Melasma Treatment

Melasma Treatment: Causes, Symptoms, Types, Diagnose, Treatment & Prevention Tips

Melasma is a pigmentation disorder that affects the skin’s tone and appearance and may lead to premature ageing in adult women. It is a benign skin disease, but its chronicity and persistence can often make it challenging to treat.

However, experienced dermatologists at Oliva excel in treating different pigmentary concerns, including melasma, using revolutionary USFDA-approved methods with proven safety and efficacy to help you regain your flawless complexion. Read on to know more about the melasma treatment procedure, results, cost and more!

What Is The Treatment For Melasma?

Although many advanced treatments are available, the response of melasma to treatments remains variable. No single treatment option can ensure a total and permanent relief from melasma.

At Oliva, your doctor will customise your treatment and recommend regular maintenance to reduce melasma and prevent a recurrence. She may recommend any of the following options as standalone or combo treatment based on the type, cause and severity of your skin condition:

  • Topical or Oral Medications: Medications, especially topical creams, are often the first line of treatment and an essential part of post-care. It may include:
    1. Hydroquinone: Your dermatologist at Oliva may recommend hydroquinone with a concentration of 2-4% as the primary treatment for melasma. She may advise you to apply it at night on the patches for 3-4 months. Prolonged use may aggravate pigmentation.
    2. Retinoids: Medical experts often use tretinoin in conjunction with hydroquinone or other bleaching agents at night to boost the results of melasma treatment.
    3. Bleaching Agents: Skin lightening agents like kojic acid, azelaic aid, glycolic acid, arbutin and Vitamin C can reduce melanin synthesis and help lighten the pigmented patches. Your doctor may add it to your post-care regimen as long-term maintenance therapy to minimise the chances of recurrence of melasma.
    4. Tranexamic Acid: A newer molecule used in oral, injectable or topical form by leading dermatologists for treating melasma is quite effective and may be a part of a combination treatment.
    5. Hormonal Medications: Your dermatologist may assess your hormonal health and advise you to discontinue any medication that may induce melasma.
  • Advanced Procedural Treatments: Here are some in-clinic treatments that your dermatologist at Oliva may recommend for attaining visible results of melasma treatment.
    1. Chemical Peels: The application of different concentrations of natural extracts like glycolic acid and kojic acid on the discoloured skin for controlled exfoliation of top layers inhibits melanin formation. It is most effective in reducing epidermal melasma. However, you may need multiple sessions of chemical peels treatment at regular intervals of a few weeks to attain visible results.
    2. Laser Treatment: Dermatologists at Oliva undergo rigorous training to use the latest USFDA-approved Q-switched Nd:YAG laser technology and treat deeper melasma that does not respond to topical medication and peel treatment. The laser beam penetrates the deeper layers to break down the excess melanin without adversely affecting the surrounding skin. However, the precise treatment may require multiple sessions based on the type and severity of your skin condition to provide the best results and for regular maintenance.

Remember, preventing exposure to UV rays is the most crucial step in treating melasma, as even mild sun damage can increase, trigger or cause recurrence. It is mandatory to use sun protection with every treatment modality.



How To Prevent Melasma?

Unfortunately, there is no sure-shot way to prevent melasma altogether. However, the following measures can reduce the risk of melasma and recurrence:

  • Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure: Do not go out during peak sunlight hours or use protective gear like scarves, sunglasses and umbrellas to prevent melasma and other forms of sun damage to the skin.
  • Regular Use Of Sunscreen: Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or above recommended by your dermatologist 15-20 minutes before going out in the sun. Reapply every three hours to prevent melasma and lighten existing pigmentary conditions.
  • Healthy Diet And Skin-Care Habits: A nutrient-rich diet with vitamin D and regular skin-care helps to keep the skin healthy and protect it from multiple disorders, including discolouration.
  • Judicious Use Of Hormonal Pills And Contraceptives: Consult a doctor to avoid indiscriminate use of hormonal pills if you have a positive family history of melasma.

Monsoon Onset Can’t Be Prevented but, Monsoon Skin Issues Can Be

Monsoon Onset Can’t Be Prevented but, Monsoon Skin Issues Can Be. Book an appointment and get rid of skin issues.

Romantic drives, cozy evenings with loved ones and green landscapes are the real charms of monsoon.  But, you need to avoid the cool raindrops that can make your skin dull. You might be aware what happens to skin in monsoon. The weather can take a toll on your skin and hair.

