency of progesterone), stress, or thyroid malfunction (typically hypothyroidism).

If you have consistently had really severe bleeding, you can also have a clotting issue. 

According to many health studies, if your period lasts more than seven days, and you change tampons or pads more frequently than every two hours each day, then it is a red flag.

Longer periods 

An extended period is one indication that you have an imbalanced set of hormones.

If your periods typically last four to five days but have been lasting seven or eight days, there is a problem. 

Menstrual cramps, mood swings, excessive perspiration, acne outbreaks, ovulation pains, and an abnormally high amount of vaginal discharge compared to pre-menstrual fluids are other symptoms you should be aware of.

Period cramps

The level of period cramps is different for everyone. In many cases, period cramps last for a short period of time but on the other hand, they can last for more than 3 to 4 days. Period cramps affect your day-to-day routine and also disturb the sleep cycle.

Many times the cramps become so unbearable that the only way to get comfort is to take painkillers.

If the period cramps are unmanageable and unbearable for a long time, then you must check with the doctor. Severe period cramps can result in fibroid, adenomyosis or endometriosis.

Missed periods 

It is a myth that you miss your periods only when you are pregnant. There are many physical and psychological factors that can delay periods.

Stress, PCOS, excessive physical activity, sudden weight loss, and consumption of contraceptive pills can affect your period cycle. 

Final thoughts

Women’s menstrual health is a crucial thing that needs to be focused on. Many times we ignore the signs our body gives us during periods.

Signs like heavy bleeding, missed periods, the colour of blood, period cramps and more are the most severe red flags that you should never avoid. Here we have elaborated on the commonly overlooked period red flags.

Also, ayurvedic medicines and herbs are a good option which can considerably reduce the problem of missed and delayed periods.

World Hepatitis Day 2022: Healthy Diet For People With Hepatitis

Here are some diet tips that you must follow if you have hepatitis. Read on to learn more about what to eat and what not to for hepatitis.


Diet plays a very crucial role in the treatment regimen of any disease.

However, there’s no full-proof diet for patients suffering from hepatitis

Still, health experts suggest having a healthy diet and cutting processed foods and drinks is the best way, to begin your journey toward recovery.

A healthy you depend on getting the correct nutrients. It has a direct impact on weight control in addition to supporting a healthy immune system.

The liver is required to process everything you consume. By maintaining a healthy diet, you can protect your liver and perhaps even lessen the effects of hepatitis.

Here are some diet tips that you must follow if you have hepatitis:

Stay away from processed foods 

It is necessary to stay away from processed foods if a person is suffering or recovering from hepatitis.

Processed foods contain artificial ingredients that are complex in nature and hard to absorb by the liver. 

These types of foods are not adding any nutritional value and they do not support healthy and quick recovery from hepatitis.

Processed foods like cheese, bread, chips, and cold drinks fall in the group of processed fast foods which should be absolutely avoided during the hepatitis treatment and recovery phase. 

Limit the sugar intake 

Limitations on sugar intake are necessary for a healthy liver. Both packaged fruit juices and all artificial sweeteners fall under the category which should be avoided.

Packaged juices include large amounts of sugar, which the liver may find challenging to absorb when the body is being attacked by the hepatitis virus. 

Reduce the salt intake 

Patients with hepatitis should focus on reducing their salt consumption. Eat less food that is heavy in salt as well.

This includes packaged sauces and canned soups.

When on a hepatitis diet, it is recommended to avoid eating meat, especially red meats.

If required, consume just once or twice a week and stick to lean cuts.

Keep yourself hydrated 

Make sure to stay hydrated, especially if you’re on hepatitis antiviral medication.

Its side effects can be prevented, such as dry mouth and skin, by being well-hydrated.

When taking hepatitis therapy, the patient should drink more water.

A patient with hepatitis will experience headaches which can be reduced by maintaining hydration levels. 

As per health experts, it is suggested to have at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day for a healthy liver. 

Eat fruits and vegetables

Plenty of fruits and vegetables should be a part of a balanced and healthy diet.

These dietary categories include a wealth of essential vitamins and minerals that support healthy liver function.

Although fresh fruits and vegetables are the best, yet, frozen ones can also be consumed.

At least 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables should be consumed daily for an effective hepatitis diet.

People with liver disease who want to watch their nutrient intake should especially focus on leafy greens, as the excess of them can be harmful.

