Bipolar Disorder – The 11 Most Frequently Asked Questions


Bipolar disorder (also known as manic-depressive disorder or manic depression) is a relatively common but serious form of mental health condition. People with bipolar disorder experience extreme mood swings ranging from euphoric highs to depressive lows that typically occur during distinct periods of days to weeks. It also causes unusual changes in a person’s energy and ability to function.

Here’s what you should know about this mental illness:

FAQ #1: How do you know when a person suffers from bipolar disorder?

There is one problem with bipolar disorder: It is a multi-faceted disease and more complicated than a simple checklist of symptoms that you can find online for an official diagnosis. Multiple visits over a long period of time are required to demonstrate a pattern of behaviour.

The symptoms of bipolar illness are categorized into:

  • Mania 
  • Depression

Some of the seven key signs of mania are:

  • Being excessively happy or “high” for extended periods of time
  • Having decreased need for sleep
  • Speaking quickly, typically with racing ideas
  • Having a restless or impetuous sensation
  • Becoming easily distracted
  • Acting hyperactively
  • Having over-confidence in one’s abilities to the point of danger
  • Engaging in reckless behaviour

Some of the seven key signs of depression are:

  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
  • Feeling sad for long periods 
  • Withdrawing from friends and family
  • Problems with memory and concentration
  • A significant change in appetite
  • Severe fatigue or lack of energy
  • Suicidal ideation or attempt, or preoccupation with death

FAQ #2: Can bipolar disorder be treated?

While bipolar disorder can be difficult to diagnose, it is treatable once it is identified.

FAQ #3: Is bipolar disorder hereditary?

Just like most psychiatric conditions, the causes of bipolar disorder are not well known. However, researchers have discovered that genetics are a substantial factor in disease manifestation. This means that adults who have relatives with this condition have a tenfold increased risk of having the disorder. This shows that the illness may have a hereditary component.

FAQ #4: Should I have my doctor regularly screen me for the disorder if my parent has bipolar disorder?

It’s true that bipolar disorder runs in families. Having first degree relatives with bipolar disorder, (mother, father, siblings, and children) can increase the risk of developing bipolar disorder or act as a trigger for the first episode. Hence, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor periodically, to keep an eye out on the onset of bipolar disorder. 

FAQ #5: Can stress trigger bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is frequently triggered by a stressful experience at work or in your personal life. A major life change, such as the death of a loved one or a physical injury, might also set off the symptoms. Controlling stress in one’s life is usually beneficial for those with bipolar disorder.

FAQ #6: Can bipolar disorder go away by itself?

Bipolar disorder, if left untreated, can lead to major problems that influence every aspect of your life, including:

  • Addiction to drugs and alcohol 
  • Suicide or attempted suicide
  • Financial or legal issues
  • Damaged relationships 
  • Poor performance at the job or in school

FAQ #7: Can bipolar disorder be cured?

Although there is no cure for bipolar disorder, most people with this condition can control the illness with the help of psychotherapy and the right combination of mood stabilizers and other bipolar medicines. When behavioural therapy is used in conjunction with medicines, they have shown to be effective at preventing relapses and reducing the severity of the patient’s symptoms.

FAQ #8: Does bipolar disorder get worse as you get older?

If left untreated, bipolar disorder tends to get worse with age. As time passes, a person may have more severe and intense episodes than when the symptoms first emerged.

FAQ #9: Does bipolar disorder cause harm to the brain?

People with bipolar disorder may suffer progressive brain damage with each manic or depressive episode. Bipolar episodes cause a reduction in brain growth and, potentially, intelligence.

FAQ #10: Does bipolar disorder have an impact on sleep?

Bipolar disorder is characterised by sleep disturbances that can wreak havoc on a person’s mood and decision-making abilities. According to the diagnostic criteria, manic periods may have a reduced need for sleep, whereas depression episodes may manifest insomnia or hypersomnia.

FAQ #11: Is there a cure for bipolar in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda offers a multitude of holistic tools for approaching this psychological disease. Combined with meditation and other yogic practices, Ayurveda works on modifications in lifestyle, diet, herbs to suit the specific individual.

Some herb choices for tonics to treat bipolar disorder are:

  • Ashwagandha
  • Brahmi
  • Shatavari
  • Ginseng
  • Kappikacchu
  • Haritaki 
  • Bhringaraj  

Final thoughts

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition and it can be a real challenge for both you and your loved ones — so it is important to consider your own needs as well as theirs. It’s important to remember that most people with the bipolar illness can manage their condition and live healthy, happy lives with the right treatment.

Did You Know That Eating These Foods Will Help Treat Constipation?


People are typically too ashamed to publicly discuss a serious condition, called constipation. It is a condition in which the afflicted frequently experience irregular bowel movements or have a great deal of trouble passing faeces. 

Although, constipation is generally considered to be one of the most common digestive issues, which is easily treatable, chronic, persistent or neglected constipation can lead to severe complications. 

According to a recent poll, approximately 22 per cent of the country’s adult population suffer from constipation, with Kolkata leading the pack with 28 per cent of respondents.

Technically, constipation is defined as having less than three bowel motions per week. The frequency of “going” varies significantly from person to person. While some people empty the bowels multiple times a day, others only do it once or twice per week. 

