Benefits of Using Camphor (Kapur) For Hair

Camphor for Hair Growth, an ancient Ayurvedic remedy that balances doshas and keep hair moisturized, and strong . Its antimicrobial nature also keeps scalp infections away.

The strong and pungent aroma of camphor has a lot to offer besides its use in spiritual practices and therapeutic benefits. This common sweet-smelling ingredient can solve most of your health-related everyday issues. Unfurl the usage and benefits of camphor for hair . 

Camphor for hair growth has a strong but relaxing smell with a lot of medicinal properties. For centuries, it has been used to treat health and skin-related issues, including toothache, skin irritation, and insect bites. You must have even heard good things about camphor for hair from your grandma. You will learn to incorporate this amazing ingredient in your hair care routine by the end of this blog. 

While camphor is a popular ingredient you’ll find in every Indian household, its natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties can fulfill the needs of your hair. The use of camphor for hair growth and balancing doshas of the body has been mentioned in Ayurveda as well. With so many benefits squeezed into this one ingredient, we can safely call it a magical ingredient. 

Let us find out more ways to reap the benefits of this ingredient and find out more ways to use camphor for hair. But before that, we will try to learn more about camphor.

What is Camphor? 

Camphor is a flammable translucent solid with a strong aroma. Also known as ‘Kapur, this substance is used in the Indian household for religious ceremonies. The steam distillation process is used to extract the camphor from the Cinnamomum Camphora tree bark.

Kapur is known for its healing properties, and the skin absorbs it quickly. It creates a cooling sensation and can be used for several hair problems, such as dry scalp treatment, scalp exfoliation, and dandruff remedies. Camphor for hair growth helps to increase blood circulation and allows better oxygen flow to your hair and several benefits, such as healing skin rashes and eczema, helping induce sleep, relieving cough and congestion, and boosting hair growth.

Benefits of Using Camphor for Hair

Your hair care routine is essential for your overall health, and camphor can come in handy in so many ways. Several hair oils use camphor for hair growth. This helps not only strengthen the hair follicles but also prevent hair fall. Scalp stimulation works wonders for hair regrowth, and camphor for hair has a lot to contribute. When you use camphor for hair growth, it increases the blood flow and acts as a counter-irritant. 

You can use camphor for hair to reduce dandruff, prematurely grey hair, target hair loss causes, and apply camphor oil for hair before a hair wash can clean the scalp thoroughly. Kapur also helps with hair lice. It acts as a disinfecting agent, improving hair texture.

Camphor for Hair Growth can also Treat Dandruff

Dandruff is one of the worst nightmares, and during winter, dandruff can aggravate like crazy. Dandruff can cause an itchy and flaky scalp, and it can be challenging to get rid of it most of the time. But when you use camphor for hair, removing dandruff becomes a lot easier. 

Kapur has an anti-inflammatory that treats dry scalp and removes itchiness, giving fewer flakes. Its antibacterial properties kill the bacteria on the scalp and moisturize it, preventing dandruff. Camphor and coconut oil mixture is a great concoction to remove dandruff. Here are a few ways you can use Kapur and coconut oil:

  • Crush one camphor and add a pinch of this camphor powder to coconut oil, and massage this on your scalp. Leave it on your hair for about thirty minutes, and then wash with a mild shampoo. 
  • To treat dry scalp, add one or two pinches of camphor powder to any of your favorite carrier oil and massage on your scalp. Allow this to stay on your hair for about half an hour, and then wash it off.
  • Another way of using camphor for hair is to warm coconut oil, add a few drops of lemon essential oil, and add two to three drops of camphor oil for hair. 
  • For scalp inflammation, mix camphor oil with a few drops of menthol oil and any carrier oil to reduce inflammation and soothe the scalp.

How to Make Camphor Oil at Home?

Camphor for hair has been that one handy ingredient that has multi uses. It is effective and affordable. The best thing is you can make it on your own very quickly. Follow these steps to prepare camphor oil at home:


  • Two pieces of camphor
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil


On low flame, put a pan and add the coconut oil to it. Warm it and make sure not to burn the oil. Next, add camphor for hair and let it dissolve. Once it has cooled, your camphor for hair growth oil is ready. Now, you can apply this camphor for hair oil on your scalp and massage. Leave it overnight and wash it off the next day. Do this twice every week to get target hair loss causes. 

Tress Troubles: Telogen Effluvium

Tress Troubles: Telogen Effluvium

Telogen Effluvium is one of the most common forms of hair loss. This happens when there is a reduction in the number of hair follicles that grow hair. At any given point of time approximately 90 % of the hair is in the anagen phase which means that roughly 10% of the hair is in the telogen phase. Initially, telogen effluvium appears like the thinning of the hair in a particular area of the scalp. If the thinning appears in multiple places some areas will seem to be more affected than the rest of the parts.

When there is a significant increase in the hair that is in the resting phase telogen effluvium occurs.  So, this essentially means that when about 30% of your hair enters the telogen phase then you are experiencing a condition of telogen effluvium.

In most cases telogen effluvium affects the top of the scalp and does not really cause the hairline to recede but does cause hair fall. Patients also frequently complain of scalp pain. This, however, is not an unalterable state and home remedies for this hair fall control are available to manage the condition.

What Causes Telogen Effluvium

Telogen Effluvium can happen because of a number of causes. This includes:

  • Physical trauma
  • Psychological stress
  • Infection or illness
  • Exposure to toxins. These are like a shock induced by the environment and can also cause the follicles to go into a resting phase
  • Surgeries could also cause a shock to your system but normal hair growth resumes within a few months
  • Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
  • Strong medication
  • Significant weight loss
  • Change in diet or a poor diet deficient in iron, B-vitamins zinc and proteins. Crash dieting has also been known to cause Telogen Effluvium
  • Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy or menopause. Hormonal changes 3-6 months after delivery can cause follicles to go into a prolonged state of rest and can also cause hair to shed. This is postpartum telogen effluvium

Since hair entering the telogen phase rests in its place for at least 2-4 months before falling out the loss of hair will also not be felt for the same period. The phase of telogen effluvium usually does not last beyond 6 months, but on rare occasions it does extend beyond this period. This can affect about 50% of your scalp hair and is essentially non-scarring. Though you might lose a great amount of hair within a short period of time, this is usually temporary, and the hair that is retired into the telogen phase is usually replaced by new hair.

