Ayurvedic Treatment for Skin | Muscle and Joint Pain


“Kashayam” means “decoction” and “dhara” means “continuous pouring”.

This treatment involves pouring of herbal decoction over the entire or any given part of the body. The decoction is chosen according to your health condition.


Based on the herbs selected for making the decoction, this treatment can be used for treating skin diseases like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, neurological diseases, muscle pain and inflammation.


  • This can be done with or without oil application. The therapist will pour warm decoction made from herbs over your body.
  • The flowing decoction is collected and reheated to be reused.


Spray Tan Leuven

Vani-T gebruikt enkel natuurlijke en organische ingrediënten die toch een luxueus en quality resultaat geven! Ze hebben een natuurlijk resultaat – no orange legs for us – en het blijft tot 11 dagen zitten.

Alle Vani-T producten:

  • bevatten natuurlijke en organische ingrediënten
  • bevatten geen parabenen, sulfieten of petrochemicaliën
  • werden niet getest op dieren

Vani-T is een Australisch merk van spray tanning en verzorgingsproducten dat snel werd opgepikt door vele TV en film-persoonlijkheden, zoals Jennifer Aniston, Kylie Minogue, Duncan James, Danni Minogue, etc. en worden onder andere gebruikt op de Oscars om de filmsterren een prachtig bruine glow te geven en tevens om Channel-9 nieuwsankers en presentatoren van de Today-Show een kleurtje te geven.

Onze Spray Tan studio is als enige in Leuven gecertifiëerd door Vani-T voor gebruik van hun professionele Spray Tan producten.

Roupa Infantil Para Meninos, Meninas e Bebês

La Luna Modas: A sua Loja Online de Roupa Infantil

Confira nossas promoções é nosso diferencial para aquecer o inverno dos pequenininhos: blusa infantil, pijama infantil e conjuntos de moda infantil

As Maiores Tendências da Moda Infantil você encontra aqui. Compre e receba em casa!

É impossível resistir às fofuras das roupas de bebê da nossa loja de roupa infantil: a delicadeza, as estampas lúdicas e as formas pequeninas fazem com que as mamães passem horas sonhando em como seu filhote ficará utilizando nossas peças.

Porém, mesmo que a beleza das roupas infantis seja fundamental, também é importante ter atenção a alguns outros detalhes. São eles que vão garantir a proteção do pequeno, o conforto e até mesmo evitar alguns problemas de saúde.

Os tecidos com os quais as roupas de bebê são fabricadas são essenciais para determinar se a peça é de qualidade ou não, por isso é a base da nossa preocupação no processo de produção. O algodão, queridinho quando o assunto é roupinha de neném: permite que a pele respire, portanto não aqueça demais ou deixe muito frio. Além disso, por ser natural, as chances de causar problemas relacionados à alergia são praticamente nulos.

Somos uma boutique de moda infantil e bebê: nossas roupas são para crianças de todas as idades. Escolhemos e desenvolvemos tudo com muito carinho e amor: pijama infantil, moletom infantil, conjuntos variados.

Os nossos body e blusa infantil são fabricados em tecidos naturais. Alguns modelos são de algodão em toda sua composição. Acesse o nosso site para conhecer mais sobre essas peças e a diversidade em roupas para crianças.

Em peças pesadas, como o caso do moletom infantil, atente-se com os detalhes nas golas e ombros: o charme das roupas de bebês são os detalhes fofos. Porém, eles devem ser feitos de forma adequada para as crianças. Isto é, precisam ser delicados e suaves para não machucar a pele. Temos peças básicas, versáteis e que vão bem também por baixo das outras durante o inverno.

Roupas para dormir, como pijama infantil, são mais confortáveis para sonos mais prazerosos e relaxantes, portanto invista neles, temos vários modelos que irão deixar seu bebê pronto para nanar.

Temos a categoria infantil com diversas opções em blusa infantil, moletom infantil e pijama infantil para os mais crescidinhos. Facilidade na hora de pôr e tirar a roupa de criança. Afinal, é preciso praticidade para vestir um ser pequenininho que não para de se mexer!

Portanto, procure sempre por peças que sejam fáceis de passar na cabeça e braços do bebê, como roupas com ombros expansíveis e blusa infantil com gola larga.

Monte seu Enxoval na LaLuna Modas

O parto está se aproximando, mas antes do nascimento do bebê é hora de separar tudo para a mala de maternidade: faça seu enxoval conosco.

Confira os nossos kits de maternidade e escolha a opção que você preferir. Temos diferentes modelos de blusa infantil, conjunto de moletom infantil e pijama infantil para crianças de todas as idades, sempre garantindo a melhor qualidade da moda infantil.

Sobreposições para inverno infantil: qualquer conjunto infantil de inverno exige uma sobreposição para auxiliar a troca de roupa infantil que esteja suja ou que precise ser substituída.

Uma das principais preocupações das mães de bebês recém nascidos e crianças é o que levar na mala? Algumas das perguntas mais frequentes das mães são: Qual roupa infantil devo por? Como escolher a roupa para criança que vista fácil em qualquer local? Qual o melhor modelo de blusa infantil?

Não se preocupe, porque a La Luna Modas tem a solução: as nossas roupas para crianças de todas as idades são tudo o que você precisa.

Moda infantil pensada para garantir a maior praticidade para acompanhar a mamãe no seu dia a dia e na hora de vestir a roupa infantil no pequeno. Evite roupa para criança que seja pouco prática ou blusa infantil fechada na gola. A nossa roupa infantil combina usabilidade, conforto e beleza, porque sabemos que o bem-estar da mãe influi diretamente no bem-estar do bebê e da criança.