A person can consult with their doctor and nutritionist to know the appropriate amount of particular fruits and vegetables optimum for a hepatitis diet.

Watch your iron intake 

In the case of hepatitis C, the patient must watch their iron intake.

Patients with chronic hepatitis C can have trouble metabolising iron, which can lead to an excess buildup of iron in the blood and liver.

Consuming red meat, liver, or even cereals enriched with iron is prohibited in this situation.

Avoid anything with a high iron level, including fruits like apricots and seafood like tuna.

Hepatitis supplements 

The best method to acquire vitamins and minerals is through natural foods, however, those who have hepatitis can also get benefit from organic and herbal supplements, particularly if they are losing their appetite.

These supplements will cater to the nutritional needs of the liver and will also boost the immune system and recovery process of hepatitis.

Before taking any supplements, people should take a doctor’s advice and prescriptions. 

Some more tips 

  • For a healthy liver, stay away from alcohol and tobacco especially, when undergoing treatment. 
  • Do not overdose on medications or vitamin supplements without first consulting with your doctor.
  • Do not skip your meals in the recovery phase 
  • Have small portioned meals 

Final thoughts 

Although your health expert can provide you with personalised benchmarks, if you have hepatitis C, your dietary needs probably won’t deviate much from the general nutritional recommendations.

A good eating plan should generally place an emphasis on vegetables, forgo alcohol, and assist you in maintaining a healthy body weight.

It’s important to be active when you have hepatitis and general life too.

Here we have enlisted some healthy diet tips that can help patients with hepatitis.

The infection can be managed very easily by undergoing an early diagnosis and implementing preventive measures when you experience the symptoms. 

PCOS & Infertility: The Often Ignored But A Deep Connection


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition where the hormonal levels of women are severely affected.

PCOS causes women to create higher male hormones than they should. This hormonal imbalance women to miss menstrual cycles, making it difficult for them to conceive.

PCOS is indicated by hair growth on the face and body, as well as baldness. It can also cause long-term health problems, including diabetes and heart disease.

Birth control pills and diabetes drugs (which treat insulin resistance, which is a hallmark of PCOS) can assist in correcting the hormone imbalance and alleviating symptoms.

The prevalence of PCOS in India varies between 3.7 and 22.5 per cent, depending on the population investigated and the diagnostic criteria utilised.

Symptoms of PCOS

Around the time of a woman’s first menstruation, some begin to experience symptoms. Others only find out they have PCOS after they’ve acquired a lot of weight or struggled to conceive. Here are some common symptoms of PCOS:

  • Weight gain: Around 80% of women with PCOS suffer from obesity or being overweight. 
  • Facial hair: Hair grows on the face and body of more than 70% of women with this illness, including the back, belly, and chest. Hirsutism refers to excessive hair growth.
  • Heavy bleeding: Because the uterine lining develops over a longer time, your periods may be heavier than usual.
  • Acne: Male hormones can make the skin oilier than usual, which can cause acne outbreaks on the face, chest, and upper back.
  • Unbearable headaches:  In some women, hormone change can provoke excruciating headaches.
  • Abnormal periods:  During PCOS, the uterine lining is unable to shed every month, due to a lack of ovulation, thus leading to irregular periods. Some women suffering from PCOS can experience as little as eight periods in a calendar year or in some cases, none at all.

PCOS and infertility

PCOS might raise your risk of miscarriage, especially if left untreated.

It is due to reduced levels of the hormone progesterone in women with PCOS, that it is crucial for ensuring that the endometrial lining is thick enough to allow the implantation and development of an embryo. 

Progesterone is also required for the embryo to continue to grow and develop after implantation until the placenta takes over progesterone production around weeks 10 to 12.

This implies that low progesterone levels might raise your chances of miscarriage even before you discover you’re pregnant.

How does PCOS affect pregnancy and lead to complications?

PCOS can have a significant impact on pregnancy and lead to difficulties such as:

  • Miscarriage
  • Baby spending more time in Intensive Care Unit
  • Caesarean section (C-section)
  • Heavyweight baby
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Preeclampsia

Even though PCOS is the most frequent cause of infertility in women, it is also easily manageable. Rather than becoming discouraged, women with PCOS should seek treatment from a specialist.

Diagnosis of PCOS 

In most situations, a patient’s symptoms or complaints indicate PCOS to the doctor.

So the doctor examines the patient’s medical history and does a physical examination to search for indicators of excessive hair growth, insulin resistance, and acne. 