If your system experiences a shock, you might lose up to 70% of your hair 2 months after the shock. You might feel the effects of a relatively empty scalp as hair grows slowly but in time the hair will regain its original density. The major hair shedding happens when you shampoo or brush your hair and even when you give it a light massage. Shedding progressively decreases over the next 6-8 months when the telogen effluvium causes no longer exist.

Who Are at Risk of Getting Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen effluvium affects both men and women from all age groups but it is largely believed to be more prevalent in women. This is particularly visible in women with thick and moderately long hair. This is for no other reason but for the fact that the shedding is more noticeable as compared to women with finer or shorter hair. The process of telogen effluvium treatment in women is still under study; ladies with normal hormonal functions have also had prolonged phases of telogen effluvium involving large-scale hair loss over years. The level of shedding is usually high during the early stages and the hair may come out in clumps. If the person experiences telogen effluvium hair loss consistently over a period of 6 months it could become a case of chronic telogen effluvium, and at the time could extend to 7 years. The best thing would be to diagnose this at the right time and get the right hair fall treatment plan that would help manage TE.

Take the Free Hair Diagnosis to get The Right Treatment Plan for your Hair Loss Problems  

Diagnosis of Telogen Effluvium

Doctors need to distinguish normal hair loss from hair fall that is the result of a disease with some prominent telogen effluvium symptoms. It is usually separated on the basis of appearance and the frequency of hair shedding. Get a rough count of the number of strands that you lose on a daily basis; if your approximation is significantly more than 100 strands, a visit to the doctor might be necessary.  Large bald patches are not an indication of telogen effluvium.

Furthermore, you could pull your hair gently to test the strength of your strands, but this might not give an accurate result if you have had a shampoo 48 hours before. They could also be examined under a microscope and at times a biopsy could be done for a confirmatory telogen effluvium diagnosis. In more ambiguous cases blood tests might also be done.

Minoxidil 5% for Telogen Effluvium

Treatment & Medication for Telogen Effluvium

Most cases of telogen effluvium do not require any treatment. Hair normally falls out if a new hair beneath it pushes it out and contributes to hair regrowth. Therefore, it becomes part of a natural process. Because the hair growth happens gradually, the density might appear thinner in the initial period, but the growth will achieve its fulness in course of time.

Hair fall treatment could involve introducing some lifestyle changes or using some OTC medicines. But first you need to find out the cause for your hair fall, is it your environment, lifestyle or hormones.

Diet: Good dietary habits are an absolute essential to stop hair fall. A well-balanced and nutritious diet could be your panacea for all hair problems. This is also your solution on how to get thick hair naturally. Include a sufficient quantity of proteins irons, zinc and vitamins in your diet. Have a lot of eggs, milk products and beans.  However, some vitamins like vitamin A and E could cause hair fall, so the dosage should be taken after a consultation with the doctor.

Clean scalp: A clean scalp is an absolute essential for treating any hair issue. A dirty scalp could lead to clogged follicles which are impediments to hair growth. Exfoliating the dead skin from layers of scalp would lead to the removal of itching, inflammation and skin redness issues. This will facilitate a process of natural treatment for telogen effluvium.

OTC medicines: When it comes to OTC medicines it is extremely essential to choose a product that has 5% Minoxidil. It is applied once daily to the scalp and helps prolong the anagen phase or the growth phase of the hair follicles. This is considered the most effective telogen effluvium medication. However, there are certain important things to be taken into consideration before using Minoxidil. People might keep on losing hair, in fact more of it, when they start using minoxidil, in the initial phase at least. This is because while minoxidil increases the resting phase of your hair, leading to hair fall, it also extends the growth phase allowing new hair to take its place soon.

Hair Follicle : Care for regrowth of Hair follicle and No hair fall

Hair Follicle : Care for regrowth of Hair follicle and No hair fall

We all are concerned about our hair. Everyone wishes to have hair that is healthy inside out. Hair attributes to your personality and appearance by making you socially presentable. The world today has become a very unhealthy place to live in. The pollution and the diet have deteriorated our overall health including the condition of our hair.

To understand the mechanism of how your hair functions and reacts to external stimuli you have to understand the basics of the hair follicle. The hair follicle is responsible for the overall functioning of the hair. 

What is Hair Follicles?

Hair follicles are the way through which the hair comes out. They are small holes that can be seen on the top-most layer of the skin, the epidermis. You are born with all the hair follicles and they do not grow in number with age. There are 5000,000 hair follicles present on the skin of a human body. 

The whole surface of your skin has pocketed hair follicles and hair follicle growth except for the lips, palms, and soles. The hair follicles growth involves hormones, cells, and hair keratin protein elements. There are various factors to stimulate the hair follicles growth that will let your hair grow healthy. This article will guide you through the basic functionality, cycle, and life of hair follicles. You will guide to deal with the hair follicle issues. 

Hair Follicle Function

The hair follicles is responsible for the hair follicle growth. Stimulation of hair follicles can improve the way your hair can grow. The nourishment the hair follicles receives can help the growth of the hair and even improve its structure. 

A sebum-gland that produces natural oils is attached at the top to the follicles that help in nourishing the hair and skin. This is the sebaceous gland. The more sebaceous gland a skin has the thicker your hair grows. 

