Best Pimple/Acne Treatment in Delhi by the Best Acne Specialist in Kolkata: Learn About the Cost, Causes, Remedies, Prevention.
We have best tools & machines for Laser Acne Scars & Acne Treatment in Delhi like Lasers for Acne Scars, Active Acne & Severe Acne Issues. Other procedures like Laser Resurfacing, Chemical Peels, Salicylic Acid Peels etc. not just treat the issue temporarily but reaches to the root cause to make the treatment permanently effective.
What is Acne? Agonizing skin disorders in adolescent
Acne is a skin disorder mainly prevalent amongst young adults that is primarily caused by contact with bacteria, dead skin cells ramming together and blocking the pores. A major trigger for the outbreak of acne is puberty.
That said, altered living standards and health habits have witnessed a dramatic decrease in the onset of puberty, particularly in girls, significantly over the past two decades.
It is now not very alarming for girls as young as 9 to develop acne. Although, in current scenario Acne is also making its appearance evident in more adults later in life (say about 40-45years) and doctors are in a quandary as to why. A growing number of women are now seeing developing acne in their late 40s, 50s, and beyond.
Are Pimples and Acne the same thing? NO
Most commonly Acne is referred to other words such as Pimples, Zits, Whiteheads, Blackheads, or Breakouts, however, contrary to popular belief, Acne Vulgaris is a wider term while pimple as well other terms are just few types of acne.
A key point of distinction between the two can be spotted with the way they appear. A Pimple will always have a pointed tip sacked in pus while acne might just be a red, round bump. Moreover, pimples are caused by the clogging of pores while acne is a result of clogged follicles. Lastly, compared to Acne, Pimples are also generally milder, tolerable and less painful.
Types of Acne— Symptoms that lead to right type and treatment
Acne varies in shape, size, color, and intensity of pain.
The following types zits popping out can possibly be acne:
Blackheads: visible to the naked eye, they are black dot-like that appear on the surface of the skin, most commonly on the nose, between the eyebrows, chin, and lower chin.
Whiteheads: These are very small and are seated under the skin
Papules: Small sized, generally pink bumps, appears on the surface of the skin
Pustules: red at the base and pus in the sack are clearly visible on the surface of the skin.
Nodules: Larger, solid, round painful zits that rooted deep in the skin but are clearly visible on the surface of the skin.
Cysts: Pus-filled, swelled, inflamed sacks those are more apparent on the face and back surface of the skin. They even cause scars.
Is it okay to snap off an Acne zit?
It is never okay to fiddle with any sort of skin breakouts or even keeping your hands in contact because it will only invite more zits in the long run.
What Puts You at Risk for Acne?
Causes of Acne
Causes of Acne are surprising but eye-opening:
Sebum: This is an oily substance that aids moisturize our skin but excess of it is the main cause of prompting acne by sticking the dead skin cells together and thus increasing their likeliness of getting confined inside a pore. The blocked pores come into being as blackheads, whiteheads, zits or pimples.
Pollution & Pollutants: Blackheads are acidified oil that is produced overtime with accumulation of dirt from excessive exposure to pollution. If bacteria are also persistent on skin, redness, inflammation and swelling can take place leading to progression of the pimple into a cyst or nodule. The production of sebum is usually triggered at puberty. Remember, Sweat never cause acne.
Food: Junk, processed, greasy and fried foods are not only bad or generally deteriorating for overall health, but they also play a casual key in causing acne.
Foods high in carbohydrates, sugar, dairy products are great source in accumulating oil glands that in turn pop acne. Even pure chocolate is considered a factor to infuriate acne though findings are far from evinced.
Stress: Prevalent stress releases hormone called Cortisol which is a primary stress hormone known to increases the level of sugars in the bloodstream while also changes the serum level of many hormones thus playing a kind of indirect role in causing acne.
Heredity: If one of your parents had severe acne, it is likely that you can have the propensity to produce acne or that your acne will be more difficult to manage, especially with home remedies.
Medication: Some medicinal drugs may induce or aggrandize acne, such as those containing bromides, iodides, oral or injected steroids {Orasone, Deltasone Liquid Pred}. Other drugs that act as a contributing factor to acne are Lithobid, lithium or anticonvulsant medications. However, only less than a few cases of acne might be drug related.
Cosmetics: Some skin care and make-up products are characteristically “comedogenic”, meaning that they are pore blocking. Of the many brands of cosmetic products available, it is vital to read the list of ingredients and pick those which are water based or paraben free, if one is concerned about acne. These “water-bearer” skin products are generally skin-friendly and best for those with breakouts.
Who is more at Risk of Acne?
People with naturally higher levels of hormone and produce more sebum, so their skin pores are always choked.
Some people suffer from severely Bad acne which is actually a reason of hereditary. It tends to run through family who probably had breakouts when they were a teenager.
People who live in area with high humidity in surrounding atmosphere
Those in an occupation that exposes to excessive heat and moist like cutting oil in industries, food kitchen, mechanical work or tar
A headband, helmets, suspenders or chin straps clinched too tightly tends to precipitate breakout.
Hair oil, serum applied too close to the skin can give spark to a zit
People taking medicines – particularly phenytoin, and hormonal contraceptives that high in androgens (for example Depo-Provera shot) are likely to get Acne.
Consult our Dermatologist Today
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This probably makes you feel like the acne never really has gone when the proof of timeline of pain and anxiousness remain inscribed on your face.
Not to worry, we have news wonderful to make you jump with both feet in. Yes, we have got a rescue for your acne scars in form of— dermal fillers.
Dermal Fillers for Acne Scars
Dermal Fillers exhibits highly favorable results in refining the appearance of acne scars by lifting up the indented, depressed scars. Their effect is however not permanent to last lifelong.
The outcomes can last from between a few months to a year receiving fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, Perlane, and Belotero, etc.
However, with a combination of laser resurfacing such as the CO2 fractional non-ablative and quite fruitful chemical peels and microneedling, have the potential to literally make you swamp in the seat and not just letting the amazing results pass you by.
This combination treatment will effectively treat and confiscate certain types of acne scars. It can help drastically decrease the visibility of acne scars in addition to enhancement in overall healthy, happy skin texture and tone.