Necessity to focus on Skincare in the rainy reason

In rainy season, the perspiration rate of the body becomes less. It results in skin infections, dead skin cells, hyper-pigmentation, and blocked pores. The humidity that occurs during monsoons results in monsoon skin allergy making the skin itchy, dry and flaky. Breakouts, acne and blackheads are also common. Thus, this season comes with various types Monsoon Skin Problems.

Monsoon skin care to be done during the rainy season

Face cleansing two to three times a day is vital.

Role of a good anti-bacterial and anti-fungal powder: In monsoonsthe immunity level of the body decreases which makes the skin prone to fungal infections. Having a good anti-bacterial and anti-fungal powder becomes a necessity.

Protection with moisturizer: When you apply a layer of moisturizer on your skin, it retains the moisture of your skin and prevents it from being dry as well as flaky.

Need of sunblock: Using a water-resistant sunblock will prevent the skin from becoming wrinkly and tanned. It retains the moisture and blocks the UV rays.

Toning is important: The function of toner is to cleanse your pores by removing leftover dirt. It also decreases the size of the pore and tightens the skin.

Exfoliate gently: By giving Exfoliation to your skin, you will get rid of dead skin, unclogs the pores. This will also facilitate cell repair and regeneration.

For rejuvenating and de tanning your skin, the monsoons are a great time. If you encounter any skin issue, you must not treat yourself with OTC medicine or any unknown tips. For microdermabrasion, body itching in rainy season treatment and chemical peel treatments you must consult your dermatologist at the best skin care clinic Barrackpore. The experienced dermatologist at Rejuvenate Health Multispecialty clinic will use the appropriate skin care treatment for your issue.

Understanding Acne and Reversing the Damage to the Skin

Understanding Acne and Reversing the Damage to the Skin. Acne troubling you?  Is it impacting your self-confidence? Acne is easily manageable and treatable.

Acne troubling you?  Is it impacting your self-confidence? Acne is easily manageable and treatable. Let’s understand what this common skin condition is and how we can overcome it with ease.

What causes Acne?

Our body produces Sebum, an oily substance that lubricates our hair and our skin. Acne is developed when this Sebum along with the dead skin cells plug the hair follicles. Once this happens it can lead to the formation of pimples that can further be aggravated with bacterial infection.

Sebum prevents the hair and skin from going dry but when the body starts producing too much of the substance, it mixes with the dead skin cells and plug the follicle. This plugged follicle then bulges out from the skin forming a whitehead or a blackhead. When these plugged follicles are infected by bacteria then it can result in the painful formation of papules, pustules or cysts on the skin surface.

Acne is commonly believed to be triggered by the hormone testosterone. During puberty the increased levels of testosterone stimulates the enhanced secretion of sebum which may in turn boost the possibility of acne.

Acne can be contributed by genetics as well! If acne has been the norm with either or both of your parents then there is a strong possibility you too will get acne. Needless to say that the probability of you getting acne increases manifold if Both of your parents had it.

It has been found that women are more likely to have acne than men due to the hormonal fluctuations that a woman experiences at certain times like just before the start of the periods, during pregnancy and other conditions that can lead to a flare up of the hormones.

Acne can also be caused by certain medications and cosmetic products, by regular friction caused by certain wears and in some cases due to smoking.

How is Acne treated?

In certain cases, Acne can faze out on its own. But many times acne does last for a long time and can leave scars not just on the skin but psychologically as well. While there are ample numbers of home-remedies that are suggested to treat acne, few are really successful.

Acne is not always caused by a bad diet. Though there is considerable contention over the matter in the scientific community. A well balanced diet can help you stay healthy but may rarely help you overcome the root causes of Acne. While washing and scrubbing your face can help you get rid of the whiteheads and blackheads it may not be the actual answer to its treatment.

Acne can vary from the more common mild form to moderate to the more painful severe forms. Mild acne can be treated with over the counter topical creams containing Benzoyl peroxide. Creams or gels containing Benzoyl peroxide help to reduce the presence of bacteria on the skin surface and also works on reducing the number of white and blackheads on the face.

The moderate to severe forms should be treated by a proper dermatologist to ensure there is a quick recovery and there is no scarring. The initial treatment for acne includes medicines like; Topical retinoids and antibiotics, azelaic acid and others. In the severe form a person may require a combination treatment which will include hormonal therapy as well.