The root of the follicle is made from hair keratin which is the hair keratin protein cells. These cells are nourished with the blood supplied from the blood vessels. The more cells are packed together the more hair your body will grow.

The hair follicle growth therefore depends upon the blood vessels that feed that hair follicle. The more nourished the hair follicles gets it will push the hair out from the topmost layer of your skin causing it to grow. When the hair follicles pushes the hair out that passes the sebum-producing gland, sebaceous which nourishes the hair on its way out.

Hair Follicle cycle

The hair on your body grows in phases. The follicle has a cycle of three phases. 

  • The Anagen Phase:

The first phase is the hair follicle growth phase. The hair keratin protein cells present in hair follicles divide rapidly causing it to grow. The hair follicle growth phase lasts from 2 – 7 years then it becomes inactive. The hair follicle growth phase will enable your hair to grow from 18 to 30 inches. This phase of the cycle depends on the age, genetics, and health of an individual.

  • The Catagen Phase:

The second phase is the shortest phase that may last from 2 to 4 months. The hair follicle growth slows down as the cells stop dividing and the hair follicles detach themselves from the blood vessels. This detachment causes the supply of blood to stop affecting the nourishment the follicle needs. The hair stops to grow. This hair is named club hair. This phase is the transitional phase.

  • The Telogen Phase:

This is the last phase of  hair follicles cycle. The old hair falls out in this phase. This is due to club hairs that start to rest. These hairs lose the potential to grow out. It rests in the bottom part of the root of the follicle. This is why it is called the resting phase of the hair. A new hair starts growing in the same follicle. This phase lasts from 3 to 5 months.

The telogen phase is the phase when your hair falls out. There is nothing to worry about as it is a natural process. You should be alarmed only if you lose patches of hair at once as each hair follicles has an independent cycle. Each follicle is different and they go through their cycle. The natural process allows the loss of 50-100 hairs each day. Meanwhile, the other hair follicles may be in the first growing phase- The Anagen phase or the resting phase- The Catagen Phase.

Stimulating Hair Follicles for hair regrowth

The stimulation of hair follicles is possible to improve your hair grow suggests the research of Biol Rev Camb, 2015.

This research suggests for healthy hair follicle growth, the hair follicles should be longer in the Anagen phase. The longer it stays in the first stage of the cycle the better your hair will grow. This can be boosted by a healthy diet, lifestyle, avoiding hair damage through styling and pollution. Attention to these elements will prevent the follicle cycle disruption. If not taken care of; the hair may get damaged or break before it completes its cycle. 

The article also stresses the third phase of the hair cycle. In the Telogen phase, the hair has the potential to regenerate and result in extra growth.  In this phase, you can indulge yourself in various ways to make your dead follicles alive.

The life of Hair Follicle

The hair follicle growth is not solely dependent upon the follicle’s life but on the overall health of a person. If you are aware of your lifestyle, diet, styling, and pollution and the impact it can have on the health of your hair; you will put an effort to avoid those factors which will help to extend the life of your hair follicle cycle. This will ultimately result in healthier hair.

Follicles are more responsible for the appearance of your hair. The texture and color of your hair depend on the hair follicle. The pigment of the hair is determined by the melanin present in the follicles’ cells. When you age your follicles lose the ability to store the melanin causing the hair to lose its color. Eventually, your hair turns gray. 

The texture of the hair is determined by the shape of your hair follicles. The circle follicles generate straight hair and the oval ones generate curlier hair.

Damaged hair follicles might disrupt hair regrowth. But if you pull your hair out of the follicle; there is the possibility that your hair can re-grow. The damaged and blocked hair follicles can be treated for hair regrowth. But if your follicles are dead unfortunately the probability of re-growing your hair diminishes. Follicles do not die at once. It deteriorates with time. Therefore it is advised to treat your hair follicle issues before your follicles are dead. 

Hair Follicle Issues

The hair follicle like any other part of our body may be affected due to some external stimuli causing it in severe hair loss conditions. Some serious conditions that affect hair regrowth and hair follicle growth due to follicle issues are listed.

Androgenetic alopecia

The baldness characterized by slowing hair cycles causing the hair follicles to weaken and eventually stopping hair regrowth is ‘androgenetic alopecia’. This is often termed as male pattern baldness. The follicles eventually stop producing any new hair even after the telogen phase. This is seen in the scalp follicle.

Alopecia areata 

This disease is caused due to the autoimmune system present in the human body. Your body can fight foreign bodies when it enters your system. Unfortunately, the follicle cells are often attacked by the immune system as it mistakes it for a foreign body! This causes hair loss in clumps and patches. This is also a scalp follicle condition.


The inflammation of the hair follicles leads to this issue. It is not limited to the follicles of your scalp but wherever your body has follicles; this condition can be observed. This condition results in bumps and rashes on your skin that may be red, white, or yellow. It may be itchy and cause hair loss. 

Telogen Effluvium 

This is a temporary hair loss due to stress and tension causing your hair to thin and eventually fall out. The hair falls out in clumps or patches mostly from your scalp but in extreme cases from other parts of your body as well. This might include the armpit region and the pubic area. Sometimes it is caused due to hormones mostly in pregnant women, illness, surgery, or even a new medication. 

Blocked follicles

This is a very common issue of the hair follicle often ignored. The blocked or clogged pores of the follicle prevent the hair to push out and it grows under the skin. This is called- ingrown hair. It affects the appearance of the skin as it doesn’t appear flawless and healthy.

Hair follicle treatment

It is always advised to visit dermatologists if any of the above condition or hair follicle issue is observed. In addition to the medical recommendation given by your dermatologists, some natural measures can stimulate the hair follicles and help the hair to regrow.