The reproductive organs are analysed and physically examined for any abnormalities, such as bulk, growth, and so on.

Post-that the following diagnostic tests may be recommended:

  • Ultrasound: A USG of the reproductive organs is performed to examine the appearance of the ovaries and the thickness of the uterine lining. A transvaginal ultrasound is sometimes used to get a better image of the organs.
  • Blood tests: Hormone levels, glucose tolerance and fasting, and cholesterol and triglyceride levels are all evaluated using blood tests.

Treatment of PCOS

There is currently no definitive cure for PCOS. Treatment, on the other hand, can improve the odds of conceiving in people who want to have a family. 

Individual symptoms differ, thus therapy is not always the same.

Here are some suggested options for treatment which also depend on whether a person wants to get pregnant or not:

  • Hormonal imbalances can be corrected using birth control tablets
  • Insulin-sensitizing medications boost the body’s insulin utilisation and, as a result, testosterone synthesis
  • Exercise and a healthy diet can help you feel better and lose weight
  • Maintaining a healthy weight can aid in the reduction of insulin and testosterone levels, as well as the alleviation of symptoms
  • Medication to manage blood sugar levels in the event of diabetes

Final thoughts

PCOS can cause a woman’s menstrual cycles to be interrupted, making it difficult to conceive.

Unwanted symptoms such as hair growth on the face and body are also caused by high amounts of testosterone levels.

Losing weight can help with PCOS symptoms and increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Weight loss can be achieved by a combination of diet and aerobic activities.

Doctors usually prescribe lifestyle changes as the primary therapy for PCOS, and they often work.

And, above all, keep your health in check by opting for regular PCOS diagnostic check-ups to evaluate the effectiveness of the management techniques.

Foods To Avoid That Can Make Menstrual Cramps Worse

A lot of foods that you usually eat correspond to higher cramps and increased menstrual pain. Read on to learn more.


The monthly menstrual cycle is frequently associated with several symptoms such as exhaustion, bloating, mood fluctuations, and cramps.

For some, the symptoms are significantly severe, making the entire period difficult. All you want to do between the excruciating cramping and mood swings is reach for some comfort food.

However, there are some things that can aggravate your period symptoms, which you definitely do not want to happen.

A lot of foods that you usually eat correspond to higher cramps and increased menstrual pain.

Here’s a list of 7 foods that make period cramps worsen.

Canned foods

Canned foods not only have fewer nutrients, but they can also be high in sodium. This can induce more bloating and cramping.

Additionally, canned products can also contain high amounts of preservatives.

So when you’re on your period, stick to nutritious foods, lean proteins, fruits, and veggies.

Try to significantly limit your sodium intake during this time of the month.

Sugary foods

As tempting and delicious as high-sugar foods are, the unfortunate truth is giving into sugar-filled cravings during your period may be linked to increased pain during your period.

When you are menstruation, your blood sugar levels change dramatically.

More artificial sugar sweetener consumed during this time adds fuel to the fire, by making your blood sugar level will fluctuate dramatically.

Furthermore, sugar is inflammatory and can worsen cramping.

Additionally, refined sugar causes your body to retain sodium and water, resulting in bloating and mood swings.

Fried foods

You could be tempted to consume something fried, particularly if you enjoy ready-made snacks.

It’s best to avoid fried foods during your monthly cycle as it may upset your stomach and make your cramps worse.

Fried foods like burgers, pizza and french fries are notorious for increasing your estrogen levels and throwing them out of whack, which can in turn cause period pain.

Additionally, these foods can cause stomach distress and interfere with healthy digestion.

It is recommended that you stick to lightly boiled, steamed, or grilled foods during your period.

Dairy products

Dairy products are generally considered to be healthy options. However, during your period, the saturated fats in dairy products like milk, cheese, and ice cream can trigger inflammation, which can worsen your menstrual pain.

This is because these foods contain arachidonic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid), which can increase inflammation.

Nevertheless, given that the calcium in dairy products can help cramps by controlling your muscles’ nerve activity, it might be a good idea to consume dairy products in moderation.

Fatty foods

Fatty foods like bacon raise the level of prostaglandins in your body. Prostaglandins are natural chemicals present in the body.

High levels of prostaglandins in the body can constrict blood vessels and cause your uterus to contract.

This uterine contraction can induce abdominal cramping. 


Caffeine-filled drinks like tea and coffee can worsen pelvic pain before or during your period.