Topical retinoids help in removing dead skin cells from the surface being treated. This helps in preventing the dead skin cells from building up with the Sebum and clogging the follicles. Gels and creams containing retinoid should be used as prescribed by the doctor and should never be taken without a proper consultation.


Topical creams with antibiotics are suggested to rid the skin of bacteria that could possibly infect the build of dead skin and sebum at the hair follicles. One should always keep in mind that an antibiotic treatment should always be taken in full and should never be stopped in between to ensure the bacteria does not become resistant to the antibiotic making your acne worse.

Azelaic acid

Creams or gels containing Azelaic acid are often used in place of topical retinoids. It helps in removing dead skin cells from the affected area while killing the bacteria present there. This double impact of the treatment helps in addressing both the build-up and the possible infection of the follicles.

Hormonal treatment

Hormonal treatment will vary depending on the diagnosis by the doctor. Hormonal therapy often becomes the most effective treatment especially for women who experience heightened acne spurts during their periods or conditions related hormonal flare ups.

While all of these treatments and specific medications are most commonly used for acne, they are not suitable for everyone. To opt for any skin treatment it is best that you consult with a dermatologist. As we have mentioned, every skin type is unique and the environment that it is exposed to will definitely vary from person to person. Hence it is the best idea to consult a professional before you take any over the counter medication for your acne.

It goes without saying that acne cannot be treated overnight. For any kind of treatment for acne to be effective, medications should be followed for over weeks to see visible results. It is very important that every prescribed medication is taken as per the course suggested and not given up midway.

Rejuvenate Health Multispecialty clinic offers you multiple procedures to help you overcome this skin condition. Not only that with the well planned treatment as per your skin type Rejuvenate Health Multispecialty clinic’s specialists ensure that you do not suffer from such bouts in the future too. You can consult our specialists online anytime from anywhere or book an appointment to have a direct consultation.

Don’t let Acne scar you and your confidence in any way. Acne is treatable and you can get back to the glowing skin that you always knew and wanted, with the right medications. Contact us today.

Permanent makeup solution for the modern woman

A perfect solution to getting the perfect look every morning without any effort. Permanent Makeup! Discover a modern solution to an age old problem of time and effort in getting your makeup done.

The modern woman of today is a pan-handling, office-going, child-rearing wonder woman. She does all this while looking her best in her carefully applied makeup. While every woman loves the result of makeup, the essential time it occupies in the daily routine is always an issue. If only there was a solution to save that time. Well, permanent makeup is the answer to all that and more.

Permanent makeup will give you full brows, a flawless-looking face, and the highly coveted sharp eyes day in, day out with absolutely zero effort. Permanent makeup lasts years and busy women can save tons of make-up time with just one procedure and still look stunning all the time. In recent times it has been the choice of many celebrities as well.

How does it work?

Permanent makeup is done through a cosmetic technique that works on micro-pigmentation of target areas on the face. The procedure entails the placement of pigmented granules just beneath the upper layers of the skin.

How permanent is permanent makeup?

While permanent makeup cannot be removed naturally, it usually fades after an average of 3-5 years after which a touch-up may be required.

Is it painful?

While the procedure is generally painless, it also depends on factors like your pain threshold, the practitioner’s skill, the numbing agent used, etc.


Since the body has several sensitive areas, the ink type or ink color used in permanent makeup may cause severe allergic reactions in rare cases. It is highly recommended that the procedure is performed by a cosmetologist. At Rejuvenate Health we take utmost care to ensure that every step of the procedure is carefully done under the supervision of the best dermatologists and cosmetologists. After all, when it comes to applying permanent makeup, especially on the face you put forward each day, you want to make sure you are in the best hands.


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Get the Smooth Silky You Always- Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal gives you the freedom from the time consuming and painful process of hair removal. Get smart and get a permanent resolution to your recurring hairy issues.

Removing body and facial hair has become an acceptable way of life. But of course, it can get rather tedious when you have a busy life and you cannot always take out the time to remove all the unwanted hair. Additionally, the pain you have to endure when opting for simple processes like threading or waxing is rather steep a price to pay for a constant beautiful you.

Laser hair removal comes as the best answer to your need to be flawless always. With the point precision treatment of laser, you can always sport that perfect eyebrow and flaunt your smooth skin any time. It gives you the freedom from the harmful chemicals used for hair-removing creams, the possibility of infection with shaving or the burns with waxing, and of course the pain that comes with it.

Laser Hair removal is one of the most common cosmetic procedures across the globe. It gives a permanent solution to your need for removing unwanted hair and the fuzziness that comes with regrowth.