  • Massage your scalp with the natural and essential oils which will stimulate the blood supply and eventually nourish your follicles
  • The use of aloe vera, yogurt, and egg whites can help in the hydration of your skin which will help your follicle to get nourishment in addition to the sebum-gland.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle 
  • Avoid brushing your hair vigorously that can damage your follicles resulting in it not producing hairs.

Male Pattern Baldness

by Dr Jaspreet Sarna August 5, 2021

Male Pattern Baldness

Are these terms baffling you? Don’t worry! We are here to quickly explain to you what is male pattern baldness, baldness in men and what is male pattern baldness cure. In simple words, male pattern baldness is nothing but hair loss from your scalp and it can typically start happening in the form of a particular pattern begining initially with hair thinning that tends to grow more leading to complete loss of hair from your scalp. Hair fall is a very common delinquent which can be seen in numerous people. But male pattern baldness is one major cause of hair fall in men. Baldness in men generally occurs in adult males who are more than 50 years of age. A study also states that male pattern baldness is a very common hair loss type in men and more than 50% of the males can get affected by men’s hair balding. The more they age, the more is the percentage of affected males. Male pattern baldness is also known as androgenic alopecia, androgenetic alopecia, this baldness in men which can affect about 80% of the total mass of males aged around 80 or above. The early signs of male pattern baldness like suppose thinning of the hair follicles can be noticed in the early twenties or thirties as well. Though people of Japan and China are less prone to get affected by this disease. During the primary stages, this male type of baldness tends to appear at the front part of your scalp or the top of your scalp. Before we move on to the types and treatments of male pattern baldness, we will quickly let you know about some basic causes of male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness happens due to various reasons. Some are: Baldness in men due to stress:

Stress is a very important factor these days irrespective of male or female. You should plan and execute your work properly to stay away from any kind of stressStress can lead to telogen effluvium ( Type 2 hair loss ) or heavy shedding.Genetic Factors:

Genetics can have lots of effects on a person’s life and it is a very common factor for male pattern baldness. In all likelihood, anyone in the family history who is suffering or has suffered from this problem will have more chances of spreading this problem to the coming generations. A son suffering from male pattern baldness generally happens from his parents.Hormonal Imbalances:

Hormones play a vital role in your body and health. Androgens are also known as male sex hormones or testosterone and are related to hair growth. Well with age the hormonal effect also changes; thus, it can lead to shrinkage of your hair follicles. Hair follicles are weakened which shortens the hair growth and also leads to finer or thinner growth of hair strands. This cycle of shortening of hair growth continues to occur and after a certain age, no hair grows from that particular region of your scalp resulting in male pattern baldness.

Some other causes besides these main causes are: –

  • Male pattern baldness can occur after any vital surgery or even as a side effect of some medicines. 
  • It can also be a symptom of any fungal infections or thyroid issues.
  • DTH or dihydrotestosterone hormones can be effectively sensitive for your hair follicles. Though this doesn’t occur in all cases varying from person to person depending upon the level of sensitivity it causes to your hair follicles. The more sensitive your hair follicle the quicker the action begins of thinning and shortening of your hair strands. It’s the main hormone that causes male pattern baldness and thinning hair .
  • Excess intake of Vitamin A, deficiency of iron, and malnutrition can lead to male baldness.

Undoubtedly you might be thinking of the types of male pattern baldness as you all are now aware of what is balding and what are the factors causing male pattern baldness. Let’s deep dive into this topic so that it becomes easier for you to understand at which stage of male pattern baldness you are currently suffering. 

Male pattern baldness or Baldness in Men, can be wrongly judged as normal hair fall at its initial stages. Hair loss is normal but it can become an issue if you suddenly notice that your hair Is becoming thin and lots of hair fall occurring in patches. Undoubtedly, you might be wondering how did you lose so much hair instantaneously. Won’t you? That’s when you realize that you are suffering from male type baldness and it was all but a secret to you all these days. Though it rarely has any physical health issues, mentally it can lead to depression because of the change in the look that happens overnight.

M-shaped Hairline is a type of male pattern baldness where you will notice that your forehead hairs are taking the shape like the English alphabet, leading to thin hair follicle growth and making your forehead more visible. This is a very early sign and hardly gets observed.

When you see that your hair is taking the form of numerous shapes like M, U or V naturally, understand that you are no longer at the basic stage of male pattern baldness. While you notice the change in your hairline, the problem becomes more visible. At this stage, you suffer from immense hair loss and this fall of your hair gradually moves from your forehead towards the top portion of your scalp; showing early signs of bald spots.

The very next stage is when you are losing lots of hair in patches. The occurrence of bald spots is more evident and hair falls from the back end of your head.

The next type is when your hair is taking a U shape from the front part of your forehead and progressively increasing towards the middle of your scalp. This is a severe stage of balding and treating your hair from this stage can become enormously problematic.

The very next step can make almost the entire scalp of yours visible as the bald patches get engorged and the middle or top part of your scalp becomes completely bald. The growth of hair follicles becomes extremely short and this in this type of male pattern baldness.

The last stage or type of male pattern baldness is when you have lost almost all your hairs from the crown part and very little, thin hairs remain at both the sides of your scalp. Unfortunately, you can hardly opt for any treatment or natural remedy if have reached this stage. Well, you can try out some alternatives though. The best way would be if you accept and embrace this new natural look of yours. Otherwise, you can try out some fedoras or toupees or you can simply try out with hair wigs.

You might be thinking if this is what your future appearance looks like. Right? Don’t worry! We have covered up some male pattern baldness treatment for you so that you can take proper care of your hair and restrict it from reaching the deadly stage of complete hair loss. Let’s have a look at what are those.