Long-Term & Short-Term Benefits of Dermal Fillers for Acne Scars
The benefits of facial fillers include:
Lifting up the scars up to the surface of the skin making it even
Break up the scar tissue to reduce the apparentness of the scars over time
Boost collagen production for contoured, younger skin
Almost immediate results and limited after-the-treatment downtime
Needs fewer, less aggressive procedure
Continued improvement over the next few months post procedure.
Results last from several months to year long
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Injectable filler (injectable cosmetic filler, injectable facial filler) is a soft tissue filler injected into the skin at different depths to help fill in facial wrinkles, provide facial volume, and augment facial features: restoring a smoother appearance. Most of these wrinkle fillers are temporary because they are eventually absorbed by the body. Most dermal fillers today consist of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring polysaccharide that is present in skin and cartilage. Some people may need more than one injection to achieve the wrinkle-smoothing effect. The effect lasts for about six months or longer. Successful results depend on health of the skin, skill of the health care provider, and type of filler used. Regardless of material (whether synthetic or organic) filler duration is highly dependent on amount of activity in the region where it is injected. Exercise and high intensity activities such as manual labor can stimulate blood flow and shorten the lifespan of fillers.
In the US, fillers are approved as medical devices by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the injection is prescribed and performed by a provider. What defines a qualified dermal injection provider varies by country and is a point of debate between board-certified doctors and injectors who operate under cosmetic or aesthetician licenses. Fillers are not to be confused with Neurotoxins such as Botox. Fillers are not approved for certain parts of the body where they can be unsafe, including the penis. In Europe and the UK, fillers are non-prescription medical devices that can be injected by anyone licensed to do so by the respective medical authorities. They require a CE mark, which regulates adherence to production standards, but does not require any demonstration of medical efficacy. As a result, there are over 140 injectable fillers in the UK/European market and only six approved for use in the US. In China, the market of cosmetic surgery increase in recent 10 years, NMPA (formerly CFDA) also has issued several guidance to regulate injectable filler.
Medical uses
Dermal fillers, also known as “injectables” or “soft-tissue fillers,” do just what their name suggests: they fill in the area under the skin.
non-surgical cleft repair/modification
treating fat loss secondary to HIV. Fillers were found to give a temporary acceptable therapeutic effect in HIV‐infected patients with severe facial lipodystrophy which is caused by the highly active antiretroviral therapy. A systemic review concluded that the injectable fillers resulted in high satisfaction, however, further research is needed to determine the safety of its use.
Risks of an improperly performed dermal filler procedure commonly include bruising, redness, pain, or itching. Less commonly, there may be infections or allergic reactions, which may cause scarring and lumps that may require surgical correction. More rarely, serious adverse effects such as blindness due to retrograde (opposite the direction of normal blood flow) embolization into the ophthalmic and retinal arteries can occur. Delayed skin necrosis can also occur as a complication of embolization.Embolic complications are more frequently seen when autologous fat is used as a filler, followed by hyaluronic acid. Though rare, when vision loss does occur, it is usually permanent.
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People usually get Melasma, but what are the reasons?
Melasma has been known to be a common skin problem, as it causes discolored or dark patches on the skin. When it occurs in pregnant women, it is called as chloasma or the “mask of pregnancy.”
Melasma is seen predominantly in women. According to a research 90% of people who develop Melasma are women. Men can get it too, though the chances are very grim.
Areas of the body with Melasma show various colored spots viz. tan, brown, or blue-gray. It is predominantly seen to happen on areas of body such as
Jaw line
Central face.
The cause of Melasma can be anything from the rays of the sun, genetic problems, or hormonal changes seen in women.
It has also been observed that an increase in melanin irritates the skin and can lead to accelerated symptoms of Melasma.
Why do women get Melasma, and what are the symptoms?
It is typically observed in women between the ages of 25-55 years of age.
At the time of pregnancy, women undergo hormonal changes and this could lead to flaring up of Melasma.
Women taking birth control pills are at the risk of getting Melasma.
It could also simply be an aftermath of high sun exposure on sensitive skin.
We’ve just scratched the surface when it comes to knowing the reasons of what causes Melasma.
But, it is seen that darker-skinned women are more prone to this skin disorder, rather than fair-skinned women.
Melasma, as such does not show any symptoms.
But common signs that can be observed are discoloration on the
Nose Bridge
There are rare cases when people do get patches on the neck and forearms as well, but these conditions are very rare.
If you do notice signs of Melasma, you need to see a dermatologist who specializes in various skin treatments.
How do you know another skin disorder isn’t mimicking Melasma?
People tend to confuse other skin disorders with Melasma because of the signs and symptoms it showcases. It is vital to understand what Melasma is, and what isn’t.
Other skin orders that mimic Melasma can be listed as –
Skin injuries left behind by acne – they exhibit similar skin discoloration
Sun spots caused by the sun
Hyperpigmentation due to sun damage
Brown or gray colored rash called as lichen planus pigmentosis
Discoloration or hyperpigmentation of the skin due to certain medication
When should you consult us?
Sooner the better! You should see a dermatologist at Rejuvenate Health
If it starts to cause personal or psychological distress
When hyper pigmentation is extremely severe
Prevention is better than cure, and it works best when initiated early.
Chemotherapy could lead to hair loss all over the body. There are some drugs which could cause more damage than others. Depending on the doses taken some result in hair thinning while others could make you completely bald. However, most of it is completely temporary and you can cultivate some good habits and grow it all back quickly.
Why Does Chemotherapy Cause Hair Loss?
The process of chemotherapy involves the administering of powerful drugs that attack and destroy rapidly growing cancer cells. However, these drugs also attack other fast-growing cells in the body including the hair cells resulting in hair fall. The chemotherapy hair loss is not necessarily confined to the scalp but can happen with your eyelashes, eyebrows and armpits as well.
The chemotherapy hair loss begins 2-4 weeks after you start your treatment. You could lose your hair in clumps or it could be a slow process. The hair fall will continue throughout the duration of the treatment until a week after you stop your medication. The amount of hair that you lose and frequency with which it happens depends on the procedure of treatment. Hair fall treatment will be necessary if you continue to lose hair a month after you stop your treatment
How to Manage Hair Loss Due to Chemotherapy
Though it is difficult to ensure that your hair does not fall out during or after chemotherapy, you can adopt some measures to ensure that hair loss after chemotherapy is curtailed.