Three Major benefits of laser hair removal

1. You can easily select the exact area with precision where you want the hair removed.

2. It is a fast process and does not require long hours of endurance.

3. It is highly effective and permanent!

The number of sessions may vary depending on the area size and the thickness of the growth. However, most people experience permanent hair loss after 3 to 7 sessions. The laser Hair Removal procedure should always be performed by a professional with utmost care. A parlor or a salon is not really a safe place to have the treatment done. It is best that you visit a Skincare clinic with a registered dermatologist to get it done.

At Rejuvenate Health we provide the utmost care to our patients pre and post the procedure. We use the best tools and equipment for the process. We ensure that our technicians follow up on your well-being post the process and guide you on the care that you need to take in between and post the completion of the sessions. It is important to understand that laser treatment is a little painful as short pulses of light hit your skin. Topical anesthetic creams are used to numb the area such that you do not experience discomfort during the procedure.

Within a month you will find the treated area will lose all the hair and you will get the smooth and silky skin that you wanted permanently. For more details on the procedure, contact us @ +91 9875417469

Rejuvenating your Confidence with the right Cosmetic Procedures

Our skin goes through a lot of changes with age, life-style and of course the exposure to various kinds of environmental factors. It is no wonder that you will probably start seeing fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, uneven skin tone and so many other issues with your exposed skin surface. These factors can deplete the skin health resulting in a dull lifeless look that you definitely don’t want.  

If you are experiencing such changes with your skin then it is time to consider heading for a skin rejuvenation session.

So what is Skin rejuvenation and what are the various procedures?

Skin Rejuvenation refers to the various ways in which you can counter the damages that your skin undergoes over time. It could be due to various reasons, ranging from underlying health conditions to a stressful lifestyle. Skin rejuvenation helps you revive your healthy youthful skin.

There are various procedures that can help to rejuvenate your skin. Some of the most popular ones are discussed below:

·        Botox injections: Botox injection is a popular targeted treatment that helps in reducing wrinkles on the face, and neck area.

·        Dermal Fillers: This is a safe and a very popular skin rejuvenation procedure. Using targeted injections this treatment helps in reducing wrinkles and adding volumes. Its effective results can often be used in resculpting the face with just the right volumes and angles.

·        Chemical peels: Chemical peels are for those who want to skip the injections and still want to reduce their wrinkles, enhance their tone and remove scarring. Chemical peels need to be done by a certified dermatologist to ensure that your skin is exposed to just the right amount of chemicals.

·        Laser skin resurfacing: One of the most popular and effective method of skin rejuvenation is laser skin resurfacing. It is safe and helps to treat a variety of skin conditions. Laser methods are performed by a certified professional to ensure accuracy. Laser allows precision treatment for any type of skin and helps in resurfacing the better and brighter skin devoid of blemishes and scarring. 

Rejuvenate your skin health with Rejuvenate Health

Rejuvenate Health Skin care clinic is one of the best Skin rejuvenation centres in Barrackpore, which cater to a large number of high profile clienteles. It specializes in dermatological care and cosmetic care that helps you get just the right treatment that you need for your skin. To know more about how skin rejuvenation can help you, contact us @ ☎+91 9875417469

Monsoon Fungal Infections: Simple Tips To Keep Skin Fungus-Free

Here are some typical monsoon fungal diseases and some treatment advice. Read on to learn more about enjoying a healthy monsoon.


The monsoon’s alluring splendour brings with it a number of skin-related problems in the form of fungal infections, thanks to the damp weather.

The humid, moist, and damp weather is ideal for the growth and reproduction of numerous fungi to flourish and spread diseases.

If left untreated, the fungal infection can worsen into skin conditions that result in intense itching, scarring, rash, and redness.

From smelly feet to fungus nails to ringworm, there are many fungal infections associated with the monsoon season. 

If you have diabetes, are older than 65, have skin injuries, frequently wear artificial nails, or have a weaker immune system, you are at risk for fungal infections. 

To avoid the risk, you must be aware of them and take protective steps. Here are some typical monsoon fungal diseases and some treatment advice.


In the monsoon, eczema experiences a severe flare-up. This might be caused by bacteria growth, humid conditions, and moist skin.

You must avoid getting wet in the rain if you have a history of seborrheic eczema or seborrheic dermatitis.