You all think hair loss very common phenomenon. That’s completely true. But you need to understand the rate at which you are losing your hair. Many of you ignore this fact and think that there is no need for treatment. It’s of course not always necessary. But treating your hair properly is a sign of taking proper care of your hair. Some male pattern baldness treatments are: –

  • Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplantation is another male baldness treatment. As the name suggests it involves the transplantation of hair from one place onto your scalp. This is an expensive male pattern baldness treatment. It is being studied that hair that grows at the back portion of the scalp is more resilient to androgen hormone. Thus, that area of the scalp has vigorous hair growth. Hair growing in those sections is taken and placed in balding areas. Since this procedure has several sessions it has its effects as well. It can lead to infection and scarring. Although expensive it is a more natural remedy for baldness and unlike finasteride and minoxidil, it is an everlasting solution as the hair transplanted to the balding areas is more resistant to androgen hormone. Hence, it is a plus that can help in hair regrowth for them suffering from male pattern baldness.

  • Wigs and Weaves

Wigs and hairpieces can be a great solution to male pattern baldness. As you all might be very well aware, wigs are available in distinctive varieties. You can choose hair wigs according to your preference as a variety of texture and color is available and it can naturally change your look. Add on to this a hairstyling expert setting up your hair. Won’t you have a perfectly natural appearance? The best thing is it does not have any adverse effect as such. This is one of the best remedies for baldness in men.

Weaves are nothing but hair wigs that are attached to your natural hair. You will have to remove your artificial hairpiece while performing certain activities like swimming or while taking a shower and even during sleep. This is where weaves can be a better solution as this is joined with your natural hair and does not require any wear and open theory. It can be a constant companion and does not require any kind of removal. But it has a shortcoming too. It can cause hindrance to the growth of your natural hair and you need to stitch the hair wigs again and again whenever a new hair grows.

  • Opting for shampoo and oiling treatment.

Shampoo treatments like Ketoconazole and Pyrithione also commonly known as Nizoral and Head and Shoulders respectively can help reduce male pattern baldness. This process though does not require prescribed certifications.

Organic oils like sesame oil and neem oil, extra virgin coconut oil, rosemary oil, tea tree oil are some of the best hair regrowth oil for baldness.

Medicinal science is no wonder more advanced now. But the age-old ayurvedic treatments still have their charm. Here are some basic ayurvedic treatments for male pattern baldness. They are: –

At Rejuvenate Health, you can also book an online appointment for free, that will allow our team of experts to make the necessary diagnosis and approach your case in the proper way. We understand that each case merits a separate approach, and have therefore customized hair fall solutions for men.

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?

Creatine for hair is a source of energy and an organic compound naturally produced by your liver, kidneys and pancreas. It is stored in the skeletal muscles, and the body uses it as energy. But does creatine cause hair loss? 

A study was conducted in 2009 in South Africa on a group of young college rugby players regarding creatine for hair and it’s effect on hair loss. These players were given supplements that contained creatine for hair, for three weeks. Researchers of this study found that the level of DHT increased over fifty per cent, but the levels of testosterone didn’t change.  

So if you ask if there is something called creatine hair loss or thinning hair, there isn’t much to indicate that creatine in hair can cause hair loss. We have evidence from personal experiences of people, and at times, these claims against creatine for hair and hair loss can be anecdotal. 

This article will unfurl the relation between creatine for hair and DHT, creatine hair loss and side effects of creatine for hair. Read on to learn what research has to say about creatine in hair or hair loss/thinning hair line and discover more on does creatine cause hair loss.

Relationship Between Creatine For Hair & DHT

To answer the question, does creatine cause hair loss, we need to understand the relation between DHT and creatine for hair. But before that, what is DHT? DHT is a male sex hormone, meaning it stimulates the development of male characteristics. It is linked to hair loss and other health issues. DHT is derived from testosterone, but it is more dominant than testosterone. 

Creatine for hair increases the DHT levels by converting testosterone into a more active form. Since DHT is a more active and potent form of testosterone, which is also responsible for hair growth, with an increase in the DHT, creatine in hair can cause hair loss. 

Citing the example of the creatine for hair – tests on the rugby players, an increase in the DHT level was observed in the study. We know that DHT levels play a significant role in hair loss; this can increase a person’s risk of hair loss, especially if they are exposed to hormonal hair loss or genetic hair loss issues.

That said, more research work is required to conclude whether DHT increase due to supplements containing creatine for hair can lead to creatine hair loss. 

Possible Side Effects Of Creatine For Hair 

Along with finding an answer to whether creatine in hair causes creatine hair loss, you also need to know about the side effects of creatine for hair. And if you consider using it, you but definetely look out for creatine side effects. Below we discuss the side effects of creatine and hair loss:

  • Water retention
  • Weight gain
  • Dizziness
  • Dehydration
  • Fever 
  • Heat intolerance
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle cramping
  • Nausea
  • Gastrointestinal pain 
  • Kidney issues

One must always check for creatine side effects especially if allergic. While you should consider all of these side effects of creatine in hair, these side effects of creatine for hair also largely depend on your body and any underlying diseases. People undergoing medication should be cautious while using as significant side effects of creatine for hair can also cause harm to the liver and heart. But does creatine cause hair loss ?

What Does Research Say About Creatine For Hair?

Does creatine cause hair loss? There is a lot of analysis needed to sum up an answer to whether creatine for hair causes hair loss, but for now, there isn’t much to point out that supplements containing creatine for hair can cause hair loss. As mentioned already, it largely depends and varies from person to person and their take on creatine and hair loss. 

There isn’t much scientific research to feed us with an appropriate answer: does creatine cause hair loss. There is only one scientific literature piece of the rugby players research we talked about earlier in the article. The players in the study took a whopping amount of creatine – twenty-five grams a day. Usually, the recommended amount is five grams. 

The researchers found that creatine for hair may enhance the conversion of testosterone to DHT – the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness. But if you reconsider the research and question, does creatine cause hair loss, you’ll find that it did not prove that creatine in hair can causes hair loss. Moreover, the study was done only on a very small group of people. 