Excessive coffee consumption can promote the narrowing of blood vessels (vasoconstriction), which can aggravate period pains. It can also cause bloating and discomfort.


While you may crave a glass of wine or other alcoholic beverages, drinking is not recommended during menstruation.

Alcohol can dehydrate you, exacerbating headaches and causing bloating. It can also cause digestive problems including diarrhoea and nausea.

As a result, it is recommended that you postpone your alcohol consumption until later in the month.

Final thoughts

Limiting or eliminating the above-mentioned foods during this time of the month can help stabilise your mood and, hopefully, lessen cramp pain.

Eat foods in their natural state. Choose light, nutrient-dense foods to tame period cramps.

These foods may provide relief from stomach pain during your period. 

Aside from eating the correct foods during your period to minimise cramping, make sure to consume frequent, regular meals.

Avoid skipping meals, as feeling hungry will aggravate the cramps. Drink plenty of water because dehydration exacerbates muscle spasms, resulting in more acute cramping.

In association with a diet plan, you can also opt for frequent health screening tests to keep track of your physical fitness and necessary vitals as well as incorporate some preventative measures to improve your quality of life.

How Yoga Boosts Your Mental Health & Increases The Quality Of Life


Unhealthy lifestyles, bad eating habits, and an increase in work-related stress are all factors contributing to an increase in mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, and insomnia.

With greater awareness of these mental health disorders and a preference for complementary therapies before seeking go-to treatments, it’s no surprise that yoga provides several mental advantages. 

If you are looking for ways to improve your mental health and overall sense of well-being, the practice of yoga may help. 

Yoga has been acknowledged to be a scientific approach to relieving stress and easing the stress of modern-day living.

Regular practitioners tout yoga’s ability to develop endurance and confidence, and also to relax the mind, boost mood, and eventually build immunity

How can yoga help your mental health?

The practise of yoga asanas dates back thousands of years. Since ancient times, they have been a component of Indian culture.

When adopted as a daily practice, yogic practices are shown to have numerous advantages, one of which is the ability to enhance mental health and well-being.

Therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists frequently advocate that yoga is comparable to other treatments, such as medication and psychotherapy.

Yoga is a type of physical exercise that includes various body positions, breathing techniques, and meditation. Yoga practice on a regular basis may aid in:

  • Relaxation of the mind
  • Aiding concentration
  • Enhancement of your mood
  • Building confidence
  • Increased level of patience 
  • Relieves symptoms of insomnia

Relaxes the mind

One of the primary reasons doctors advocate the holistic yoga practice is that the poses include intricate postures and breathing techniques that can have a positive outcome for people struggling with depression, anxiety or stress.

These postures help you cleanse your body and mind systematically by removing the build-up of tension. 

Aids concentration

Those suffering from conditions such as Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are frequently encouraged to try yoga since it helps to relax and centre the body while also assisting the mind in focusing.

Because ADHD impacts focus and attention retention, practising postures help in keeping fluctuating thoughts and distractions at bay that helps focus and concentrate better.

Enhances your mood

According to researchers, yoga may be superior to other types of exercise in terms of its favourable effect on mood and anxiety.

Consistent yoga practice enhances the functions of hormones that help to maintain a positive attitude and combat common mental health conditions such as depression.

Yoga is recommended by therapists for mental serenity, attention, and mood improvement. This is an excellent technique to help control bipolar disorder, which causes mood swings.

Aids in building confidence

It has been demonstrated that performing expansive yoga poses can help those who are struggling with self-esteem issues; a lack of confidence or self-esteem is frequently cited as a cause of sadness and anxiety.

Performing expansive yoga poses helps to centre your body and boost your self-esteem.

Yoga breathing also aids in the removal of self-doubt from the psyche.

Increases patience

A lack of patience is a common side effect of mental diseases. Impatience serves to create anxiety and chaos in life.

Yoga serves to alleviate that anxiety by teaching patience. This results in uncontrollable angry outbursts.

Practising yoga contains a variety of breathing exercises known as pranayama that slowly force you to grow patience.

These exercises will increase your patience and feeling of inner equilibrium, as well as help you avoid angry outbursts.

Relieves symptoms of insomnia

Various studies have demonstrated positive psychological and physical outcomes on sleep patterns in those suffering from sleep disorders.

Regular yoga practice leads to a considerable reduction in the time it takes to fall asleep, an increase in the total number of hours slept, and a feeling of being rested in the morning.

