Padabhyanga (voet en onderbeen)

Padabhyanga, de moeder onder de Ayurvedische massage therapieen

In Ayurveda wordt ‘Padabhyanga’ of ‘voetmassage’ beschouwd als de moeder van alle therapieën. Het zijn uw voeten die het wezen in u verbinden, met de aarde waartoe u behoort. … ‘Pada’ in het Sanskriet betekent ‘voet’ en ‘Abhyanga’ – betekent gebruik van kruidenoliën. Padabhyanga is een holistische therapie en benadering welke deel uitmaakt deel uit van de traditionele Ayurvedische behandeling. Het zijn uw voeten die het wezen in u verbinden, met de aarde waartoe u behoort. ‘Pada’ of ‘voet’ heeft het meeste belang gekregen in de Indiase gebruiken, traditie en geneeskunde. In Ayurveda wordt ‘Pada’ zelfs beschouwd als een belangrijk motororgaan (Karmendriya). Karmendriya omvat de vijf ‘organen’ of actieve delen van het lichaam zoals handen, voeten, spraak, excretie en reproductie.

Onze voeten zijn meer dan alleen een essentieel onderdeel van ons lichaam. Voetzolen, tenen, hielen en enkels zijn verbonden met alle organen en met het energetisch lichaam.

Regelmatige behandeling van de voet is uiterst heilzaam en kan vele kwalen/klachten verminderen en voorkomen.
Naast een mooiere voet waarbij eelt minder kans krijgt, de voeten soepeler en steviger worden, zorgt het ook voor:

– Vermindering van stress, angst en depressie
– Bevordering van een goede slaap en voorkomen van slapeloosheid
– Helpt de interne organen te reinigen
– Verbetert de bloedcirculatie
– Verbetert de spijsvertering en het metabolisme
– Herstelt en brengt de aangeboren energie van het lichaam in balans
– Brengt de dosha’s in evenwicht, en vooral vata en pitta dosha
– Kalmeert het lichaam en de geest
– Meer lichaamsbewustzijn, uit ‘het hoofd’
– Activeert het metabolisme
– Een ontstekingsremmende en hitte regulerende werking, goed bij een te hoge pitta dosha
– Ontgiften van het lichaam
– Brengt voet- en lichaamstemperatuur in evenwicht

Tijdens de behandeling wordt gebruik gemaakt van de Kansa vasti. Dit is bowl(kom) met een legering van koper, brons, tin en zink die herhaaldelijk over de voet wordt bewogen. Dit stimuleert de voet, de zenuwuiteinden, geeft een vitaal en tintelend gevoel, ontspant diep en brengt balans.


NuAyurveda Panchakarma Clinic

The benefits of Shirodhara include treatment of sleep problems, memory loss, poor concentration, chronic headaches, stress, depression, mental tension, hypertension, facial Paralysis and degenerative conditions of the brain. The medicated oils absorbed through the scalp stimulate the hair follicles and hence shirodhara is an important therapy to treat hair problems such as premature greying of hair or hairfall.
Shirodhara TreatmentNuayurvedaSeptember 24, 2018


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Ayurvedic Medicine for Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Ayurveda has promising ayurvedic medicine for piles. These medicines include Arshohar Vati, Abhayarishta, Arshhar Gutika, Arshoghni Vati, Kankayan Vati, etc. Arshoghni Vati is commonly available ayurvedic medicine for bleeding piles and Kankayan Vati is used for non-bleeding piles. These are two main ayurvedic medicines for hemorrhoid treatment in Ayurveda. In this article, will discuss ayurvedic treatment of piles in detail.

What is hemorrhoid (Piles)

Piles (also called hemorrhoids) are of two main types according to symptoms including bleeding and non-bleeding piles. According to location of piles, they can be Internal and external hemorrhoids. External piles develop closer to the outer skin of the excretory opening and they may be more painful than internal piles.

In medical science, pile can have four degrees according to protrusion from the walls of the excretory opening at the end of the alimentary canal.