Is Gluten Causing Your Hair Loss

“You are what you can digest”. Most of us have foods like chapati and bread on a daily basis that contain gluten which is not just difficult to digest but also harmful to hair and health. Recent studies show that gluten can also affect your neurological system and cause several brain disorders. Now-a-days, many opt for the latest food trends, the most recent one being a “Gluten-Free” Diet due to the various side effects that it has.

But before diving deep, let’s first understand what gluten is and how it particularly affects hair and health. 

What is Gluten? 

Gluten is a natural protein found in some of the most common food grains like wheat, rye and barley. But just as the pronunciation goes, gluten is basically a “GLUE” that holds the entire food product together. It has this ‘stretchy’ quality which helps to roll out a pizza dough without which the dough would rip apart. The sad part about this GLUE is that it’s present in most of our day-to-day foods like roti, bread, pasta, cereals and so on. 

So what exactly happens when you eat Gluten ?

Recent studies lay emphasis on gut health as the most important aspect that affects almost everything – from mental health to hair health. Gluten tends to damage the inner lining of the intestine thereby blocking the essential nutrient absorption. This reflects on hair making them weak and eventually causing them to fall-off. Various other side effects after consuming gluten include:

  • Bloating of the abdomen – feeling of fullness, heaviness and lasting discomfort in the abdomen, unrelated to the quantity of food eaten. It is the gluten (even though in a small quantity) causing the stomach symptoms. 
  • Gas – bloating of the stomach and a buildup of gas starts to occur after a gluten-containing meal.
  • Diarrhea and constipation – indigestion and irregular bowel movements are a common symptom after gluten is consumed. 
  • Abdominal pain – frequent instances of abdominal pain without any other cause is common after a heavy gluten meal.
  • Fatigue – a persistent feeling of tiredness and lethargy can be mistakenly attributed to many other medical conditions, but is a very common symptom of the after effects of eating gluten.
  • Nausea – Some people tend to nauseate after consuming gluten.
  • Muscle and joint pain- Consuming gluten can also be inflammatory. Pain in the joints is another common and long term effect of consuming too much gluten in the diet.

Why Should One Go Gluten-Free? 

The above listed side effects fall under an umbrella term known as “Gluten-Intolerance”. This is an auto-immune (self-damaging) response to the consumption of gluten.  Over time, consuming gluten triggers widespread inflammation and damage to the lining of the small intestine, making it practically impossible to absorb nutrients, vitamins (like Vit. B complex, Vit. C, etc.) and minerals (like zinc, selenium, magnesium, and many more). Malabsorption or lack of all these nutrients can lead to medical complications and hair loss.

While the causes of hair loss are many such as age, genetics, hormonal problems, pollution, heat and chemical treatments; one of the most important causes of hair loss is poor gut health due to gluten intolerance and the nutrient deficiencies that follow. While gluten intolerance is seen in a number of people, it is left undiagnosed in most. This is because it can range from very mild to severe and therefore, becomes difficult to diagnose in very mild cases. 

What’s the Link Between Gluten Intolerance & Hair loss?

Gluten intolerance leads to an auto-immune response by the body which is also associated with a number of auto-immune disorders that result in hair loss.

Celiac Disease: Most nutrients and vitamins are absorbed in the lining of the small intestine. Inflammation and damage to this lining by gluten results in Celiac disease. This causes overgrowth of harmful bacteria leading to deficiencies and in turn, hair loss and other medical problems.

Alopecia Areata: Studies have shown that a large number of patients having gluten intolerance also end up having a hair fall condition called Alopecia Areata. This disorder happens when your own body attacks your hair follicles leading to hair loss in patches.

When all remedies for hair loss fail, people tend to switch to a gluten free diet only to see magical results in their hair health as well as general wellbeing. This is the most common way people usually find out about gluten intolerance.

What is a “Gluten-Free” Diet?

After understanding all about gluten and the damage that it can cause, let’s try and figure out how we can incorporate a “gluten-free” diet . Gluten free diet means avoiding any foods that contain wheat, rye or barley. This means eliminating a number of daily food items as well as a lot of packaged and processed foods containing gluten, most of which you may be unaware of. Some of these food items are:

  • Chapatis: Wheat rotis, chapatis, parathas and items made from them
  • Bread: Whole wheat bread and white bread i.e. pizzas, burgers, pita breads, sourdough breads and tortillas
  • Snacks: Biscuits, pastries, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pancakes, crepes and other baked goods, crackers and instant noodles like Maggi
  • Sauces: like soy and ketchup, condiments, salad dressings Beverages: like beer and ales, pre-made drink mixes
  • Others: Granola, breakfast cereals, muesli and energy bars & Oats (unless gluten free oats)

Though a gluten free diet may put a stop to many of your favourite and easily available items, there is still a wide range of options available such as: 

  • Whole grains and their flours (quinoa, rice, jowar, bajra, nachni or ragi, samo atta, corn or makkai atta, amaranth, arrowroot, gluten free oats)
  • All vegetables and fruits
  • Nuts and seeds

How to Switch to a Gluten Free Diet?

Getting the hang of a gluten free diet isn’t as hard as it seems when you know the ground rules. Today, anyone can switch to a gluten free diet to help put a stop to hair loss. The trick here is to pay more attention to the kind of foods that you eat. For starters, when buying bread, pasta or cereal, be sure to go for those made with gluten-free flours like ragi, amaranth or nut flours. Here’s a few tips on how to go gluten free: Keep an eye for gluten free labels: When buying any food packets, keep an eye out for food labels and watch out for the ingredients from the list of gluten to avoid when starting with  a gluten free diet (mentioned above). 
Don’t be fooled by the food industry: Play food detective and look for phrases like “gluten free”, “low gluten” or “not made with gluten-containing ingredients” written in bold or flashed across the packet. Read the labels carefully to make sure there is no gluten or cross contact with gluten in any ingredients.