Aí você pode estar se perguntando: como é que o pessoal da La Luna Modas consegue manter esses preços tão baixos e garantir a qualidade das suas roupas para crianças e acessórios? A resposta é simples: nós também somos mães e pais e sabemos o quão difícil pode ser vestir os filhos e filhas com roupa infantil de qualidade, bonita e a bom preço – em um site de roupa infantil confiável e seguro.

As vantagens da Blusa Infantil: a queridinha das mamães

Uma das vantagens do body, tipo de blusa infantil inteiriça com fecho, é que ele pode ser usado por baixo de ou em combinação com outras roupas, como por baixo do moletom infantil e outros conjuntos de moda para crianças. É por isso que na nossa loja virtual temos criado diferentes opções de conjuntinhos super bonitinhos e práticos para você escolher o kit body (blusa infantil e calça) que você quiser.

Roupas para crianças que, com uma só peça, já montam um look inteiro, também são as queridinhas das mamães. Esse é o caso do romper, conhecido ainda como macacão, que deixa o bebê, menino ou menina, pronto para os passeios em um piscar de olhos! O melhor da moda infantil: para completar, jogue a blusa infantil que quiser por baixo.

Roupa inverno infantil: lojas de roupas infantil online baratas e confiáveis é aqui na La Luna Modas e separamos essa dica sobre um dos primeiros questionamentos que você deve fazer ao iniciar a busca pela roupa infantil, pijama infantil ou o conjunto de calça e blusa infantil certo, que é: qual é a ocasião? São roupas de inverno, para o verão, dia a dia, ou para uma ocasião especial?

Isso vai mudar completamente a sua procura na nossa loja de roupa infantil. Para acrescentar mais elegância você pode reduzir as cores e também optar pela ausência de estampas na blusa infantil ou calça. Temos modelos de moletom infantil básicos. Tirar os elementos infantis ajuda a formalizar sem tirar a fofura das roupas para crianças.

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Can Ashwagandha Help You Sleep?

Medical Disclaimer: The content on this page should not be taken as medical advice or used as a recommendation for any specific treatment or medication. Always consult your doctor before taking a new medication or changing your current treatment.

Sleep is imperative for good health National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference , yet over 30% of adults Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. See Full Reference report sleeping less than the recommended seven hours per night.

Many adults turn to alternative medicine to assist or treat various ailments, including sleep disorders. One natural remedy used to treat sleep problems is ashwagandha Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) As the nation’s health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats. See Full Reference , a plant that is believed to have sleep-inducing properties.

What Is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng and winter cherry, is a common herbal medicine used in traditional Ayurveda health practices. It is made from a small evergreen shrub called Withania somnifera Medline Plus MedlinePlus is an online health information resource for patients and their families and friends. See Full Reference that is native to India and Southeast Asia. Ashwagandha is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat a wide variety of conditions, though more evidence is needed to confirm if it is effective and safe.

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is considered an adaptogen, a term that describes a group of herbs that are said to protect the body National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference . Though there is limited research available about its effects and mechanisms, preliminary research does suggest ashwagandha might be effective at fighting stress.

According to some, ashwagandha also improves functioning in the endocrine, nervous, and cardiopulmonary National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference systems. It is said to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference properties and to be effective in treating anxiety National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference , and cognitive impairment National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference . These claims need more scientific evidence to back them up, and scientists are still unraveling exactly how the herb works and whether there could be unknown side effects.

Ashwagandha as a Sleep Aid

Preliminary research has found that ashwagandha may help people fall asleep faster, spend more time asleep, and experience better sleep quality National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference . After taking ashwagandha for six weeks, participants in one actigraphy-based study described their sleep as being 72% better National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference , on average.

Several compounds present in ashwagandha may be responsible for its sleep-promoting effects. Researchers have proposed that the triethylene glycol National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference naturally present in the herb may bring on sleepiness. Other researchers propose that ashwagandha acts on GABA receptors National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference , which are a key part of the sleep-wake circuit National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference . There are likely additional undiscovered compounds National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference that contribute to ashwagandha’s apparent therapeutic effects.

Ashwagandha’s main active ingredients are withanolides, which are believed to carry a host of benefits including the ability to ease stress. Stress has been linked to poorer sleep quality National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference and excessive daytime sleepiness National Library of Medicine, Biotech Information The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. See Full Reference . If taking ashwagandha before bed helps a person relax, this may be another way by which it promotes better sleep.

How to Use Ashwagandha for Sleep

Ashwagandha is available in multiple forms. It comes as a powder, tea, pill, tincture, or gummies. The price can depend on the brand, quantity, and quality. Ashwagandha products may also be mixed with other herbs or vitamins.

To use ashwagandha for sleep, follow the instructions of the particular product you buy. The optimal dosage of ashwagandha is still under debate, and it may differ between supplements. You should not use ashwagandha for more than three consecutive months. It is also important to…


Bridal trends to watch out for whether you’re a Dulhan-to-be

As we are about to enter the year 2023 in a upcoming couple of months, it’s time to look for the new lehenga trends for the coming year. Since every bride to-be wants to look her best on the D day, with countless choices available, finding the ideal lehenga can be troublesome. But here are some trends to look forward to in the coming year, courtesy Aaliya Deeba, founder of Ideebs London, a Couture Label.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles (Hemorrhoids)

What is Ayurvedic treatment?

Ayurveda is a traditional Hindu medicinal practice. Though it originated in India, today it’s practiced worldwide.