First degree piles Pile protrusion inside lining of anal canal and bleeding can be the first sign
Second degree piles Larger than first degree piles, but they can come out while bowel movement and go inside afterwards
Third degree piles Piles can hang down from the excretory opening and you have to push them in
Fourth degree piles Piles hang down permanently and you cannot push them inside even with hands. They may swollen and become painful

Common symptoms of Piles include bleeding via the excretory opening , discharge of mucus, and feeling of a lump in or around the the excretory opening , anal itching, anal pain and discomfort.

Ayurvedic medicines work in first and second degree of piles. People can get relief in third degree as well, but very rarely. Third and fourth degree piles are only treatable with surgery or KSHAR SUTRA THERAPY used in ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Piles

Ayurvedic medicines can help stopping bleeding, itching, pain and anal discomfort due to piles. Ayurvedic remedies work on the principle of correcting digestive fire, improving liver function, reducing swelling and terminating constipation. These medicines include:

Ayurvedic Medicines effective in All types of Piles

The following ayurvedic medicine for piles is highly effective.

  1. Amritadi Guggulu
  2. Aragwadharishtam
  3. Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu
  4. Kushmandasava
  5. Lodhrasava
  6. Arshohar Vati
  7. Abhayarishta
  8. Jatyadi Oil (for external application).

Tamarind (IMLI) flowers

Ingredients Quantity
Tamarind (IMLI) flowers 20 to 30 grams
Pomegranate (ANAR) juice 100 ml
Yogurt 100 grams
Coriander leaves A handful
Ginger paste 1 inch slice paste
Black salt According to taste
  • Take tamarind flowers and cook them with pomegranate (ANAR) juice and yogurt.
  • When it becomes thick, then put coriander leaves and ginger paste.
  • Now, you can add small quantity of black salt for taste.
  • You can eat once a day during mealtime.

This remedy helps reducing bleeding, burning sensation, itching and eliminating constipation.

Arshohar Vati

Arshohar Vati is an excellent solution for piles and hemorrhoids. It is effective in all types of piles. It also stops bleeding and reduces swelling.

However, it is helpful in all types of hemorrhoids, but we found it more effective and beneficial for people with bleeding piles. In bleeding piles, other remedies that pacify PITTA humor should also be used. These remedies include amla, licorice, praval pishti, mukta pishti etc.

In non-bleeding piles, Arshohar Vati can be used with Kankayan Vati for increasing its effects reducing the swelling and discomfort.

Arshohar Vati contains following ingredients.

Neem fruits 125 mg
Bakayan tree fruits 125 mg
Munakka (raisins) 125 mg
Haritaki 125 mg

All ingredients are taken in equal parts in powder form expect raisins. Raisins are added during preparing tablets.


Abhayarishta is also a mild laxative. However, it does not stop the bleeding, but it reduces constipation and helps preventing recurrence of piles. It is effective in all types of piles.

Yam (Suran or jimikand)

Dried yam powder also helps in non-bleeding piles. It is used in preparing ayurvedic medicines, which are used for piles.

We can further divide the ayurvedic treatment based on bleeding and non-bleeding piles. Here are some effective ayurvedic medicines for hemorrhoids.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Bleeding Piles

The following ayurvedic medicines for piles are effective when patient has bleeding.

  1. Arshoghni Vati
  2. Swarna Makshik Bhasma
  3. Chandi Bhasma
  4. Praval Pishti
  5. Kaharva Pishti (Trinkant Mani Pishti)
  6. Gandhak Rasayana
  7. Drakshasava
  8. Ushirasava
  9. Bol Parpati
  10. Jatiphaladi Vati (Arsha)
  11. Bolbaddha Ras
  12. Naga Bhasma
  13. Sarivadi Lauh
  14. Ratan Garbha Pottali Ras
  15. Shonitargal Ras
  16. Arshohar Gutika
  17. Arshohar Bhasma
  18. Sphatika Bhasma (Shubhra Bhasma)

SAFED SURMA (SWETANJANA) – Calcite (carbonate mineral)

Purified calcite is most stable form of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). In ayurveda, it is called as SWETANJANA and in Hindi, it is known as SAFED SURMA.

In ayurvedic medicines, it is used as calcium supplement and it is beneficial in bleeding disorders. According to ayurveda, it has cool potency, which means it fights off heat in the body and brings coolness and stops bleeding.

It alone can help in bleeding piles, but for increasing its potency, Praval Pisthi and mulethi, amalaki are also mixed with pure calcite powder. It is an excellent ayurvedic medicine for piles.