Final thoughts

Yoga has been shown to be incredibly good for one’s health. It is one of the most effective lifestyle improvements you can make.

You will notice an improvement in your health if you practise yoga on a regular basis. Your body will be in good shape, and your mind will be at ease. 

However, it is not a cure-all for mental health issues. Yoga can be used to supplement therapy, and if medication is required, it is the best option.

Consult your therapist to choose the most effective mental health treatment strategy for you.

Moreover, you should also frequently opt for health screening. It provides you with vital insights into your health, allowing you to take necessary measures to improve it.

Effective Tips To Avoid Sinusitis During Monsoon


While monsoon is often mesmerising, it can turn into a nightmare for some people. Its arrival can have a profound effect on your sinus pain and pressure.

Common symptoms include:

  • Excessive and constant sneezing
  • Blockage of one or both nostrils
  • Weakness
  • Throbbing headache after waking up in the morning
  • Runny nose
  • Facial pain and sensitivity
  • Pain in teeth and upper jaw
  • heaviness while bending the head
  • Fever
  • Tiredness
  • Cough that becomes severe at night

Here are a few tips to overcome nasal congestion or stuffy nose during this monsoon season!


Turmeric is one of the healthiest spices that help to fight against sinus infection. Its anti-inflammatory property helps to clear the mucus in the lungs and clears the blockage of airways caused by inflammation.

Turmeric has an active compound called curcumin present in it, that is very effective in controlling bronchial asthma and restoring standard breathing patterns.

Add half a teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of warm milk and drink this 2-3 times a day.  Warm milk helps to remove mucus and serves as a decongestant.

The optimum time to have turmeric milk is right before bed. For additional flavour and health advantages, you may add a few drops of honey to this glass of turmeric milk.

Steam inhalation

From curing sore throat to nasal congestion, steam inhalation is a technique that always comes to the rescue in order to provide relief from various conditions.

When it comes to sinusitis, The warm, moist air helps thin out the mucus and opens the passages in the nose to relieve sinus pressure.

Tea tree oil

In addition, it offers a host of other wonderful health benefits, this essential oil helps in reducing inflammation and sinus swelling due to its antimicrobial properties.

Researchers have found that topical treatment of this oil is helpful in relieving symptoms of congestion such as a runny nose or sinus headache.

Spicy foods

Believe it or not, eating spicy foods can help is a natural way to open nasal passages and get mucus flowing. Some evidence suggests that spicy foods like ginger, raw garlic and onions, chillies and spicy mustard can be an effective way to clear sinus congestion, providing sinus headache relief.

This is because capsaicin, an active compound found in spicy foods irritates mucous membranes, which results in a runny nose, thereby softening any nasal obstruction.


Drinking plenty of water and other fluids helps to thin nasal secretions, hence making your sinus passages less congested.

It has been medically validated that when you are dehydrated, your sinus passages tend to dry out, leading to increased pressure, discomfort and pain.


More than just a delicious fruit, Pineapple is a great decongestant.  Pineapple is rich in antioxidants and also contains enzymes called bromelain.

A study conducted by German researchers found that bromelain is effective in breaking down the junk that builds up in the sinuses and helps reduce inflammation and swelling.

Chicken soup

Various studies support the benefits of chicken soup in helping ease congestion and reduce inflammation associated with sinus congestion and colds.

Although scientists haven’t been able to identify the exact ingredient in chicken soup, they speculate that the steam combined with the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the soup’s ingredients are what help clear the sinuses.


Garlic is a versatile spice that helps reduce inflammation and pain in the sinus passages. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to dilute mucous secretions and promote drainage.


Ginger is another fantastic herb that is a powerful cure for sinus ailments. It has excellent anti-inflammatory compounds like gingerols and shaogals.

Drinking a concoction of ginger tea made by adding a few pieces of ginger to one cup of boiled water, thrice a day, provides instant relief from the sinus.

Warm compresses

Apply moistly, warm heat may help soothe facial pain due to sinus. One of the easiest ways to do this is to place warm, damp towels around your nose, cheeks, and eyes to clear the nasal passages from the outside. You may alternate hot and cold compresses for quicker relief.

Final thoughts

Suffering from sinus congestion can be very uncomfortable and may impact the quality of life. In addition to using decongestants and pain relievers, alternative home remedies mentioned above can also boost your recovery.

However, if you continue to experience sinus pressure symptoms after a week, or if they begin to worsen, it is recommended that you should visit our doctor.