No chemical treatments: It is advisable to be as gentle with your hair as possible during this stage. Do not bleach or perm your hair. Use the hair dryer as rarely as possible. This will help ensure that your hair stays on your head for just a little bit longer.
Get your information right: Not all drugs will affect you in the same way, some will make you lose large tufts of hair while other will lead to slow loss. Ask your doctor in what way the medication will affect you so that you are better prepared to handle hair loss after chemo.
Wear a gel cap: Caps filled with cold gel are effective in reducing hair fall in some people. The cold temperature constricts the blood vessels reducing the amount of chemicals that reach the hair follicles.
Minoxidil: This is a drug normally recommended to treat hair loss. This could also possibly be used for hair regrowth after chemotherapy.
Cut your hair short: Loss of shorter hair impacts the scalp in a lesser way as it is less visible. It is advisable to cut long hair to deal with chemotherapy hair loss.
Protect your scalp: Use a sunscreen when you expose your hair to the sun when you are experiencing chemotherapy hair loss. Your scalp is more sensitive when you are undergoing treatment. So, no hair or less hair makes it feel colder.
Wigs: Use a wig as it will protect your scalp apart from adding to your look.
Caps and scarves: You can also try out caps and scarves as they are comfortable and could be used as a fashion statement.
Excessive hair loss has become a significant concern in most women today. While losing a few strands every day is typical, too much hair loss or thinning of hair is often related to PCOS. PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is a common hormonal disorder that is related to excessive hair loss. Some other characteristics of this condition are weight gain, excessive facial and body hair growth.
When suffering from PCOS hair loss, some women experience hair loss and thinning, also referred to as female pattern hair loss. In this pattern of hair loss, the front of the scalp is usually seen thinning. Some again may experience the loss of hair at the top of the head. This pattern of baldness is often seen in women with excess male hormone or congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
Hair loss due to PCOS can be depressing, and finding an effective solution for the condition is paramount. But before you look out for any solution, you need to know the symptoms of excessive hair loss. The following section discusses exactly that. Read on.
Losing of hair due to PCOS can be detected a lot before diagnosing other related issues like weight gain or irregular menstrual cycle. By closer observation and research of people suffering from PCOS hair thinning, these are some of the symptoms detected-
The crown part of your hair is visible as your hair is thinning.
Lackluster hair that is damaged and breaks easily
The hairline begins to recede near the temples
Excessive hair shedding, especially when you comb your hair to detangle
Lumps of hair come out on your palms every time you shampoo your hair
The upper part of your hair is more visible as the frontline of your forehead has been thinning.
You are experiencing dry and itchy scalp due to dandruff buildup
While these symptoms are related to your scalp or hair, you may also notice some other symptoms, such as
Unusual weight gain or obesity
Anxiety and depression
Irregular menstrual cycle
Increased risk of thyroid and diabetes
To treat or begin with your PCOS hair loss treatment, you must know the cause behind this condition.
Now that we know the symptoms, we must understand the reason behind this condition. PCOS and hair loss are interrelated, but then why do some women face it in the first place? What is the reason behind PCOS hair thinning or losing hair due to PCOS?
Well, the female body also produces male hormones, called androgens. These androgens are responsible for triggering puberty and stimulating hair growth in underarms or pubic areas. Now, for a woman who is not suffering from this condition, the female sex hormone or progesterone normally binds to the receptors of the hair follicles, which prevents hair fall.
On the contrary, in a woman suffering from PCOS hair loss, the progesterone levels go down, and the ovaries produce excess male hormones or androgens. This condition is also called hyperandrogenism.
Now when the progesterone is missing, the dihydrotestosterone or DHT binds the hair follicles receptors. DHT weakens the hair follicles, making it impossible for the healthy hair to survive, and the person experiences hair thinning.
Although it is associated with excess hair loss, the female pattern baldness is associated with excess hair loss, but there is no complete baldness. Even though the female baldness pattern is somewhat similar to the male pattern baldness, there is one big difference between both types – the hair follicles in women remain alive, unlike in men.
If you are experiencing unusual hair loss when combing or washing your hair, you could possibly be facing the first sign of PCOS hair loss.
How to treat hair loss due to PCOS?
PCOS treatment for hair loss helps in managing your obesity problems, acne, hirsutism, or infertility. Such treatment may include lifestyle changes or medication.
Lifestyle changes
Weight loss and low-calorie food. Reducing at least 5 percent of your body weight is essential to bring this issue under control.
Be active
If you are struggling with excessive hair loss, exercising regularly may treat or even prevent insulin resistance in your body.
Limit carbs
Your intake of high carbs and low-fat food might increase the level of insulin in your body. You can ask your doctor for a low-carb diet to control extreme hair loss.
Yes, it can be reversed. Once you identify the hormonal imbalance and get the required medications, you will notice a significant improvement in issue.
However, if your hair is already damaged, you will have to take care of your diet and hair care regime. Be mindful of how to wash your hair and what you eat. A good diet is essential for a healthy life and beautiful hair.
Although losing hair due to PCOS is not easy to deal with, luckily, we have several treatments to deal with this issue.
Oral medicines
One of the foremost PCOS hair fall treatment is oral medications. Your doctor will give you a combination of oral contraceptive pills and anti-androgen drugs combined with other medications to control hair loss.
Sulfate-free shampoos are one of the best things to have in your hair care regime. It will help treat damaged hair and extreme hair loss.
Topical treatments
Besides oral contraceptive pills, your doctor might also prescribe minoxidil for PCOS hair loss. This medicine comes in the form of foam or liquid that you need to massage your scalp with.
Hair transplant
Hair transplant is a common PCOS hair loss treatment. In this process, hair follicles and hair is taken from one area of the scalp and planted into the area where the PCOS hair is thinning is prominent.
Besides this medical help to fight extreme hair loss, there are also some PCOS hair loss home remedies available that you can try to treat the problem-
Aloe vera
Aloe vera needs no introduction, and we all know how effective it is to treat hair and scalp-related problems. By consuming aloe vera, it fights back hair loss problems from your body. It also helps to get rid of oily scalp.
Amalaki or Amla has a detoxifying agent that helps separate DHT from the hair follicle hair receptors. It is rich in carotene, antioxidants, and iron that prevents bald patches and adds impressive volume to the hair.