Benefits of Switching to a Gluten Free Diet:

  • Reversal of hair loss occurring due to gluten
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Controls blood sugar levels
  • Is good for the heart
  • Battles cancer cells
  • Improves digestion and makes you free from symptoms of gluten intolerance like bloating, flatulence, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea.

What’s the Link between Dairy and Hair Loss?

You may be wondering why at Rejuvenate Health we’re always telling you to cut down on milk and dairy even though you’ve been told right since childhood that it’s great for your bones. Well to be honest, dairy causes more harm than good. This is why we hear a lot about lactose intolerant, vegan and diary-free diet. But does having this really cause hair loss? Read on to find out the reason behind why dairy products cause hair loss. 

What is Dairy?

Dairy refers to foods made from or containing the milk of mammals. These include cows, sheep, goats, camels or buffaloes. The foods includes milk, yogurt, cheese, and kefir, as well as milk-containing products, such as ice cream, butter, ghee, cream, sour cream, cream cheese, whey products, and casein.

How does Dairy Trigger Hair Loss?

While most argue that dairy is good for the healthy growth of hair, it is actually the opposite. Dairy items contain substantial levels of fat in it, which increases the testosterone levels in your body. This testosterone is then converted into a hormone called DHT which is one of the leading causes of hair loss. DHT in excess is known to decrease the diameter of the hair follicle, shrink the follicle and shorten the regular hair cycle eventually causing hair loss. Having dairy products also intensifies other hair related problems like dandruff and psoriasis because of it’s highly acidic nature and it’s ability to cause allergic reactions which further causes hair loss.

This allergic reaction is not immediate (like itching or swollen lips) but rather is a delayed one. The primary reason why delayed allergic response caused by dairy is responsible for hair loss is because it leads to a cascade of increased immune responses in our body. This auto-immune response causes one’s own body to attack and destroy the hair follicles and also cause inflammation of the scalp. These two factors combined, result in massive hair loss. This inflammation caused by dairy products also results in poor and constricted blood flow to the scalp which leads to hair loss and hair thinning. In addition, commercially available dairy products are almost always pasteurized (due to which it loses it’s lactose enzymes and becomes difficult to digest) and contaminated with hormones and antibiotics. This is because these animals are injected with these hormones. These injected hormones and antibiotics cause adverse effects on hair and health. Lastly, dairy products also block the pores of the scalp, resulting in an oily scalp and also cause hair thinning.

How to go Dairy-Free?

Now that you know how dairy can cause hair loss and other hair related issues like dandruff, the question that would arise is “If not dairy, then what?”. The next thing would be to switch to a ‘dairy-free’ diet with great alternatives. Here are some tips to get you started on your dairy free diet regime.

Switch to vegan/plant based calcium sources:  You will be amazed to know that the alternatives for dairy are so many. And the cherry on top is that they are nutritionally much richer sources of calcium and protein than milk or milk products. Some great sources of calcium are Soy like soy milk and tofu (100gms = 280mg of calcium); a variety of seeds like chia, sesame and sunflower seeds (1-2 tbspn = 88mg of calcium); ragi and nachni (100gms = 344mg of calcium)

Watch out for hidden dairy: It is important that if you are vegan or switching to a completely vegan-free diet, that you read the label at the back of the product and don’t be fooled by ‘dairy-free’ tag in bold print on the top of the packaging.

Compensate for reduced protein intake: Get your protein from legumes, dairy-free yogurt, lean meats, nuts and whole grains. 

Go easy on processed dairy: Dairy free junk food like ice creams and cheese should be had in moderation. Dairy- free does not mean it is not processed or loaded with calories.

Here’s a list of Great Alternatives to Various Dairy Products

  • Alternatives for Milk: A variety of plant based milks are available in the market and can also easily be made at home. These include soy milk, coconut milk, rice milk, oat milk, and cashew milk.
  • Alternatives to Butter: Coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil or any other plant based oil, and bananas
  • Alternatives to Cheese:  Dairy free cheese or vegan cheese ranges are available in the market. They are generally made using plant based milk. Nutritional yeast – is a good dairy free alternative to cheese. Nutritional yeast has a nutty, cheesy flavor and many manufacturers fortify it with essential vitamins.

Difference Between Hair Fall and Hair Breakage

Hair fall is a condition when the hair strands fall off from the root. The losing upto a 100 strands a day is normal hair fall. Certain conditions such as alopecia, hyperthyroidism, overstressing and certain practices such as over styling can aggravate hair loss. If you start to lose more than 150-200 strands of hair per day, then you are having abnormal hair loss.

Hair breakage, on the other hand, happens at the hair shaft and not the roots. You can identify hair breakage from prevalent split ends. This generally happens to dry and brittle hair. Hair breakage can be addressed easily. It does not cause balding and is not a problem as serious as abnormal hair loss.

Tips to Prevent Hair Breakage

To prevent hair breakage, you much make certain changes to your daily routine. This includes changes to hair care routine as well as certain daily practices. These are easy home remedies for hair breakage-

  • Use a shampoo and conditioner whose formulation is gentle on the hair. Do not scrub too hard, preferably use fingertips to rub the scalp.
  • Do not skip the conditioner after hair wash.
  • Whenever going for a swim, use a hair cap and swimmers’ shampoo for post-swim hair wash.
  • Do not scrub the hair dry using a towel. Try a cotton t-shirt and use a gentle tapping motion instead of scrubbing.
  • Try to air dry the hair when possible – limit the use of a hot blow dryer.
  • Brush your hair gently and avoid brushing too often.
  • Avoid pulling hard while braiding or tying the hair – opt for wearing down the hair or loose braiding styles. Change your hairstyle to one that is gentler on the hair.
  • Go for hair masks to keep the hair soft and pampered.
  • Go for hair trimming the ends of the hair every 6-8 weeks.
  • Use a heat protecting agent before blow-drying and styling.
  • Sleep on a silk pillowcase to avoid roughing up the hair while sleeping or wrap up the hair in a silk scarf before sleeping.
  • Have a balanced diet rich in vitamins.

