How to Maintain Healthy Hair: 7 Hair Care Tips You’ll Love

Healthy hair doesn’t get easier than this! These unique hair care tips will win you over and your haircare regime will never be the same.

To condition or not to condition, to oil or not to oil – when it comes to your hair you’ll find all kinds of advice. Mothers’ will tell you to “oil your hair” while your hair dresser will recommend the new IT thing “hair spa, Moroccan oil, strengthening not rebounding and all.” Before you pick your choice of treatment, here are a few things you must know.

The first step in hair-care is your diet and the two most important things in your diet are iron and protein. The hair cells are the fastest growing cells in the body but they are also the first ones to be affected you don’t eat right or suffer with deficiencies because they are not required for survival.

Try and include iron-rich foods like leafy vegetables, fish, pumpkin seeds, beans, chickpea, soybeans and cereals in your diet. Doctors suggest that you consume around  12 mg of iron daily. You also need protein because that’s what strengthens your hair. Include complete proteins which are also rich in amino acids: like cheese, milk, soy, lentils, peas, quinoa and yogurt.

The Definitive Guide to Preventing Dry Skin—From a Top Dermatologist

For all of winter’s sweeping seasonal highs, there are a few less pleasant side effects to note. Enter the onslaught of dry, itchy skin that’s currently settling in for the winter. While switching to a good moisturizer at the first sign of chill proves helpful, the drier climate and indoor heat may have already taken a toll. Fortunately, there’s still time to get serious about a daily routine to ensure a hydrated, glowing complexion.

Change Up Your Diet

With a direct connection between the gut and skin health, increasing your daily intake of fats may help with dry skin. Experts recommends eating a diet rich in walnuts, olive oil, and avocados (but not to sub them for a proper skin-care routine). While that extra glass of full-bodied red wine may seem like a good idea, Experts takes a conservative approach. “Don’t overdo it with alcohol, caffeine, and coffee,” she explains, as they are diuretics that will cause dehydration. And, she says, “drink tons of water.”

Buff Your Skin

No matter how many serums and creams are applied, dry skin will stay dry without some light exfoliation. “Pick up a gentle scrub,” says Experts, “something with a mild glycolic or lactic acid to get off the dead skin.” The expert suggests swapping a gentle formula for your regular cleanser two to three times a week. For those with raw or severely dry skin, skip the exfoliator and incorporate a wet washcloth instead for a gentler option. And tailor your Retin-A usage to every other day because, while it’s surely the wrinkle-fighting hero product, it is also a strong exfoliant and “may cause extra dryness during the winter.” Now that the skin is buffed, “[serums and] moisturizers can penetrate and really get to work.”

Switch to a Heavy Face Cream

Perhaps one of the most important and commonly overlooked steps in the dry skin game is changing to a seriously hydrating moisturizer. “Look for creams, rather than lotions, that are made with ceramides and hyaluronic acid,” Experts says. Ceramides aid in the prevention of the skin’s barrier, which is “easily broken down during the winter.” For patients with severely chapped faces, pack on a hefty amount of product, they says, morning and night.


At the point when winter comes around, you will not be amazed to see yourself losing a great deal of more hair in the shower than you ordinarily do. What’s more, there’s not any justification to be frightened! Similarly as the soundness of your skin is recurrent dependent on the adjustment of seasons, just like the balding you’ll endure during winter.

The explanation you experience the ill effects of an exorbitant measure of going bald in the colder time of year is that the dry air outside sucks out all the dampness from your scalp, and makes it dry too. A dry scalp prompts dry hair, and dry hair brings about breakage, and hair fall. Don’t just fault the air outside, nonetheless. Your home’s warming framework could be similarly as liable for your hair becoming dry and inclined to breakage. You ought to likewise take note of that a dry scalp prompts dandruff, which causes your head to feel very bothersome and unfortunate. This, combined with dry air, can cause a lot of going bald in the colder time of year. It’s likewise best to try not to utilize hotness to style your hair, as dry hotness is the last thing your secures need in the colder time of year.

Those of you with fine hair will need to be a little more careful in the winters especially when it comes to hair loss. As you’re already doing everything you can to make your hair seem a little more voluminous, winters make hair seem flat, dull, and lifeless by default. This is why you need to do everything in your power to make sure winter doesn’t ruin your hair.

You’re probably wondering what you can do to make sure your hair doesn’t fall out or break in the colder months of the year.

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