Herbal homemade shampoo
If you want to go all-natural, you can make a homemade herbal shampoo on your own. Take reetha powder, amla powder, and shikakai powder in equal amounts and add warm water into a runny consistency shampoo. You can use this shampoo to cleanse your hair whenever you feel the need to. On regular use, you will see a drastic change in your hair condition.
Ayurvedic head massage
Ayurvedic head massage is one of the best remedies for PCOS hair loss. Therapeutic essential oils help fight the signs of excess hair loss.
Add anti-inflammatory food
Include anti-inflammatory food in your diet that helps manage the PCOS hair loss symptoms. Foods such as fatty fish, leafy greens, starchy veggies, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and extra virgin olive oil have anti-inflammatory properties.
The DASH diet
Doctors often recommend the DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet to reduce hypertension and heart-related issues. It may also help in extreme hair loss issues. A DASH diet will include poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, etc.
Vitamin D
An essential nutrient, vitamin D, is important for overall health. Vitamin D deficiency hair loss problem can be solved with proper supplements for PCOS hair loss. Ask your doctor to prescribe you some vitamins for PCOS hair loss and biotin for PCOS hair loss.
PCOS hair loss is no longer a rare condition. If you are struggling with this issue or have early symptoms like we discussed today, you should see your doctor and get yourself diagnosed. Besides, take special care of your pcos hair loss diet and hair care regime. If you have been struggling with PCOS hair loss, you can try natural hair remedies and hair shampoos from trusted natural brands.
Rejuvenate Health is a hair care brand that offers a wide range of gut health supplements that is effective in treating underlying symptoms of PCOS, thyroid, or hormonal imbalances. The brand also offers natural hair loss kits and other natural products that can help you fight hair loss.
Alopecia Areata condition causes patchy hair loss on the scalp. Check out the causes, symptoms and natural remedies to treat Alopecia Areata.
Isn’t hair fall an inevitable part of your life. Well, if you are suffering from hair fall keep a check on it as hair falling out in hair patches is what alopecia areata is all about which can be unobserved effortlessly. But alopecia areata is one major reason for hair fall. How exactly does alopecia areata happen and is there an alopecia areata treatment? That’s quite strange though, the immune system of your body will outbreak your hair follicles, generally the most healthy ones. Though alopecia areata is a kind of transmissible disease still that’s not the only cause of it. You will be stunned to learn that almost 6.8 million of the population of the US suffers from alopecia areata symptoms. At present, alopecia areata is cureless; nevertheless, there are various alopecia areata treatment which will reduce your hair fall as well as help in speedy regrowth of your hair. If you want to learn about the causes and symptoms as well as the natural remedies for alopecia areata symptoms, make sure you take out a bit of time and give a read to this article.
What is Alopecia Areata?
Alopecia Areata is also known as a self-immune disease and very rightly so as the very own immune system of your body will lead to the breakage of your healthy hair follicles. Besides occurring in the scalp of your hair, it may lead to hair breakage even in your eyebrows, eyelashes, face, and other parts of the body as well. Alopecia Areata symptoms are patchy hair spots occurring abruptly as also thinning hair. This disease can happen to anyone, be it male or female, but the early signs usually arise during your juvenile and adolescence before you cross the age of 30. Although a hereditary disease, it is perceived that only one or two among a five-member family suffers from alopecia areata. It is observed that if a child has inherited alopecia areata both the parents are the sufferers of this disease. Other than this alopecia areata symptoms may also occur due to stress. People suffering from diabetes, arthritis, and even celiac disease are at higher risk of attack. Alopecia areata treatment does not have any complete remedy, however, the only sign of respite is that it is not life-threatening. Well, alopecia areata also has some brutality as well – It can be generally described as spot baldness. But if there is hair loss in multiple hair patches it is described as alopecia areata multilocularis. The condition of alopecia areata symptoms can be limited only to the beard, in such a situation, it is known as alopecia areata barbae. Complete loss of hair on the scalp is referred to as alopecia areata totalis while the hair loss from all parts of the body including the scalp is known as Alopecia Universalis. Do not get frightened to discover such types of peculiarities in your scalp or body. There is some alopecia areata treatment that will help prevent hair fall as well as help you in growing back your hair.
We all know that our immune system helps fight all the foreign elements from entering our bodies. But in this regard, if you are suffering from alopecia areata symptoms understand that your immune system has misguided your healthy hair follicles as foreign invaders and attacks them. Hair follicles are the base from which your hair grows, attack on them primes to hair fall. Though there is no concrete answer to why this process happens.
Alopecia areata symptoms can also happen due to extreme stress as many of you have the experience of hair loss due to stress.
If anybody in your family is suffering from alopecia areata, you are at higher risk of getting prone to the disease genetically.
A family member suffering from autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, or diabetes will raise the concern of some other family member inheriting the disease of alopecia areata.
What are the Symptoms of Alopecia Areata?
Hair loss is the main and primary symptom of alopecia areata. Loss of hair in small round hair patches exposing your scalp means you are suffering from alopecia areata. Spot baldness in one or two places means you are at the initial stages of the disease. It is being researched and found that in such mild symptoms your hair may grow back but it is impulsive. How much hair fall is normal is what you should be aware of.
Most commonly found in children, the hair fall area may itch and can cause a bit of pain as well. It can be a permanent disease or a temporary one as the cycle of hair fall/thinning hair and hair regrowth varies from person to person.
Alopecia areata beard or hair loss occurring in various parts of your face like eyelashes or eyebrows as well as the beard is also considered as a symptom.
This can lead to a spontaneous delinquent, however, the first thing you might notice is tufts of hair falling out while taking shower or clusters of hair stuck to your pillow.
Another common symptom is – patchy hair fall occurring on a particular side of your hair instead of spreading all over your scalp.
Hair loss in a wide area is also a cause of this disease.
Stiff nails developed as red nails are also a symptom of alopecia areata effect in fingernails or toenails is one basic symptom to recognize that this disease is evolving.
How to Diagnose Alopecia Areata?
Alopecia areata is diagnosed mainly by examining the hair loss pattern. The intensity at which you are losing your hair along with the symptoms occurring is the main tool to diagnose alopecia areata.
Hairs from the affected area are taken under a microscope to diagnose alopecia areata.
Trichoscopy is also a very quick and straightforward way to diagnose alopecia areata as it can easily examine your scalp psoriasis.
Though very rare, a lab test or skin biopsy might be needed to provide an alopecia areata treatment.