Symptoms of eczema

  • Inflammation of skin
  • Redness and itchiness of the skin
  • Rough and cracked skin 
  • Formation of blisters

Prevention of eczema

  • Regularly moisturise your skin
  • Try not to perspire or become too heated
  • Take steps to reduce your stress 
  • Wool and other irritants should be avoided
  • Avoid using abrasive soaps, detergents, or cleaners
  • Apply virgin coconut oil right away to soothe the skin 
  • Apply an anti-fungal moisturiser to the skin

Athlete’s foot

If you have sweaty foot issues, you need to be careful of the athlete’s foot. This is a contagious fungal infection that thrives in a warm, moist environment.

It affects the skin on the feet, particularly in the space between the toes. It can spread to the toenails and sometimes the hands.

Symptoms of athlete’s foot

  • Itching
  • Stinging
  • Burning
  • Blisters on the feet
  • Cracking and peeling of involved skin
  • Discoloured, thick, and crumbly toenails

Prevention of athlete’s foot

  • Use antifungal powder on your feet daily. 
  • Don’t let anyone use your shoes, socks, or towels.
  • Wash your feet with antibacterial soap and make sure to dry them completely, especially in between your toes.
  • Wear open-toed shoes during the rainy season, and sprinkle the antifungal powder on your feet after washing.
  • In public restrooms, around swimming pools, and in other public areas, wear sandals.
  • Wear socks made of breathable materials like cotton or wool, and replace them every day.
  • Wear shoes made of breathable materials and go barefoot at home to allow your feet to air out.
  • Wear two pairs of shoes alternately, switching between each pair every other day to give your shoes time to air dry between us.


Another common monsoon infection, ringworm causes round, scaly, crusted patches on the skin. It typically affects the feet, neck, and underarms.

The wearing of wet clothing may be the cause of this. It is an infectious condition that spreads from person to person by contact with diseased skin, sharing of combs, brushes, and other personal care products, as well as clothing.

Symptoms of ringworm

  • Itching
  • Red, scaly, cracked skin
  • Darkening of the skin
  • Fissures
  • Red rashes or scaly patches
  • Blister-like lesions on the border

Prevention of ringworm

  • Make sure you wear dry, loose, comfortable clothing that allows air to move through to avoid developing ringworm
  • Avoid tight clothes, jeans, wet or damp clothes
  • If at all feasible, add some disinfectant to the wash cycle
  • Apply antifungal cream and powder to the affected area 
  • Never scratch the skin because doing so could aggravate the infection and cause an unsightly scar.

Fungal nail infection

Infections of the nail caused by fungi are most common during the monsoon season. Although they are not serious, they can be difficult to treat.

Usually, they begin at the cuticle around the nail, which becomes swollen, red, and tender to the touch.

Symptoms of fungal nail infection

  • Nail discolouration, thickening, or brittle
  • The distorted shape of the nail
  • A dark colour, caused by debris building up under your nail
  • Smelling foul odour from the nail
  • Pain or discomfort, particularly when using the affected toe or finger

Prevention of nail fungal nail infection

  • Keep your nails clean and well-trimmed 
  • Avoid wearing shoes that make your feet sweaty and hot by keeping them dry and clean
  • Put on fresh socks each day
  • Never exchange towels, shoes, or clippers

Final thoughts

The majority of fungal infections are not life-threatening and can be treated with ease if diagnosed early and treated in time. However, delaying a dermatologist consultation can increase the risk and severity of the condition.

Additionally, the use of over-the-counter steroid-containing combo creams makes the infection more complicated, making it persistent and challenging to cure. It may also cause irreparable skin damage. 

If you tend to experience skin rashes, especially during the monsoon, see a certified dermatologist right once to receive prompt treatment and enjoy the season without hassle.

Moreover, you should also frequently opt for health screening. It provides you with vital insights into your health, allowing you to take necessary measures to improve it.


It’s a well-known fact that, most of the germs spread through the air. The vivid example is Covid, itself. Also Influenza, Measles are one of those diseases which spread from air. “Measles, is a viral infection that’s serious for small children, but this easily preventable by a vaccine”.

Children younger than 5 years of age, adults older than 20 years of age mostly get affected from Measles. Sometimes pregnant women, people with poor immune system such as leukemia may also get affected. 

Though Chickenpox and measles are both infectious disease and caused by viruses, but both are not same by nature. Once you had measles, it’s highly unlikely you will get it again. But there is a duel opinion against it. However measles may lead to serious complications in some people (but the chances are less). 