Dry and frizzy hair means that you might be experiencing hair breakage. The good news is that hair breakage is easily addressable. It is recommended that you, eat good, maintain a good hair care routine and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This will provide your hair with the necessary nutrients and prevent breakage. If you see unusual hair breakage or abnormal hair loss, you must consult the dermatologist as this could be the symptom of an underlying medical condition.

All you need to know about Keratin treatment

Keratin is a naturally occurring fibrous protein found in epithelial cells. Different types of Keratin are responsible for the structure and health of skin, hair and nails. Alpha hair keratin helps maintain the structure and strength of your scalp hair. Hair keratin is meant to protect your hair from stress which comes in the form of breakage, heat damage and frizz. The question you should be worried about is does keratin hair treatment cause hair loss and is keratin hair treatment good or bad? 

Let’s understand what is keratin hair treatment. Keratin hair treatment is used for improving the texture and appearance of your hair. Because it is naturally meant to bond the overlapping hair cuticles rendering it smooth, shiny and safe from exposure damage. 

However, keratin hair treatment used in professional hair treatments and hair care products is derived from animal parts such as feathers, horns and wool. Not only that laying on keratin hair treatment on its own is not enough and therefore needs to be combined with bases such as formaldehyde or glyoxylic acid. Not only is formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, it can also cause respiratory problems when inhaled. Overexposure to formaldehyde and over-straightening can also cause damage to the hair strands which can result in dryness and weakening leading to breakage and increased hair loss. keratin hair treatment can also make hair greasy and limp. 

How long does the effect of keratin hair treatment last?

For all the stress your hair goes through during the keratin hair treatment it isn’t permanent. A keratin hair treatment with formaldehyde as a base will last for about 6 months, whereas, non-formaldehyde milder versions will last only a couple of months. 

Can keratin hair treatment cause hair loss?

Yes. Multiple people have experienced increased hair loss and no hair regrowth after one or repeated keratin hair treatment. While the hair fall might not be from the roots always, it will happen invariably because of the side-effects of formaldehyde on your hair and scalp and the high heat exposure used during straightening after applying the chemical formula. This can weaken your hair roots, cause dryness, brittleness and scalp irritation. Not only that for anyone who has a predisposition to hair loss or has poor follicle health on account of an undiagnosed hair loss condition can experience excessive hair loss in the months following the keratin hair treatment and may hamper hair regrowth. 

Is Keratin hair treatment for hair loss?

Not at all! Hair strands don’t have any blood supply, they are made up of cells and protein bonds which is why chemical treatments or heat can be used to restructure them. Hair loss conditions and improper hair regrowth occur due to the health of your hair follicles, which receive blood supply, therefore oxygen and nutrition from your body. If your follicles are unhealthy, ageing prematurely or shrinking due to DHT, no amount of external treatment on your hair will help resolve it. It is only possible to treat hair loss safely with prescription medication such as topical minoxidil, topical finasteride. Combined with natural ayurvedic medicines and proper nutrition that help tackle the internal root causes of hair loss and improve hair regrowth.

How do I know if my follicles are healthy?

Don’t worry. We will help you in your hair regrowth journey. Take the Rejuvenate Health hair diagnosis test to find out the type and stage of your hair loss condition and get your very own customized hair loss treatment to improve hair regrowth.  Or reach out to hair experts today

Can dieting cause hair loss?

Keto, warrior, juice cleanse, intermittent fasting are just some of the choices for anyone who wants to start their fitness journey. Not only are people spoilt for choices with multiple diet options but also in the information available. Gone are the days where people would get information from expert curated blogs. Today people get advice on health and well-being everywhere they look – social media, ads, a well-wisher, a self-proclaimed expert. While experts have also taken to these mediums to advocate the importance of taking an expert supervised approach when trying to lose weight or get fit. 

There have been numerous cases wherein people have experienced adverse effects of fad diets. While some side effects can be extreme in nature and have serious consequences for you long term. One lesser known side effect of crash dieting that causes sudden weight loss can trigger hair loss conditions such as Telogen Effluvium or aggravate existing hair loss conditions such as Androgenic Alopecia. 

So what happens to your body when you suddenly lose a lot of weight?

It can not only deprive you of certain essential nutrient groups that are important for your overall health and especially hair and skin health such as protein, vitamins, healthy fats, etc. But also because your body thinks that it is starving which can create a shock-like experience for your body. At which point it will push most of your hair that are in the anagen or growth phase to telogen or resting phase. Telogen phase hair tends to stay on your scalp for three months and then fall. For a normal person 9-11% percent of their hair is in the telogen phase but for those experiencing telogen effluvium up to 30% of their hair can be in the telogen phase at once. So you can experience shedding of up to 200-300 hair strands in a day for over 3 to 6 months. Because you’re shedding at a faster rate than the growth of new hair it will result in increased scalp visibility and heavy volume loss. 

But don’t worry. Telogen effluvium, whether triggered by weight loss or any other type of mental or physical stress, is treatable to the point of recovering almost all of the volume lost with Rejuvenate Health haircare treatments.

So does this mean you shouldn’t try to lose weight to get fit? Absolutely not! You just need to remember that getting fit or healthy is a marathon and not a sprint and therefore weight loss should always be done in a sustainable manner where you lose no more than 1-2 kgs in a month. If a health condition requires you to lose weight at a more rapid pace make sure to do it with the advice of a nutritionist. If you are planning to get on the Rejuvenate Health treatment or already on it, you can schedule a free call with our nutritionist to get a personalised diet plan which will help you achieve your fitness and hair goals all at once.