In case the autoimmune diseases are generally not the cause of you developing alopecia areata symptoms, a blood test might help diagnose the disease.
As there is no cure for alopecia and no medication permitted for the treatment of this disease, here are some natural remedies for alopecia areata. Onion Juice or Garlic Gel
As you might be well aware, onion juice is an excellent remedy for hair regrowth. Hence, applying onion juice or garlic gel to the areas suffering from alopecia areata will be a great hair fall solution for the hair regrowth.
Research states that a massage treatment for your hair made up of mixtures of various essential oils like lavender, rosewood, and thyme may come in handy for some people to overcome the disease of alopecia areata.
Green Tea
Green tea has tons of benefits and as you all might know the procedure for making green tea, this remedy might come in as one of the easiest to try out. Apply cooled-down green tea liquid into your scalp to get rid of this peculiar disease.
Other Oils
Some other oils like coconut, olive, jojoba, and castor might also help you out from this misery.
Herbal Enhancements
Other than green tea some other herbal supplements like ginseng and Chinese hibiscus might also help.
Stress Management and Diet
Excessive stress can lead to alopecia areata. Stay away from getting stressed out as it plays an important role in the formation of this disease. Try and maintain a restricted diet or diet with an auto-immune protocol which mainly includes meats and vegetables.
Other than these, try to cover up your scalp, protect your eyes if you are losing your eyelashes, and protect your affected areas from cold temperatures.
Although a skin disease, yet very different from others as it does not cause rashes and redness. Make sure you understand the type of alopecia areata you are suffering from, whether it is mild or acute before deciding on any kind of treatment. Natural remedies might not work for people suffering from acute alopecia areata symptoms and might also be a good hair fall solution. For such instances, medical treatment is available. Steroid injections might help mild alopecia areata treatment. Oral treatments like consuming cortisone tablets might fight the disease. Other light therapy or radiation treatment will also help overcome alopecia areata symptoms. But before you take any decision, do consult a dermatologist for operative treatment.
Alopecia areata is a very peculiar disease and can be challenging if it affects your entire scalp. Though the prevention measures are limited since the cause is still unknown, don’t get depressed. Protect your hair from environmental dust and heat and take necessary precautions right away as soon as you start noticing even mild symptoms. As this takes place mostly during your teens, it might affect your appearance as well which effortlessly can lead to an emotional breakdown. But don’t forget that this disease is not life-threatening and may be temporary as well, as in some cases hair regrows on its own without any treatment. If you need help, you can get in touch with our dermatologists on board.
Scalp psoriasis is a condition that affects the skin and can be seen as scaly and flaky raised patches. Some areas may look like dandruff while other areas might have dry scales with a silvery sheen. The difference of scalp psoriasis vs dandruff is that dandruff could come and go but scalp psoriasis stays for a long time. It could affect the entire scalp or parts of the scalp. It would also spread to the neck, the ears and the hairline on occasions. Scalp psoriasis can at times produce itchiness, scalp pain and a burning sensation on the scalp. Though it does lead to temporary hair loss in the affected areas, psoriasis in general is not responsible for hair loss.
Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that happens when the immune system ends up attacking the body instead of protecting it. This happens as the immune system sends the wrong signals and the skin cells multiply rapidly as a result. Under normal circumstances cells take weeks to form but with psoriasis cell formation happens within days. This is an unwelcome situation as the body does not have the capacity to handle the excess number of cells. The skin cells multiply on the surface of the scalp to create scaly patches.
Though it has yet to be scientifically established it is believed that there is a genetic component to scalp psoriasis. People who have close relatives with this condition are more likely to develop this condition in the future.
Also, a research report has suggested that the following categories of people have a greater possibility of developing scalp psoriasis.
People who could develop inflammatory tendencies connected with obesity.
Individuals who are dietary issues such as gluten sensitivity.
People who are going through a lot of stress have a greater possibility of having psoriasis.
Those with weakened immune systems like children and HIV positive people are also at greater risk of developing an infection.
The condition of people with scalp psoriasis is aggravated considerably by people with certain issues. Following are some scalp psoriasis causes:
Vitamin D deficiency
Addiction to alcohol
Throat or skin infections or skin injuries
People under medication on anti-malarial drugs and iodine among other things.
What Are the Symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis?
The symptoms of scalp psoriasis can differ for all individuals. However, some common symptoms are:
Rashes or certain patches of red, inflamed skin covered with thick silver-coloured scales. A dermatologist can pronounce the verdict by looking at the rash, If the expert is uncertain a biopsy might be required.
Severe itchiness which could impact your daily life and lead to loss of sleep. It could even lead to skin infections.
It could at times cause temporary hair loss in the affected areas.
It could also produce a burning sensation or sting.
Psoriasis does not usually lead to hair loss but if the person scratches the skin it could result in bleeding and probable infection. It could spread to the ears, neck and forehead.
Home Remedies to Get Relief from Scalp Itchiness
Though there are a number of suggested home remedies for scalp psoriasis the efficacy has yet to be proven in the medical domain. The following remedies might be effective for the milder forms of psoriasis but more severe forms might require the intervention of a doctor. Let us look at some home remedies for scalp psoriasis treatment.
Aloe vera: Aloe vera has natural skin healing properties. Creams that have aloe vera are very effective in preventing flaking and inflammation and reduce redness of the scalp. The creams need to be applied at least 3 times a day for a month to realise the benefits. This is the best treatment for scalp psoriasis.
Apple cider vinegar: Dilute 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of water. Rinse the skin immediately afterwards. Do this 3 times a week and the results will be visible in a couple of weeks.
Coconut oil: Coconut oil has a lot of healthy fats. You can massage a few drops of lukewarm oil onto your scalp and wash your hair after 20 minutes. This is also the suggested way on how to get thick hair naturally.
Baking soda: This is one of the most popular treatments for an itchy scalp. Put a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Stir the mix and rinse your hair with the liquid. This will reduce the inflammation and considerably lessen the itchiness.
Turmeric: Turmeric supplements are also quite effective anti-inflammatory agents and help sooth the skin. They are quite helpful in fighting psoriasis. They can be taken orally or applied to the skin. This is a great method for scalp psoriasis natural treatment.
Garlic: The antioxidants present in garlic rejuvenate the skin and remove inflammation. Mix the crushed garlic pods with aloe vera gel and put it on the affected area. Wash it with cold water after 20 minutes.