Measles is caused by a virus found in nose or throat. When someone coughs or sneezes, the infectious droplets spray into the air and stay in the air about an hour. Thus one get affected from measles virus. 

The symptoms of it appear 7 to 14 days after contact with virus. The person with this disease suffers from high fever, cough, sore throat, running nose, and inflamed eyes. The red rash starts on the face and behind the ears before spreading the rest of the body. Within two three days the spot remain discrete. 

There is no such particularly treatment to get rid of it, but vitamin A may help with symptoms. For such cases the doctor also suggests to take a proper rest and drink plenty of fluids. Vaporizer may ease the cough and nasal congestion. Sometimes sponge baths with lukewarm water is also effective to reduce the fever or Discomfortness.

But sometimes we observe many of us using home remedies to get rid of it, which is not correct. Always consult a doctor before applying anything to a Measles affected person or child. Some disease are too sensitive to handle. Only good diet and good lifestyle can give you a better life.

Some Effective Ways of Treating & Managing Acne

In one word acne is such a pain! Let’s begin with an understanding of what exactly acne is and how it occurs.

What is acne?

Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, is basically a skin condition that develops due to the clogging of hair follicles. The skin pores get clogged with oil, dust, or dead skin cells, which may lead to blackheads, whiteheads, red bumps on the skin, or pus-filled pimples. 

Acne usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders.

Different types of acne

The most common acne lesions are whiteheads and blackheads, also known as comedones.

  • Whiteheads or closed comedones – small and under the surface of the skin 
  • Blackheads or open comedones- black-coloured and visible on the surface. 

Inflammatory acne lesions are more likely to cause scars, which include-

  • Papules (raised lesions)
  • Pustules (raised lesions with pus)
  • Cysts (nodules filled with pus or fluid)

Acne is most common among teenagers, however, adults also tend to get acne during their 30s, 40s, or even 50s. Pimples are the worst or most embarrassing thing you all get especially when you hit puberty.

As it’s truly said- “Adolescence is just one big walking pimple”

In fact, there are some myths and misconceptions about acne, such as-

Myth #1: Acne is caused by a poor diet

Fact:  As yet, research has not found any foods that cause acne. 

Myth #2: Squeezing blackheads, and whiteheads are the best way to get rid of acne

 No, in fact doing this can actually make your symptoms worse and leave you with a scar.

Myth #3: Sexual activity can influence acne’

Fact is, sexual activity or masturbation has literally nothing to do anything with acne.

Myth #4: Acne is infectious

 No, acne is non-contagious and can not pass to another person.

Causes of acne

Acne is caused when tiny holes in the skin, known as hair follicles, become blocked. 

Androgens are the sex hormones, which rise especially during puberty, thus leading to the enlargement of the sebaceous glands and the production of more oil and sebum than required. Excessive sebum blocks the hair follicles or pores and leads to the formation of acne or pimple.

Still, there are other multiple factors also that can flare up acne, such as-

  • Medications– Certain medicines including steroids, brain disorders-related medicines, anti-epileptic medicines, etc.
  • Some cosmetic products– Since acne-prone skin is very sensitive, it is suggested to use dermatologically tested products, especially which are non-comedogenic so that they don’t clog the skin pores.
  • Smoking– Can also contribute to acne, especially in the elderly.
  • Genetics– Acne has a tendency to run in families. If either of your parents is acne-prone, then it can make your skin also acne-prone. 
  • Diet– According to a 2021 review, certain foods or diets may have an effect on acne. Although, so far, research has found that no food can causes acne. But yes, according to some nutritionists there are certain foods that have a high glycemic index (GI) or sugar content, that can worsen your acne. 

Food with high GI such as white rice, white bread, pasta, sugar etc, increases blood sugar levels more quickly. It further causes blood to release insulin-like growth factor-1 hormone. 

This hormone increases sebum production when it is produced in large amounts, which can lead to the risk of acne and inflammation.

Hormones– Teenage acne is known to be triggered in boys and girls, due to increased levels of a hormone called androgens, during puberty. It enlarges or over activates the sebaceous gland and produces much more sebum than required, which ultimately leads to acne.

Hormonal changes during midlife, particularly in women, can lead to breakouts too.

Acne in women– Women are more likely to have acne as compared to men. At certain times, women can have hormonal imbalance during certain conditions like periods, pregnancy or menopause, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), etc. which can cause acne.