Ayurveda is generally recognized in the West as an alternative or complementary form of therapy. Ayurvedic medicine is holistic in nature, addressing the conditions of the mind, body, and spirit. It’s concerned with bringing the body back into balance to alleviate symptoms of illness.

A central tenet in Ayurvedic medicine is the idea that there are three doshas, or body types: pitta, vata, and kapha. Each dosha relates to a specific element — fire (pitta), air (vata), and water (kapha) — and a person with one dominant dosha will display physical or emotional characteristics consistent with that element.

The ultimate goal in Ayurveda is to balance each dosha. This is done through a combination of diet, lifestyle modifications, and herbal remedies.

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins found in and around the anus and rectum. They can be either internal or external. Some symptoms of hemorrhoids (or piles) include:

  • intense itching around the anus
  • painful or itchy swelling or lump near your anus
  • painful bowel movements
  • bleeding from your anus during or after bowel movements
  • irritation and pain around the anus
  • leakage of stool

It’s important to know for sure you have hemorrhoids, so do seek a diagnosis with your medical doctor to rule out other problems.

Doctors may recommend over-the-counter products for this issue. Serious hemorrhoids will require more treatment.

There are a handful of Ayurvedic approaches to treating hemorrhoids you could try as well. Read on to find out more.

In Ayurvedic belief, your dominant dosha determines the type of hemorrhoids you may be experiencing:

  • People who are pitta might tend to experience inflamed, bleeding hemorrhoids that are soft and red. Other symptoms include fever, diarrhea, and a feeling of thirst.
  • People who are vata may experience a high level of pain, constipation, and black hemorrhoids with a rough, hard texture.
  • People who are kapha may have poor digestion and hemorrhoids that are slippery, light or white in color, soft, and large in size.

Ayurvedic approaches to hemorrhoid treatment are considered holistic. People experiencing hemorrhoids who want to try treating them with Ayurvedic medicine should expect herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, and possibly minimally invasive procedures as part of their treatment plan.

Your Ayurvedic practitioner will evaluate your overall health to determine your dominant dosha before making treatment suggestions. It’s recommended that you speak to your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment approach.

If you’re experiencing hemorrhoids and want to take an Ayurvedic approach to treatment, your options include:

Medication, or bhaishajya chikitsa

Most minor hemorrhoids can be treated with medication only. No other procedures are needed unless hemorrhoids are more severe. In worse cases, medications may be used in addition to procedures.

Your dosha will factor into the medicinal remedies your Ayurvedic practitioner chooses and any dietary or lifestyle changes they recommend you make in order to prevent recurrence. Some medications may not be suitable for your dosha, so follow your practitioner’s guidance.

Herbal application, or kshara

Kshara is a caustic, alkaline paste used to manage hemorrhoids. The paste is made of an herbal blend and has a cauterizing action. Kshara is applied to the hemorrhoid using a specialized device called a slit proctoscope. The paste then chemically cauterizes the hemorrhoid, which may have been open and bleeding.

In Ayurvedic medicine, this Kshara karma method is considered to be the best approach for treating hemorrhoids.

Depending on your dosha, you’ll be advised to take specific medications to balance your body as you recover. You may also need to make dietary or lifestyle adjustments to support healing.

It’s possible to be allergic to herbal medications. Do test the cream on your arm, and if no reaction occurs in 24 hours, try applying to the rectal area.

Surgical intervention, or sastra chikitsa

Your Ayurvedic practitioner may recommend a therapy called kshara sutra. Kshara sutra uses special medicated thread to tie a hemorrhoid off at the base.

This cuts off the blood supply to the vein, allowing the hemorrhoid to shrink over the next 7 to 10 days. It will shrivel and detach on its own. This more invasive approach will be considered only when other treatments are not effective.

Your Ayurvedic practitioner will consider your dosha when it comes to treatment. You might need specific herbs to support postoperative healing. It’s also possible you may need to make some permanent changes in diet, exercise, and other factors to avoid future hemorrhoids.

While this procedure is considered minimally invasive, it does have risk. Surgical intervention could be dangerous for people who are susceptible to infection, have a bleeding disorder, or are on medications for heart conditions or blood-thinning. Consult a licensed healthcare practitioner for advice.

Cauterization, or agnikarma

External hemorrhoids can be cauterized using infrared heat. Your Ayurvedic practitioner might offer burning off the hemorrhoids. Cauterization will produce some pain.

This kind of therapy might require five to six treatments over the same number of weeks before it makes a difference. Once again, your dosha will be taken into account before treatment. There is potential for increased pain or infection with this procedure. Talk to your doctor about ways to reduce your risks and ensure this is appropriate for you. Safer Western approaches to treatment might be better.

Kshara treatment appears to be safe, but there is potential for risk. More research is needed to understand how well they work and how they work.

One study evaluated 30 people experiencing hemorrhoids. Topical application of kshara paste for seven days resulted in the shrinkage of their piles. There were no side effects or adverse effects shown during this treatment. Researchers concluded this treatment would be most effective for first- and second-degree hemorrhoids.

In another case study of kshara chemical cauterization, the patient was symptom-free within 21 days and had no adverse effects or complications. One case study isn’t enough to say cauterization is safe, however.