Above combination helps reducing and stopping bleeding. Effects start appearing after two three dosages. The complete therapy with above combination may take 5 to 10 days.


Some people in India only use Calcite (SAFED SURMA) for bleeding piles in dosage of 2 grams a day and it is given with buttermilk on empty stomach in the morning. It is famous ayurvedic remedy for pile used by many folks claiming benefits in bleeding piles with a single dosage. According to our experience, it may work for some people with a single dosage, but many require a course of 5 to 10 days for a complete remission of bleeding piles and preventing recurrence.


Gulkand is mild laxative and pacifies PITTA DOSHA (humour). According to ayurveda, PITTA DOSHA is aggravated in bleeding piles. Gulkand helps reducing bleeding by its two medicinal actions. First, it treats mild constipation associated with bleeding piles and secondly it calms the aggravated PITTA DOSHA. Generally, in bleeding piles, it is given with praval pishti (coral calcium) and trinkantmani (Kharva) pishti.

Gandhak Rasyan

Gandhak Rasyan reduces anal itching, helps in anal fissure and alleviates anal pain associated with bleeding piles.


Drakshasava is also effective laxative and stops bleeding due to its cooling potency.

Arshhar Gutika

Arsh-har Gutika contains following ingredients.

Rasont (Berberis Aristata) – Daruhaldi extract 250 mg
Reetha fruid rind powder 250 mg

With above formulation, Arsh-har Gutika is prepared. It helps in bleeding piles. Both ingredient of Arsh-har Gutika are astringent and helps in…


Banker Skin & Smile Clinic

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Kashyadhara – Ayurvedic Treatments

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DIY makeup ideas for Karwa Chauth

While most of us rely on makeup artists to do our makeup on special days like Karwa Chauth, but if you have a knack for makeup, you can try our these DIY makeup tips to shine on this Karwa Chauth and get that true festive glow. Here are a few makeup ideas for you to follow.
Dewy skin effect: Start with a good skin care for a long lasting radiance look. Use a primer to get a long makeup stay. Mix a liquid highlighter or crush a bit of powder highlighter to your primer for a dewy skin effect. Use a hydrating foundation with sheer coverage. Apply highlighter on the high points to add extra sheen. Add a pink lip balm on the lips for the plump effect.

Go monochromatic: One can easily create this look. Use nude shades of eyeshadows for example a pink, peach or a beige. Apply eyeshadow primer on your eyelids and blend them well with your fingers. Using a brown eyeshadow to blend on the crease. Once done apply a pink eyeshadow on the entire lid. Smoke brown kohl on the lower lash line. Define the brows and finish the eyes using a volume mascara. Use the same shade of pink for the blush on the cheeks and lipstick to create a uniform monochromatic effect.

Golden glow with bronze eyes: Prepare your skin and apply an illuminating primer. Apply foundation and correct the imperfections with a concealer. Set your base with a compact or loose powder. Now contour your cheeks using a bronzer. Use a golden highlighter on the cheeks and bridge of the nose. Use a setting spray to keep the makeup intact. Using a bronze shimmer eyeshadow creates a Smokey effect on the eyes. You can use a golden eyeshadow as well. Swipe the eyeshadow on the entire lid and blend the crease with a brown eyeshadow to create depth. Finish the eyes with eyeliner and mascara. Apply a nude shade of lipstick.

Bold red lips: This is the most simplest yet an elegant look. A red lipstick never goes wrong for any occasion. Apply your base using a foundation and concealer. Blend it well and set it with a compact. Add blush to the cheeks and fix it using a setting spray. For the eyes use a nude eyeshadow in brown. Take it on the entire lid and blend it well. Smoke the under eye too with the same colour. Apply volume mascara generously to get a glam look. To complete the look add bright red lipstick.

Natural look: Get a flawless base. Use a BB cream instead of foundation for the face. This is one product that adds hydration and colour to the skin and does not look layered up. Dust loose powder to set it in place. Add a soft pink blush and spray hydration mist. Keep the eyes nude using a matte eyeshadow in shade of pink or beige and mascara. Opt for a nude eye pencil in the waterline. Finish the look by applying a gloss or creamy lipstick in nude.