Signs and symptoms of acne

  • Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
  • Blackheads (open plugged pores)
  • Papules (raised lesions)
  • Pimples (pustules), which are papules with pus at their tips
  • Large, solid, painful lumps under the skin (nodules)
  • Painful, pus-filled lumps under the skin (cystic lesions)

How to treat acne?

Depending upon the particular factors like the condition’s severity, type of acne, or your age, the dermatologist may prescribe you particular medications either oral or topical. 

Topical medications include

Antibiotics and retinoids- Dermatologists may prescribe topical or oral antibiotics (like erythromycin or tetracycline) and retinoids (like tretinoin or adapalene), to treat acne. Because topical antibiotics alone are usually not recommended.

The doctor may start with a low effective dose, because a high dose and prolonged treatment may cause adverse effects also. 

In the initial phase of the treatment, the doctor might suggest using both a retinoid and an antibiotic, with the antibiotic applied in the morning and the retinoid in the evening.

Oral contraceptive- Hormonal therapies or the combined oral contraceptive pill can also help to control acne in women by suppressing the overactive gland.

Azelaic acid and salicylic acid– Along with antibacterial properties, azelaic acid can also be used to manage discolouration that occurs with some types of acne.

Dapsone– It is prescribed for inflammatory acne lesions, especially in women with acne.

Topical anti-androgen– Clascoterone is topical anti-androgen medicine, which belongs to a new class of treatment that targets the hormone that causes an outbreak.

Note: Remember to visit a dermatologist to ascertain the condition’s severity, before getting on a regimen. DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE.

Oral medications include

Oral antibiotics- Antibiotics work by killing excess skin bacteria and reducing redness and inflammation. It is generally recommended for long-term treatment. Take what the doctor prescribes for as long as it is prescribed. Do not stop the treatment mid-way on your own, even if you see improvement in symptoms. Complete the full course of antibiotic treatment.

Examples of oral antibiotics may include tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline, etc. But, refrain from self-medication. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate antibiotic after a proper skin diagnosis.

Isotretinoin- It works by reducing the oil or sebum secretion from the sebaceous gland and thus restricts inflammation or redness and reduces the clogged hair follicles. 

Home remedies for acne

Nowadays people are spending thousands and taking expensive treatments for acne. But you can still manage mild acne by just implementing simple home remedies. Here are a few!

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants, salicylic acid, and sulfur. According to research, applying aloe vera can help lessen acne.

How to use

You can directly scrape out the gel from the aloe vera plant with the help of a spoon and can directly apply it to the skin as a moisturizer.

Green tea

Apart from sipping green tea which has its own benefits of being an antioxidant,  it can also be applied to the skin to take care of mild acne.

How to use-

Allow the brewed green tea to cool, and then apply it with a cotton swab on the skin, Let it stay for some time, and then rinse it off with water.

Turmeric facial mask

Turmeric is known to be one of the most effective and traditionally used home remedies when it comes to beautiful skin. But did you know, it can treat and prevent acne and scarring as well? 

How to use-

You can make a turmeric facial mask and add a number of other ingredients like almond oil, honey, curd or chickpea flour, etc. as per your choice or convenience. 

Add a sufficient amount of water to make it into a paste, apply it for 10 to 15 minutes, and then rinse with the cold water.

Cucumber face mask

Cucumber has a soothing effect on the skin and aids in reducing inflammation.

How to use

You can make a paste by blending one small cucumber and 1 cup of oatmeal. Apply it for at least 30 minutes and then wash it off with water.

Egg white mask

As per experts, eggs have lysozyme content, which is known to kill acne-causing bacteria, thus making eggs a great ‘at-home acne treatment’.

How to use- 

Separate the egg white part from the yolk, apply it with a cotton swab, let it stay for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it off.

Final thoughts

Acne treatment is a long process, and it may take a few weeks to several weeks to heal. So you have to have patience and follow the instructions as suggested by the doctor. Along with acne treatment, a good skincare routine, and proper hydration is needed.

“Here is a tip for ongoing prescription acne treatment- don’t use other treatments or home remedies., otherwise, they could worsen the acne condition.”

Moreover, you should also frequently opt for preventive health screening. It provides you with vital insights into your health, allowing you to take necessary measures to improve it.

Scalp Acne – How to Treat Pimples on Scalp

Scalp acne or pimples on the scalp might not be one of your serious problems but for the affected it is very irritating and demands quick treatment. Severe acne could also cause scalp pain. Scalp acne is essentially the result of clogged pores on your scalp and the remedy could be as simple as keeping your hair clean and using medicated shampoos to remove the dirt from your scalp. 