Vitamin D: Spending some time in the sun on a daily basis may be quite helpful in absorbing the vitamin D that will help minimise some effects of scalp psoriasis. The sun helps decrease the rate of growth of the cells and helps treat your condition. Do remember to apply sunscreen before you move outdoors though.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acid could be helpful in reducing inflammation associated with scalp psoriasis. Fish oil or flax seeds are rich in this particular ingredient.
A number of OTC products are available which help soften the scales in the infected parts and help them peel off. Products which have salicylic acid, lactic acid, zinc pyrithione, urea or selenium sulphide are good for psoriasis problems.
Gently brush your scalp to loosen the scales.
Shampoo with a salicylic acid shampoo to wash off the scales. This is generally considered the best shampoo for psoriasis.
Apply the creams to your scalp when it is damp so that the moisture is retained.
Coal tar products are very useful in reducing itching, inflammation and scaling. They could be available as ointments, gels, shampoos and foams among other things. Massage the coal tar psoriasis shampoo into the scalp and leave it for 5 minutes before washing it off. This is a psoriasis shampoo that works very effectively against dandruff.
Hydrocortisone is very effective in reducing itching and inflammation. For a few patches a mild version works well but for a more serious bout a prescription corticosteroid will be necessary.
You can also apply intralesional steroid injections to reduce inflammation. The doses are injected directly into the affected sections.
When You Seek Medical Help
Doctors could also suggest some topical medication which need to applied directly to the skin and then shampooed and rinsed out. Some examples are:
Anthralin: This needs to be applied once a day for 10 to 30 minutes before washing it off.
Calcipotriene: This is for that additional dose of vitamin D. You can apply it at night and then wear a shower cap. Leave it on overnight and be careful not to get it into your eyes.
Calcipotriene and betamethasone dipropionate: This combines vitamin D and a strong steroid and is to be used once a day.
Tazarotene: Available as a cream, foam or gel, you can use it on cleaned, dry skin. Let it dry before you go to bed and apply a moisturiser afterwards to avoid dryness.
All the medication should be used on doctor’s recommendations only. Do not extend stronger steroids beyond the 2-week cycle without medical supervision.
On occasions your scalp psoriasis can become infected and this could cause crusting, warmth and tenderness. There is also a possibility of a swelling of the lymph nodes, in which case antibiotics might be required.
Ultraviolet Light is also used to deliver light with the help of a device directly to the scalp as part of another treatment procedure.
Depending on the severity of the infection doctors can also suggest the following medication.
Methotrexate: This is helpful in slowing down the pace of an enzyme responsible for fast cell growth.
Oral retinoids: This helps regulate the growth of cells.
Cyclosporine: This helps reduce the immune cell function and prevents the inflammation of psoriasis.
Biologics: This is a specialised medicine that targets those parts of the immune system active in causing psoriasis.
It is suggested that all medicines be taken in the manner directed. Even recommended medications can have side effects such as irritation or redness which could cause the condition to deteriorate. Using a moisturising conditioner after a medicated shampoo is the way to do it.
Scalp psoriasis can be present in different forms. It can be mild and act under the radar or it could also take the form of a severe infection. The severity could lead to loss of sleep and psoriasis hair loss too. Early detection is a possible answer as you start your initial treatment with a scalp psoriasis shampoo. Do remember to visit us at Rejuvenate Health for the correct solutions as we guide you and set you on your way to healthier tresses.
Hair all over your scalp is in one of three phases of growth: Anagen: the active growing stage; Catagen: the finishing stage and Telogen: the stage when a new hair pushes the old one out. It is completely normal to lose some hair every day.
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. Sure, Benjamin Franklin wasn’t talking about Hair-loss when he said these famous words, but he might as well have. Because it is true.
It has been scientifically proven that it is much easier to stop hair fall than regrow hair. So if you have been shedding more than 100 strands a day, you may be suffering from hair loss. Not sure? Check your hair-brush, take a quick look after a shower, do u see tell-tale strands? Is your pillow strewn with more broken strands than dreams? Yes? Then the verdict is clear, YOU, my friend have a big problem. Hair fall puts you on a fast train to destination BALDNESS. Hair loss stems from genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, disease, hormones, and emotional stress.
You might not admit it but Hair is an important part of your personality. With the power to enhance moods, boost confidence and set the tone for your entire look. A great hairstyle makes a massive difference to your image, the way you walk and would you believe it, even how confident you are in conversations.
In our hectic lives we barely have enough time to shower, so who has time to go and get professional help for hair loss, right? WRONG. We understand your time is precious and you rather spend it doing the things you love.. We do the leg work so it spares you the time, anxiety and stress of personally going to a specialist.
Our new age, online consultation, and diagnostic tools help you get the perfect, personalized treatment designed by our specialist Doctors and Veds. With almost no effort on your part, except a few clicks of the mouse, you will have the best Hair-Loss Treatment delivered to your doorstep. A solution for alopecia created using advanced modern medicine and sound knowledge of Ayurveda, not some over the counter generic stuff. Our solutions work and we guarantee this with our money-back policy.
It is natural to find a few hairs tangled in the comb as you groom yourself every morning. Believe it or not, an average human sheds about 50-100 strands of hair daily. It is aprocces of hair growth and regrowth cycle which normally takes upto 2-6 years. It is also equally true that men are more likely to be faced with this problem than women. This does not warrant a second glance, however, indeed doctors say that losing 100 hairs per day is normal, so you should not be anxious about it. Unfortunately, hair loss soon overtakes the normal parameters and can affect your peace of mind and health. Now this is a problem that is as difficult to handle for both sexes, and many spend quite a few sleepless nights over it. Sure, you will find a number of quick-fix solutions available over the counter, but finding an appropriate ayurvedic treatment for hair fall can go a long way in arresting your problem, relieving you from stress.
What is hair loss?
If you think you are suffering from hair loss looking at your comb, well think again. Hair loss is not the same as hair fall. We shed 50-100 strands of hair each day, shocking right? But anything more than that could be a matter of concern.
