There are some specific problems, about which we cannot speak up properly. We develop the misconception without knowing the fact, because we do not want to discuss. We feel shy to share our feelings our experience, which we should not. The matter which we used to keep quiet is about “Sex”. Erectile Dysfunction is one of such disorders which we avoid to discuss.
Erectile Dysfunction, also known as impotence. It is defined by difficulty getting and keeping an erection. As per the report more than half of men between the ages 40 and 70 experienced from ED.

This Erectile Dysfunction occurs when a man can’t get or keep an erection firm enough. Men’s sexual process is very complex, which involves the brain, hormones, emotions, nerves, muscles and blood vessels. ED can result from a problem of any of these, but the common causes include –
1. Heart Disease
2. Clogged blood vessels
3. High Cholesterol
4. High Blood Pressure
5. Tobacco use
6. Sleep disorder
7. Low testosterone
8. Parkinson’s disease
9. Metabolic Syndrome
10. Diabetes
11. Certain Prescription medications
And many more, it basically depends on individuals.
But as per some reports the main cause of it is abnormalities the penile arteries, Veins or both. Chronic illness, certain medications, operations for the prostate, bladder and colon cancer may also be contributing factors. Frequently using abused drugs (like alcohol, Tobacco, cocaine etc.) also may lead to ED. It is also a common side effect of a number of prescribed drugs too. Approximately one in 10 adult males will suffer from ED on a long term Basis. This type of sexual problems may have some specific symptoms but it also includes mental health sometimes. Because physical intimacy is as equal as mental intimacy. It is a sign of physical or psychological condition. Which cause stress, relationship strain and low self-confidence.

Patients suffering from erectile dysfunction should first be evaluated for any physical and psychological. Medication and Assistive devices such as pumps can be prescribed.
Sexual problems are such problems which we often avoid to discuss. If we find something by our own, we tend to hide. But any type of sexual problem or such disorder should be diagnosed properly and get treated well.