Kshara Sutra procedures, the surgical procedures, have been found to be minimally invasive and low-cost, with a small risk of adverse side effects. These procedures have a few benefits:

  • They take less time to perform.
  • People can…


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gptContextualReady_Debug = '0.0' + gpt_ContextualReadyAttempts + " seconds"; gptContextualInit_Debug = gs_channels; gpt_InitAds(); } else { setTimeout(() => { gpt_CheckForContextualReady(); }, 100); } } else { //LOG TIMEOUT error //REMOVE FOR NOW (SHOULD LOG TO A DIFF LOCATION) //TIMEOUT: Contextual Not Ready $(‘#gpt_GrapeShotDebugBtn’).remove(); gptContextualURL_Debug = gpt_ContextualURL; gptContextualReady_Debug = ‘Timeout Expired’; gptContextualInit_Debug = “”; gpt_InitAds(); } } else { //Not Enabled $(‘#gpt_GrapeShotDebugBtn’).remove(); switch (gpt_AdFile) { case ‘PU’: case ‘LANCET’: case ‘JBS’: gptContextualURL_Debug = ‘Not enabled outside of Production’; gptContextualReady_Debug = ‘Not enabled outside of Production’; gptContextualInit_Debug = ‘Not enabled outside of Production’; break; case “CELLJOURNAL”: case “CELLBUCKET”: gptContextualReady_Debug = ‘Not enabled on Cell’; gptContextualInit_Debug = ‘Not enabled on Cell’; gptContextualURL_Debug = ‘Not enabled on Cell’; break; } gpt_InitAds(); } } //————————————————————————– function GPT_GetPageByURL() { var host = window.location.host.toLocaleLowerCase() var localpath = window.location.pathname.toLocaleLowerCase(); ///Check for Cell.com if (host.indexOf(‘cell.com’) >= 0) { return null; } ///Check for Cell.com (marlin-stag) if (host.indexOf(‘www-cell-com’) >= 0) { return null; } ///Check for Lancet if (host.indexOf(‘thelancet’) >= 0) { return null; } if (localpath.indexOf(‘/article/’) >= 0) { return ‘article.fulltext’; } if (localpath.indexOf(‘/action/dosearch’) >= 0) { return ‘search.searchResults’; } if (localpath.indexOf(‘/content/’) >= 0) { return ‘periodical.editorial’; } return ‘periodical.home’; } //————————————————————————– function gpt_CheckForNULL(x, valueifnull) { if (typeof valueifnull == “undefined”) { valueifnull = null; } if (typeof x == ‘undefined’) { return valueifnull; } if (x == null) { return valueifnull; } if (x == “null”) { return valueifnull; } if ($.trim(x) == ”) { return valueifnull; } return x; } //————————————————————————– function gpt_GetAdditionalTargeting() { //adds page level targeting of custom variables //the id (minus gpt) and the value will be used as a key-value pair //eg: //eg: target issuepii=x $(“.gpt-Target”).each(function (index) { var gptTargetId = $(this).attr(‘id’); gptTargetId = gptTargetId.replace(‘gpt’, ”).toLowerCase(); if (gptTargetId !== ”) { gpt_Target(gptTargetId); } }) } //————————————————————————– function gpt_GetQuerystring(key, default_) { //function to read querystring variables if (default_ === null) default_ = ”; key = key.replace(/[[]/, “\[“).replace(/[]]/, “\]”); var regex = new RegExp(“[\?&]” + key + “=([^]*)”); var qs = regex.exec(window.location.href); if (qs === null) return default_; else return qs[1]; } //————————————————————————– function gpt_GetDFPTestId() { //Get any request for a test id from querystring and set custom targeting parameter var gptDFPTestId = gpt_GetQuerystring(‘dfptestid’, ”); if (gptDFPTestId !== ”) { $(‘#gpt-Variables’).append(”); $(‘#gptDFPTestId’).val(gptDFPTestId); gpt_Target(“DFPTestId”); } } //————————————————————————– function gpt_Target(targetName) { //Set page level target if value is found if ($(‘#gpt’ + targetName).length > 0) { var targetValue = $(‘#gpt’ + targetName).val(); if (targetValue !== ”) { targetValue = targetValue.replace(/[^-a-z0-9]/ig, ”); //Only Allow a-z, 0-9 googletag.pubads().setTargeting(targetName.toLowerCase(), targetValue.toLowerCase()); gptCustomTargeting_Debug = gptCustomTargeting_Debug + targetName.toLowerCase() + ‘ = ‘ + targetValue.toLowerCase() + ‘
‘; } } } //————————————————————————– function gpt_TargetAccessType() { var currentAccessType = $(‘#gptAccessType’).val(); if (typeof currentAccessType == “undefined”) { currentAccessType = “”; } if (currentAccessType.indexOf(‘ANON_IP’) >= 0) { googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“loggedin”, “yes”); } else { gpt_Target(“LoggedIn”); } } //————————————————————————– async function gpt_PreTearsheet(adTypeId) { if (typeof adTypeId === “undefined”) { adTypeId = 0; } //Remove Elsevier Cookie Policy Notice if ($(“#onetrust-consent-sdk”).length > 0) { $(“#onetrust-consent-sdk”).remove(); } //Mobile Nav $(‘#skip’).remove(); $(‘#skipNavigationLink’).remove(); //JBS Modals if ($(‘.leadinModal’).length > 0) { $(‘.leadinModal’).remove(); } if ($(‘.leadinModal’).length > 0) { $(‘.leadinModal’).remove(); } if ($(‘.usabilla__overlay’).length > 0) { $(‘.usabilla__overlay’).remove(); } //Pendo if ($(‘._pendo-step-container’).length > 0) { $(‘._pendo-step-container’).remove(); } if ($(‘._pendo-guide-tt_’).length > 0) { $(‘._pendo-guide-tt_’).remove(); } if ($(‘._pendo-image’).length > 0) { $(‘._pendo-image’).remove(); } if ($(‘._pendo-badge-image’).length > 0) { $(‘._pendo-badge-image’).remove(); } switch (gpt_AdFile) { case “CELLJOURNAL”: case “CELLBUCKET”: //Mobile Bug Fix on Cell if (parseInt(adTypeId) == 5) { $(‘.widget-horizontalAd’).css(‘position’, ‘static’); $(‘.body-horizontalAd’).css(‘display’, ‘block’); } break; case “JBS”: case “LANCET”: objLeaderboard = “.container-leaderboard”; offset = 53; switch (parseInt(adTypeId)) { case 3: //MPU case 4: //SkyScraper //BUGFIX: Show Sidebar ad for JBS //skyscraper & mpu if ($(‘.widget-verticalAd’).length > 0) { $(‘.widget-verticalAd’).css(‘display’, ‘block’); } $(‘#backgroundLayer’).css(‘display’, ‘none’); //Hide any Prestitial break; case 6: //Prestitial $(‘#backgroundLayer’).css(‘display’, ‘block’); break; default: $(‘#backgroundLayer’).css(‘display’, ‘none’); //Hide any Prestitial break; } break; } } //————————————————————————– function gpt_Sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } //————————————————————————– async function gpt_ScrollToAd(adTypeId) { if (typeof adTypeId === “undefined”) { adTypeId = 0; } var adId = “”; var offset = 0; var objLeaderboard = “”; var gpt_ScrollToAd = true; switch (gpt_AdFile) { case “PU”: //PracticeUpdate var hideOtherAds = true; $(‘#modalPrestitial’).modal(‘hide’); $(‘.jumbotron-welcome’).hide(); objLeaderboard = “.container-leaderboard”; offset = 53; switch (parseInt(adTypeId)) { case 2: //LeaderBoard, no Scroll Needed gpt_ScrollToAd = false; adId = “adSlot1”; break; case 3: //MPU adId = “adSlot2”; break; case 4: //SkyScraper adId = “adSlot3”; $(‘.most-read’).hide(); break; case 5: //Mobile, no Scroll Needed gpt_ScrollToAd = false; adId = “adSlot1”; break; case 6: //Interstitial gpt_ScrollToAd = false; adId = “adSlot15”; await gpt_Sleep(1000); $(objLeaderboard).hide(); $(‘#modalPrestitial’).unbind(); $(‘#modalPrestitial’).modal(); break; case 7: //Native Ad break; case 10: //Master Companion hideOtherAds = false; gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; default: //Unknown Ad Type gpt_ScrollToAd = false; adId = “adSlot1”; break; } if (hideOtherAds) { //Hide all other ads $(‘.ad-container’).each(function (i, obj) { if (this.id !== adId) { var tempParent = this.id; tempParent = tempParent.replace(“adSlot”, “adParent”); $(“#” + tempParent).addClass(‘hide’); } }); } break; case “JBS”: objLeaderboard = “.js__adToHide”; offset = 80; switch (parseInt(adTypeId)) { case 2: //Leaderboard gpt_ScrollToAd = false; $(“.widget-verticalAd”).hide(); break; case 5: //Mobile //Scroll to Top gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; case 3: //MPU case 4: //SkyScraper $(objLeaderboard).hide(); adId = $(‘.gpt-ad-defined[data-adsize=”sidebar”‘).attr(‘id’); break; case 10: //MasterCompanion gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; case 13: //Phone – Portrait case 14: //Phone – Landscape $(objLeaderboard).hide(); offset = 60; adId = ‘gpt-Interscroller’; gpt_ScrollToAd = true; break; default: //Unknown Ad Type gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; } break; case “CELLJOURNAL”: case “CELLBUCKET”: objLeaderboard = “.js__adToHide”; offset = 260; switch (parseInt(adTypeId)) { case 2: //Leaderboard gpt_ScrollToAd = false; $(‘.body-verticalAd’).hide(); break; case 5: //Mobile //Scroll to Top gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; case 3: //MPU case 4: //SkyScraper $(objLeaderboard).hide(); adId = $(‘.gpt-ad-defined[data-adsize=”boombox”‘).attr(‘id’); break; case 10: //MasterCompanion gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; default: //Unknown Ad Type gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; } //Hide the second ad if found var tCount = 0; $(“.widget.literatumAd.none.GPT-ad-placeholder.widget-horizontalAd.widget-compact-all”).each(function (index) { tCount += 1; if (tCount !== 1) { $(this).hide(); } }); break; case “LANCET”: objLeaderboard = “.js__adToHide”; offset = 80; switch (parseInt(adTypeId)) { case 2: //Leaderboard gpt_ScrollToAd = false; $(‘.body-verticalAd’).hide(); break; case 5: //Mobile //Scroll to Top gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; case 3: //MPU case 4: //SkyScraper $(objLeaderboard).hide(); adId = $(‘.gpt-ad-defined[data-adsize=”skyscraper”‘).attr(‘id’); break; case 10: //MasterCompanion gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; default: //Unknown Ad Type gpt_ScrollToAd = false; break; } break; } //Scroll to Top var gpt_container = $(“html,body”); gpt_container.animate({ scrollTop: 0, scrollLeft: 0 }); if (gpt_ScrollToAd) { //If Adexists, scroll to it var gpt_scrollTo = $(‘#’ + adId); if (gpt_scrollTo.length > 0) { //Scroll to the Ad var gpt_topPosition = gpt_scrollTo.offset().top – gpt_container.offset().top + gpt_container.scrollTop(); if (gpt_topPosition > 0) { gpt_container.animate({ scrollTop: gpt_topPosition, scrollLeft: 0 }); if (gpt_topPosition – offset > 0 && offset > 0) { gpt_container.animate({ scrollTop: gpt_topPosition – offset, scrollLeft: 0 }); } } } } } //————————————————————————– async function gpt_CheckForCookiePolicy() { var returnVal = false; if ($(‘#onetrust-accept-btn-handler’).length > 0) { $(‘#onetrust-accept-btn-handler’).click(); returnVal = true; } return returnVal; } //————————————————————————– function gpt_InitAds() { var gpt_ResponsiveHomepage = false; switch (gpt_AdFile) { case “JBS”: case “CELLJOURNAL”: case “CELLBUCKET”: //Responsive Check if ($(‘#hdrHomeBrand’).length > 0) { gpt_ResponsiveHomepage = true; } break; } //InterScroller Check if (gpt_AdFile === “JBS”) { var gpt_InterScrollerEnabled = false; var gpt_InterScrollerInsertObj; if ($(“#articleHeader”).length > 0) { //It’s an article Page if ($(‘.article__sections > section’).length > 0) { gpt_InterScrollerEnabled = true; gpt_InterScrollerInsertObj = $(“.article__sections > section”); } } else { if ($(‘.toc__section’).length > 0) { //It’s a TOC Page gpt_InterScrollerEnabled = true; gpt_InterScrollerInsertObj = $(“.toc__section”).first(); } } //Add the Interscroller if (gpt_InterScrollerEnabled) { gpt_InterScrollerInsertObj.first().append($(“#gpt-Interscroller”).clone()); $(“#gpt-Interscroller”).remove(); $(“.gpt-adinterscroller”).addClass(“gpt-ad”); } } googletag.cmd.push(function () { var gptBoomBoxSizeMapping; var gptFluidMapping; var gptHomePageSidebarMapping; var gptCellHomePageSidebarMapping; var gptInterscrollerMapping; var gptLeaderboardSizeMapping; var gptMobileSizeMapping; var gptPrestitialMapping; var gptRectangleShortSizeMapping; var gptRectangleSizeMapping; var gptSideBarSizeMapping; var gptTallSizeMapping; var gptWideSizeMapping; var gptWideRectangleSizeMapping; //*********************************************** //Start Define Size mapping based on client Viewport //*********************************************** if (gpt_AdFile === ‘PU’) { gptTallSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([992, 0], [[300, 600], [160, 600], [120, 600]]). addSize([0, 0], []). build(); gptRectangleSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([992, 0], [[300, 250]]). addSize([0, 0], []). build(); gptRectangleShortSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([992, 0], [[300, 250], [320, 50], [300, 50]]). addSize([0, 0], [[300, 250], [320, 50], [300, 50]]). build(); gptWideSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([992, 0], [[728, 90]]). addSize([760, 0], [[728, 90], [320, 50], [300, 50]]). addSize([0, 0], [[320, 50], [300, 50]]). build(); gptWideRectangleSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([992, 0], []). addSize([760, 0], [[320, 50], [300, 50], [300, 250]]). addSize([0, 0], [[320, 50], [300, 50], [300, 250]]). build(); gptMobileSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([0, 0], [[320, 50], [300, 50]]). build(); gptFluidMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([0, 0], [‘fluid’]). build(); gptPrestitialMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([760, 0], [[1, 1]]). build(); } else { //JBS-CELL-LANCET gptLeaderboardSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([992, 0], [[728, 90]]). // Desktop addSize([768, 0], [[728, 90]]). // Tablet Landscape addSize([0, 0], [[320, 50], [300, 50]]). // Phone & Tablet Portrait build(); gptHomePageSidebarMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([2090, 795], [[300, 600], [300, 250], [160, 600], [120, 600]]). addSize([1910, 795], [[160, 600], [120, 600]]). addSize([0, 0], []). build(); gptCellHomePageSidebarMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([2090, 795], [[300, 600], [300, 250], [336, 280], [160, 600], [120, 600]]). addSize([1910, 795], [[160, 600], [120, 600]]). addSize([0, 0], []). build(); gptSideBarSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([1140, 795], [[300, 600], [160, 600], [120, 600], [300, 250]]). // SkyScraper – Desktop (Require min 630 vertical) addSize([1140, 445], [[300, 250]]). // BoomBox Fall Back – Desktop (Require min 280 vertical) addSize([0, 0], []). // Phone build(); gptBoomBoxSizeMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([768, 0], [[300, 250], [336, 280]]). // Desktop & Tablet Landscape addSize([0, 0], []). // Phone build(); gptFluidMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([0, 0], [‘fluid’]). build(); gptPrestitialMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([600, 700], [[1, 1]]). // Desktop & Tablet Landscape addSize([0, 0], []). // Phone build(); gptInterscrollerMapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). addSize([1140, 445], []). addSize([1024, 768], [[1024, 768]]). addSize([768, 1024], [[768, 1024]]). addSize([480, 320], [[480, 320]]). addSize([320, 480], [[320, 480]]). build(); } //*********************************************** //End Define Size mapping based on client Viewport //*********************************************** //*********************************************** //Start detection for ad slots on page //*********************************************** var gptMasterPage = gpt_CheckForNULL($(‘#gptPage’).val()); var gptMasterSite; if (gpt_AdFile === ‘PU’) { gptMasterSite = $(‘#gptSite’).val(); } else { //JBS-CELL-LANCET gptMasterSite = “dev”; if (gpt_IsProd) { gptMasterSite = gpt_CheckForNULL($(‘#gptSite’).val()); //If there is no master site, check for a defaultsite if (gptMasterSite == null) { gptMasterSite = gpt_CheckForNULL($(‘#gptDefaultSite’).val()); } } else { //Dev ENV //If the page has no gptSite Value, assume no value which will disable ads if (gpt_CheckForNULL($(‘#gptSite’).val()) === null) { gptMasterSite = null; } } //If there is no master Page, check for a Page using the URL if (gptMasterPage === null) { gptMasterPage = GPT_GetPageByURL(); } } $(“.gpt-ad”).each(function (index) { var gptPage = ”; var adSizeMapping = ”; var gptPOS; var gptTC; var gptNative; var adId; var gptSite; var tempSlot = null; if (gpt_IsProd) { //Check if the ad slot has it’s own site defined if (typeof $(this).data(‘site’) === ‘undefined’) { gptSite = gptMasterSite; } else { gptSite = gpt_CheckForNULL($(this).data(‘site’)); } } else { gptSite = gptMasterSite; } if (gpt_AdFile === ‘PU’) { adId = $(this).attr(‘id’); } else { //JBS-CELL-LANCET adId = ‘gpt-ad-‘ + index + 1; } if (gpt_CheckForNULL(gptSite) !== null) { gptSite_Debug = gptSite; gptPOS = parseInt($(this).data(‘pos’)) || -1; if (gptPOS === -1) { gptPOS = index + 1; } //Check if the ad slot has it’s own page defined gptPage = $(this).data(‘page’); if (gpt_CheckForNULL(gptPage) == null) { //Use the Master Page gptPage = gptMasterPage; } //If the page is not null, preceed it with a slash if (gptPage !== null) { gptPage = ‘/’ + gptPage; } else { gptPage = ”; } gptPage_Debug = gptPage; gptTC = $(this).data(‘tc’); if (typeof gptTC === “undefined”) { gptTC = ”; } gptNative = $(this).data(‘native’); if (typeof gptNative === “undefined”) { gptNative = ”; } //Determine sizemapping based on data-adsize if (gpt_AdFile === ‘PU’) { switch ($(this).data(‘adsize’)) { case ‘tall’: adSizeMapping = gptTallSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[120, 600], [160, 600], [300, 600]], adId); break; case ‘rectangle’: adSizeMapping = gptRectangleSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[300, 250]], adId); break; case ‘rectangleshort’: adSizeMapping = gptRectangleShortSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[300, 250], [320, 50], [300, 50]], adId); break; case ‘wide’: adSizeMapping = gptWideSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[728, 90], [320, 50], [300, 50]], adId); break; case ‘widerectangle’: adSizeMapping = gptWideRectangleSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[320, 50], [300, 50], [300, 250]], adId); break; case ‘mobile’: adSizeMapping = gptMobileSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[320, 50], [300, 50]], adId); break; case ‘fluid’: adSizeMapping = gptFluidMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, ‘fluid’, adId); break; case ‘prestitial’: adSizeMapping = gptPrestitialMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[1, 1]], adId); break; } } else { //JBS-CELL-LANCET switch ($(this).data(‘adsize’)) { case ‘cell-leaderboard’: case ‘leaderboard’: adSizeMapping = gptLeaderboardSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[728, 90], [320, 50], [300, 50]], adId); break; case ‘bottom’: if (gpt_ResponsiveHomepage) { adSizeMapping = gptHomePageSidebarMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[120, 600], [160, 600], [300, 600], [300, 250]], adId); } else { adSizeMapping = gptBoomBoxSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[300, 250]], adId); } break; case ‘boombox’: if (gpt_AdFile === “CELLJOURNAL” || gpt_AdFile == “CELLBUCKET”) { if (gpt_ResponsiveHomepage) { adSizeMapping = gptCellHomePageSidebarMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[120, 600], [160, 600], [300, 600], [300, 250], [336, 280]], adId); } else { adSizeMapping = gptBoomBoxSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[300, 250], [336, 280]], adId); } } else { adSizeMapping = gptBoomBoxSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[300, 250]], adId); } break; case ‘interscroller’: adSizeMapping = gptInterscrollerMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[320, 480], [480, 320], [768, 1024], [1024, 768]], adId); break; case ‘sidebar’: case ‘skyscraper’: adSizeMapping = gptSideBarSizeMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, [[120, 600], [160, 600], [300, 600], [300, 250]], adId); break; case ‘native’: case ‘fluid’: adSizeMapping = gptFluidMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, ‘fluid’, adId); break; case ‘prestitial’: adSizeMapping = gptPrestitialMapping; tempSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/6053/els.’ + gptSite + gptPage, ‘fluid’, adId); break; } } } //Ignore any invalid adsizes that could be on the page if (adSizeMapping !== ”) { $(this).addClass(‘gpt-ad-defined’); if (gpt_AdFile !== ‘PU’) { $(this).attr(‘id’, adId); } tempSlot.defineSizeMapping(adSizeMapping).addService(googletag.pubads()).setTargeting(“pos”, gptPOS); if (gptTC !== ”) { tempSlot.setTargeting(“tc”, gptTC); } if (gptNative !== ”) { tempSlot.setTargeting(“native”, gptNative); } gptEvent_Debug = gptEvent_Debug + $(this).data(‘adsize’) + ‘ Requested