Hair loss is complex and can be caused due to a number of factors, internal as well as external. No, your hair loss is not just genetic, what you eat, your hormones, your metabolism, digestion, sleeping patterns, levels of stress and activity as well as environmental factors such as sun, dust, pollution, water, all of which result in hair loss. Identifying and treating hair loss at an early stage will not help prevent from going completely bald but also promote hair regrowth. At Traya we believe that hair loss is a lifestyle concern and we address your root causes to arrest further hair loss.
What Are The Symptoms of Hair Loss?
Thinning of hair:
This is one of the common symptoms of hair loss. Before hair fall starts, thinning of hair occurs. This mainly occurs as people age and can lead to a problem called receding hairline.
Circular or patchy bald spots:
Appearance of bald spots is also a symptom of hair loss. At such spots the hair density is very less and the scalp is easily visible.
Scalp patches with blisters:
This can result due to a fungal infection on the scalp. The blisters contain pus which damages the scalp as well as hair follicles.
Complete loss of hair on body:
Certain conditions and medical treatments like chemotherapy and cancer are responsible for complete loss of hair on the body. But in this case hair grows back once the condition is back to normal.
There are multiple reasons for shedding hair at an abnormal speed, though. You would be aghast on seeing hair on your pillow and bedsheets, clothes, and shoulders as you go through the day. No worries! Some of the tried and tested reasons for losing hair include the following:-
What are the causes of hair loss
There are multiple reasons for hair fall and finding the cause is the first step towards coming out with solutions. Alopecia or hair loss might be the result of a disease or poor diet, but could be simply a result of genetic factors and the process of aging. The stress and strain of our daily lives, dieting, weight loss, menopause and pregnancy could be some of the factors responsible for hair loss. Following are some of the main reasons for hair fall:
1. Hereditary hair loss
This is one of the most common types of hair loss worldwide. Also known as genetic hair loss, this is mainly transferred from the parents to their children due to their genes. Genetic hair loss or Hereditary-pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss. Hereditary-pattern baldness is not really a disease, but a natural condition caused by a combination of genetics, hormone imbalance and the aging process. In men it is called male pattern baldness or male pattern hair loss whereas in women it is called female pattern hair loss. Thinning of hair is mostly seen as the first sign of this type of hair loss.
2. Thyroid Hormone Imbalance
Thyroxine, the hormone secreted by the Thyroid gland, is essential for normal human functions. When the amount of hormone is reduced or increased in the body, it can cause a severe imbalance that gets manifested in a number of ways. Hair fall is an indication of both hypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism. It is essential to address the problem of enjoying a full head of hair once again. The hair becomes sparse all across the scalp. Though regrowth is possible with treatment, it may take several months before the complete and uniform growth happens. This is one of the prime reasons for hair fall.
Alopecia is a condition seen in the individuals affected by thyroid imbalances. Patches of hair loss are seen in different areas and may cause complete baldness in the long run. Polycystic ovary syndrome and lupus erythematosus are autoimmune diseases associated with thyroid problems. In some rare cases some antithyroid drugs can also lead to hair loss. It is then difficult to diagnose if the thyroid is causing the hair loss or the medication.
Thyroid problems are mostly temporary and can be conveniently treated, though hair loss might yet happen in the initial phase of treatment.
3. Pregnancy
You are likely to be overjoyed at the prospect of giving birth to a baby. Unfortunately, pregnancy causes a number of changes that affect your body and mind. One of the prominent symptoms associated with this joyous event is acute loss of hair that may give rise to bald areas on parts of your head. Some women experience this during pregnancy and others are affected after delivery. No worries! Your bodily functions will be restored gradually after the birth of your baby. Your hair will grow back too. Following are some of the reasons for hair fall of women:
Poor Nutrition: Lack of a balanced diet and poor nutrition in pregnant women often results in hair fall. While deficiency in minerals, vitamins and iron might be the cause, sometimes the excess quantity of vitamins in the body might also contribute to hair loss.
Illness: Pregnant women are afflicted with various conditions such as gestational diabetes or fungal infections which might affect hair health. Medicines taken for depression or high blood pressure might be a reason for hair fall. They might also have a number of scalp infections and allergies that are one of the main reasons for thinning hair. Pregnant women are prone to a number of illnesses that cause hair loss.
Hormonal problems: Hormonal changes happen in most women during pregnancy and they cause hair loss as they interfere with the normal hair cycle. A condition called ‘telogen effluvium’ results which essentially stands for excessive hair fall. This is a temporary condition and is reversed a few months after pregnancy. The hormone progesterone released during pregnancy causes dryness and makes the hair brittle near the roots. This is one reason of hair fall in females.
Genetics: Hair fall has a high chance of reoccurring if the mother of the pregnant individual also experienced the same condition during pregnancy. This is one of the prime causes of hair loss in women.
Thyroid: Thyroid deficiency problems during pregnancy also interfere with normal body functions, and lead to loss of hair.
Birth control pills: The hair loss can also happen if the person has stopped taking birth control pills. Abortions and miscarriages can also cause hair loss.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is caused by the excess release of male hormones in a female body. and results in excess body hair growth and hair loss from the scalp.
4. Medications
There are a number of medications that affect hair follicles, causing the strands to fall out. Chemicals within the drug are responsible for this outcome. You can thus expect drugs that arrest depression or are used to treat acne to cause hair fall. It is also a side effect of blood thinners as well as drugs that reduce cholesterol levels. It is thus advisable to consider ayurvedic treatment for hair fall that has no particular side effect.
5. Birth Control Pills
Hair loss may become evident when you try to plan your family with the aid of birth control pills. The drugs are hormonal in nature and likely to alter the secretion of certain hormones related to the reproductive system. You will be surprised to find yourself losing huge amounts of hair even after you cease taking them. It will help to check the composition and learn about the facts by discussing it with your doctor. Request him/her to prescribe medications with low androgen to avoid this being one of the reasons for hair fall.
6. Nutrition
Maintain proper health by following a balanced diet. You need to consume an adequate amount of all nutrients. You are likely to shed hair regularly if you follow poor nutrition lacking in proteins, iron, and vitamins. A nutritious diet will provide the necessary fodder for the hair follicles to grow in a proper manner.
7. Ringworm
A fungal infection is not considered to be a big deal. However, you may be subject to hair loss when ringworm infects your scalp, causing acute hair loss and bald patches’ appearance. They are sticky and scaly and one of the most common reasons for hair fall in toddlers and school-going children and have the potential to cause permanent hair loss. They might cause inflammation and lead to scarring. It is best to visit a dermatologist in such circumstances in order to get rid of the infection completely. However, you may continue to suffer from the problem, when you take oral antibiotics for healing the area.