What Causes Scalp Acne

There are varied reasons for the occurrence of scalp acne. It could be the result of several skin complications but it essentially happens of the following reasons:

  • A rise in oil levels or the production of excess sebum in the scalp
  • The clogging of hair follicles with dead skin cells and dirt
  • Inflammation of the hair follicles 
  • The spread of acne bacteria in the scalp
  • Digestive problems could also aggravate acne problems
  • Stress which leads to an exaggerated production of sebum and clogged pores

The scalp is dotted with a number of hair follicles and an extensive network of oil glands. The pores are frequently blocked by dirt and oil which could lead to acne issues. This can also happen if you wait too long to shampoo your hair after you are done with your workout. If you sweat a lot while wearing a cap, it could also cause a lot of friction leading to significant acne problems. 

You could suffer from acne even if you wash your hair regularly. The build-up of sweat, oil and dirt as a result of badly shampooed hair could also lead to the clogging of your pores. This is when you have to take a relook at your hair care regime as the use of improper hair care products like styling gels and sprays can also lead to an exaggerated build-up of impurities in your scalp. 

Types of Scalp Acne

It is important to identify the severity of your acne problem to determine the course of treatment. The issue could be:

  • Mild
  • Moderate 
  • Severe.

The pimples on the scalp could manifest themselves in the following ways. 

  • Blackheads also referred to as open comedones
  • Whiteheads also referred to as closed comedones
  • Papules or inflammations
  • Pustules or bumps filled with pus
  • Cysts that form deep inside your skin 
  • Mixed forms that are a combination of many different types. 

How to Identify Scalp Acne

Scalp acne is not difficult to identify. They are similar to pimples in many ways and are quite apparent as raised bumps on scalp that are sensitive to touch. Unlike scalp psoriasis they do not affect layers of scalp. In some cases, they may also form in clusters. They appear as zits in the back of the head. They can be sore and itchy. Scalp acne can frequently:

  • Appears as tiny swellings on your forehead or along the back of your neck. 
  • Very tiny bumps that might be felt but not seen.
  • A cluster of bumps on your scalp
  • Whiteheads that form on your hairline and scalp
  • Skin coloured bumps on your scalp and hairline

Sometimes the acne may not respond to treatment and could indicate symptoms of a more serious strain. This is when you need to take the help of an expert who would be able to suggest a detailed and stronger treatment plan.

Treatment for Scalp Acne

The standard treatment for scalp acne would in most cases involve a medicated shampoo. These shampoos can be very effective as they can remove all the debris and excess oil and stop scalp acne from happening again. These shampoos can be purchased without a prescription. The ingredients that are used most frequently in these shampoos are:

  • Tea tree oil, which is very useful in removing scalp bacteria
  • Glycolic acid helps in exfoliating the scalp, removing dead skin and excess sebum
  • Ketoconazole is a very potent anti-fungal agent and can be used to treat red and scaly skin
  • Salicylic acid helps remove all the dead skin cells
  • Ciclopirox is very good for dandruff infections 
  • Benzoyl peroxide is best remedy for the bacteria which causes scalp acne

If the patient is experiencing a more severe form of scalp acne which is responsible for hair loss, the doctor could also recommend a number of alternatives including the following: 

  • Steroids
  • Antibiotics
  • Topical ointments or creams
  • Light therapy

It is however suggested that a person should pursue only a single line of treatment at any point of time unless specifically instructed by a medical practitioner.

Tips to Prevent Scalp Acne

While there are a number of cures for scalp acne it would make perfect sense to take some very basic steps to ensure that you do not have to deal with such issues in the first place. Let’s look at what you can do :

  • Wash your hair immediately after a workout
  • Wear loose fitting headgear so that your scalp receives enough air to breathe
  • Ensure that your hair receives a sufficient dose of vitamins A, D and E to nourish them
  • Avoid using too many hair products that tend to clog your pores, use natural products instead
  • Consult with a doctor to create a diet chart to avoid foods that aggravate hair acne issues

Scalp acne is not a very serious issue and timely intervention can help you resolve the problems very easily with some simple scalp acne treatment. However, there could be times when you let the acne linger, leaving you with a severely infected scalp that would demand expert medical intervention. Do visit us at Rejuvenate Health and let our experts take over, as they provide effective solutions to any such hair issues and more.