‘; } else { gptInvalidAdSize_Debug = gptInvalidAdSize_Debug + “Invalid Size Found, Id: ” + $(this).prop(‘id’) + ‘, adSize: ‘ + $(this).data(‘adsize’) + ‘
‘; $(this).remove(); } }); if (gpt_CheckForNULL(gptInvalidAdSize_Debug) === null) { gptInvalidAdSize_Debug = “None Detected”; } //*********************************************** //End detection for ad slots on page //*********************************************** //*********************************************** //Start page level targeting //*********************************************** if (gpt_AdFile !== ‘PU’) { //Logged in or IP Access gpt_TargetAccessType(); //Check for Screenshot Client gpt_CheckSSC(); } //Check for DFP Test gpt_GetDFPTestId(); //Check for Additional Targeting gpt_GetAdditionalTargeting(); if (gpt_IsProd && gptContextualEnabled) { var gpt_ContextualRetry = false; //Check for Contextual Targeting if (gs_channels !== “DEFAULT”) { var gpt_ContextualCategories = Array.from(gs_channels); for (var i = 0; i < gpt_ContextualCategories.length; i++) { if (gpt_ContextualCategories[i] == 'gx_retry') { gpt_ContextualRetry = true; } if (!gpt_ContextualCategories[i].startsWith("custom_")) { //Remove any tag that is not custom gpt_ContextualCategories.splice(i, 1); i--; } else { //Strip the 'custom_' from the tag gpt_ContextualCategories[i] = gpt_ContextualCategories[i].replace("custom_", "") } } if (gpt_ContextualCategories.length > 0) { googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“gs_cat”, gpt_ContextualCategories); } else { gpt_ContextualCategories = ‘none’; } if (gpt_ContextualRetry) { gpt_ContextualCategories = “*Indexing*”; } gptContextualResult_Debug = gpt_ContextualCategories; } else { gptContextualResult_Debug = ‘No segments found’; } } else { //Not Prod gptContextualResult_Debug = ‘Not enabled’; var gpt_DevSite = gpt_CheckForNULL($(‘#gptSite’).val(), “dev”); $(‘#gpt-Variables’).append(”); gpt_Target(“Environment”); } //*********************************************** //End page level targeting //*********************************************** //Enable google dfp services if (parseInt($(‘#gptLazyLoading’).val()) === 1) { googletag.pubads().enableLazyLoad({ fetchMarginPercent: 200, renderMarginPercent: 0, mobileScaling: 2.0 }); } else { googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); } //Add Listener for RenderEnded googletag.pubads().addEventListener(‘slotRenderEnded’, function (event) { if (!event.isEmpty) { if (typeof LocalAdLoaded === “function”) { LocalAdLoaded(event); } if (gpt_ResponsiveHomepage) { if (typeof positionAd === “function”) { positionAd(); } } if (event.size[0] == “480” || event.size[1] == “480”) { $(‘.gpt-InScrollBox’).css(‘display’, ‘block’); gptEvent_Debug = gptEvent_Debug + ‘Interscroller ‘ + event.size + ‘ rendered: ‘ + gpt_GetElapsedTime() + ‘
‘; } else { gptEvent_Debug = gptEvent_Debug + event.size + ‘ rendered: ‘ + gpt_GetElapsedTime() + ‘
‘; } } }); if (gpt_AdFile !== ‘PU’) { googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); } googletag.enableServices(); //Populate Defined Ad Slots $(“.gpt-ad-defined”).each(function (index) { var adId = $(this).attr(‘id’); googletag.cmd.push(function () { googletag.display(adId); }); }); gptStatus_Debug = ‘GPT Complete’; }); } //————————————————————————– function gpt_DisplayDebug() { //Clone the template and append to Body $(document.body).append($(‘#gpt-DebugDiv’).clone()); $(‘#gpt-DebugDiv’).remove(); //Populate the Values gpt_LoadDebugValues(); //Display and scroll to debug section $(‘.gpt-DebugDiv’).css(‘display’, ‘block’); window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); } //————————————————————————– function gpt_LoadDebugValues() { $(‘.gpt-DebugBtn’).blur(); $(‘.gptVersion_Debug’).text(gpt_Version); $(‘.gptAdFile_Debug’).html(gpt_AdFile); $(‘.gptEvent_Debug’).html(gptEvent_Debug); $(‘.gptCustomTargeting_Debug’).html(gptCustomTargeting_Debug); $(‘.gptSite_Debug’).text(gptSite_Debug); $(‘.gptContextualResult_Debug’).text(gptContextualResult_Debug); $(‘.gptContextualInit_Debug’).text(gptContextualInit_Debug); $(‘.gptContextualURL_Debug’).text(gptContextualURL_Debug); $(‘.gptContextualReady_Debug’).text(gptContextualReady_Debug); $(‘.gptMoatReady_Debug’).text(gptMoatReady_Debug); $(‘.gptMoatInit_Debug’).text(gptMoatInit_Debug); $(‘.gptTestENV_Debug’).text(gptTestENV_Debug); $(‘.gptDisableAds_Debug’).text(gptDisableAds_Debug); $(‘.gptStatus_Debug’).text(gptStatus_Debug); $(‘.gptPage_Debug’).text(gptPage_Debug); $(‘.gptInvalidAdSize_Debug’).html(gptInvalidAdSize_Debug); } //————————————————————————– function gpt_GrapeShotDebug() { $(‘.gpt-DebugBtn’).blur(); window.open(“http://admin-elsevier.grapeshot.co.uk/custom/bookmarklet.cgi?blocking=1&vn=2&url=” + encodeURIComponent(document.location), “GRAPESHOT_POPUP”, “width=650,height=600,scrollbars=yes,screenX=40,screenY=50,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes”, “Custom”).focus(); } //————————————————————————– function gpt_ShowConsole() { $(‘.gpt-DebugBtn’).blur(); googletag.openConsole(); } //————————————————————————–