8. Alopecia
Well, this is the specific term for hair loss that can be of different types. You may find yourself losing hair at the crown and along the sides, revealing a typical male baldness pattern. Known as androgenic alopecia, you will have to be content to live with it as your genes cause it. This is one of the main reasons for excessive hair fall. The causes of alopecia areata are more complex, though. This is a form of baldness with no explanations. It is believed to be an autoimmune disorder where your own immune system attacks the follicles of hair, causing it to come out in clumps. Unfortunately, it cannot be reversed completely, but an experienced dermatologist may offer varied treatments and reduce baldness to a degree.
9. Physical Injury
Toying with the hair and pulling at it excessively for fashioning it can wreak havoc. You will be saddened to find the thin, hair strands break in the process. Overstyling by weaving hair or braiding them too tightly may be one of the main reasons for hair fall as well. This might also damage the hair roots irreparably and hinder their capacity to regrow. Beware of visiting suspect hair salons for chemical treatments that involve colors and bleaches. All of the abovementioned could be reasons for hair fall. Try to avoid fancy hairstyles for a while and let nature take over. This will enable you to save your hair from damage, with the follicles growing unhindered.
10. Emotional Distress
Stress & anxiety can be at the root of your hairy problems and be one of the reasons for hair fall. Worrying about an impending divorce or having money problems can make you emotionally distraught. You tend to worry endlessly with no solution in sight. This is sure to take a toll on your health, too, with your hair falling more than usual. Do try to address the concern as effectively as possible. A rejuvenating scalp massage with warm herbal hair oil might work wonders in alleviating stress. You may also consider ayurvedic treatment for hair fall to minimize side effects. A good nutritious diet is of course an essential requirement, the lack of which could prove to be one of the prime reasons for hair fall.
11. Hormonal Imbalance
Different types of hormonal imbalances are responsible for hair fall. Female hormones promote the growth of hair, while male hormones ensure that you have a shorter hair cycle. Imbalances can be corrected with the help of a proper diet, natural supplements and oiling your hair on a regular basis. Using aloe vera gel on your scalp is also very good for your hair.
12. Age
The density of hair in your scalp decreases with age and after the age of 40 the capacity of the hair cells to regenerate is significantly diminished. This is the main reason for hair fall in males. A proper diet with the requisite minerals and vitamins would be required to combat hair loss. Products containing tree tea oil among other things would be useful to add that extra nutrition to your hair.
13. Anagen Effluvium
Hair growth follows a specific cycle that includes a growing and resting phase. This particular condition is one of the reasons for hair fall during the growth phase and may be triggered by internal or external factors. You do not have to worry about it as much as finding specific causes of alopecia areata. This condition is sure to be corrected after the reason is removed or by topical application of hair growing medication.
14. Scalp psoriasis
Scalp psoriasis is a condition that affects the skin and can be seen as scaly and flaky raised patches. Some areas may look like dandruff while other areas might have dry scales with a silvery sheen. The difference between scalp psoriasis vs dandruff is that dandruff could come and go but scalp psoriasis stays for a long time. It could affect the entire scalp or parts of the scalp. It would also spread to the neck, the ears and the hairline on occasions. Scalp psoriasis can at times produce itchiness, scalp pain and a burning sensation on the scalp.
15. Radiation therapy
A radiation therapy might help in hair growth but the chances of growing hair as before are very less. Radiation therapy not only kills cancer cells, but it can also harm healthy cells in your body. Healthy cells that have a high rate of growth, such as hair cells, are the ones most likely to be harmed by radiation therapy.
16. Sexually transmitted infection
A sexually transmitted infection, if left untreated can cause hair loss. One such example is syphilis, a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact. The disease starts as a painless sore typically on your genitals, rectum or mouth. Syphilis spreads from person to person via skin or mucous membrane contact with these sores. Syphilis can cause patchy hair loss on the scalp, eyebrows, beard, and other areas if left untreated.
Hair Loss Prevention
Here are some tips which can be followed to prevent hair loss:
Always use a wide tooth comb to prevent hair breakage, and do not comb hair when it’s wet.
Include lifestyle changes that can help reduce stress.
Eat a nutritious diet that includes proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
Protect hair from direct sunlight which can damage hair.
Avoid harsh treatments such as hot rollers, curling irons, hot-oil treatments to hair. Limit the tension on hair from styles that use rubber bands, barrettes and braids.
Besides the ones mentioned above, having a healthy and consistent diet will help purify blood from within, discarding excess toxins which supports the growth, making a better environment for hair to be in the growing phase much longer, preventing it from becoming thin and brittle.
How To Diagnose Hair Loss
Before starting with the diagnosis process, visit a dermatologist or hair doctor for their prescription which will also aid your hair loss treatment. Before diagnosis a doctor may conduct various tests like blood test, pull test, scalp biopsy, light microscopy etc.
Treatments Available to Treat Hair Loss
Effective treatments for most types of hair loss are available. You might be able to reverse hair loss, or at least slow it. If you are suffering from a hair loss condition and still confused about what needs to be done, then click on Rejuvenate Health hair diagnosis and get a free consultation call from our hair doctors to know further about the treatment.
Q. Is it normal to lose hair every day?
A. It’s completely normal to lose hair everyday, but the only thing that matters is the volume of hair that you lose in a day. Losing 50-100 hairs per day is normal but if you are losing more than that, then you should consult a doctor because the sooner you treat your hair loss problem, the earlier you can get control over it.
Q. Which vitamin is the reason for hair fall?
A. There is not any particular vitamin behind hair fall. Almost all vitamins are necessary for proper growth of hair whether it’s water soluble (Vitamin B and C) or fat soluble (Vitamin A, D and E). A regular supply of vitamins in the body is necessary for proper hair growth.
Q. How do I stop my hair from falling out?
A. There are various medications that can help you control your hair fall problem. Traya offers chemical free, safe medicines and solutions that are completely doctor prescribed and science backed based on your hair and scalp conditions.
Remember that it is quite normal to lose around 100 hairs per day. Do not get unduly upset with excessive hair fall, though. Visit a medical practitioner for treatment. You may also check out the miraculous products from Rejuvenate Health for long-standing success.