Constipation results from your colon absorbing excessive amounts of water from waste (stool/poop), which dries up the stool and makes it difficult to push it out of the body.

There are several reasons why people get constipated, but the sluggish passage of food through the digestive system is a common reason in most cases.

Dehydration, a poor diet, drugs, sickness, diseases of the neurological system, or mental illnesses can all contribute to constipation. 

Fortunately, certain meals can reduce constipation by increasing the stool’s density, softening it, speeding up the gut transit, and increasing the frequency of bowel movements.

Here are some effective foods that can help you achieve optimum bowel movement and aid in the treatment of constipation: 


Apples are one of the most popular fruits due to their low-calorie content, ability to help with weight reduction, lower the risk of diabetes, and ability to protect your heart.

But did you know that this common fruit can help with constipation too? 

Both soluble and insoluble fibre is present in apples, amounting to 32% of soluble fibre and 64% of insoluble fibre.

The insoluble fibre gives the stool more volume and aids in its rapid transit through the intestines.

Apples are therefore advantageous for those who are constipated.

Since the apple’s skin contains insoluble fibre, eating apples without peeling the skin is the best option if you’re experiencing constipation.


Prunes, which are dried plums, are frequently used as an all-natural constipation treatment.

Per 1/4 cup (40 grams) serving, they have a high fibre content of over 3 grams.

Bringing water into the intestines and triggering a bowel movement eases constipation.


A person dealing with constipation should increase the amount of fibre in their diet, for which Kiwi is one of the best sources.

Kiwis are known to help prevent constipation in addition to their high fibre content, which also aids in smooth digestion.

Studies suggest that actinidin, an enzyme, is in charge of kiwi’s beneficial effects on bowel habits and gut motility. 

You can either consume raw kiwis or can simply peel them, remove the seeds, and then have them. 

In one trial, wherein this fruit was eaten for 28 days by 19 healthy people. When compared to a group that wasn’t on the same diet, researchers discovered that eating kiwis significantly increased the number of bowel movements each day.

Consuming kiwi is a good option to fight fewer bowel movements. 


Another fruit high in fibre is pears, which contain 5.5 grams in a medium-sized fruit (about 178 grams). The sugar alcohol sorbitol is also found in pears. 

Sorbitol, like fructose, is poorly absorbed by the body and, by delivering water into the intestines, works as a natural laxative.

Pears can be incorporated into your diet in a variety of ways. 

You can eat them raw or cooked, with cheese, or you can add them to salads, savoury meals, and baked dishes.


Triphala is a miraculous herb plant. It contains three essential herbs that are proven to treat constipation: Amalaki (amla), haritaki (harad), and bibhitaki (baheda). Before going to bed, mix half a teaspoon with a cup of warm milk or water. 

Vegetable juice 

A tall glass of vegetable juice prepared from your favourite veggies is a great mid-morning or mid-evening drink for beating constipation.

You can use spinach, tomato, beetroot, lime juice, and ginger, to create a cool relaxing drink. 

Juices also have a lot of water in them, which can assist in softening particularly firm stool, while also keeping the body hydrated.

Final thoughts 

There are many ways through which the condition of constipation can be managed. Many studies have concluded that fruits, vegetables, pulses, and seeds can help relieve constipation. 

It is important to maintain the amount of fibre in the diet to avoid few bowel movements and poor digestive functions. If you are suffering from this condition, then here we have suggested some amazingly effective foods that can help you overcome it. 

To beat constipation, it’s time to bring about changes in your diet along with some healthy lifestyle changes to prevent and manage the condition. 

Also, it’s a great idea to opt for frequent stomach health checks to keep an eye on your digestive health and take preventive measures if any discrepancies occur. 

All About Erectile Dysfunction: Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction or ED is a condition in which a man often finds it difficult to maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse. In other words, erectile dysfunction is defined as a condition in which men feel some difficulty with their penis becoming hard or staying firm. Occasional erectile dysfunction is common and several men may experience it when they are stressed. 

However, frequent ED may be a warning sign of serious health concerns. The main symptoms of erectile dysfunction include trouble getting an erection, reduced interest in sex, and difficulty in maintaining an erection during sexual activities. There are a few sexual disorders related to ED, which include premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, and anorgasmia (inability to orgasm).

As per the general biological process, the penis is erected when increased blood flow gets to the organ. Blood flow into the penis can occur due to direct contact with the penis or sexual thoughts. Muscles in the penis get to relax when a man feels sexually excited. It causes increased blood flow through penile arteries and also loads the chambers with blood inside the penis. As soon as chambers load with blood, the penis becomes hard and rigid. When the muscles in the penis contract, the loaded blood in the penis and its chambers come out through penile veins and this process ends the erection. 

The normal erectile process can be affected due to problems in blood flow, nerve supply, and hormones. Several men with erectile dysfunction are reluctant to share it with their healthcare provider because they feel embarrassed and shy. However, the treatment of ED is available in the market so talking openly with a healthcare provider may be the first step to get help and the best treatment can be recommended.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

The causes of erectile dysfunction can be physical or organic, medication side effects, and psychological. Here are some of the key conditions that can cause erectile dysfunction. 

Physical causes

90 percent of erectile dysfunction occurs due to physical causes. The following list includes the most physical or organic causes of erectile dysfunction 

  • Heart diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Narrowing blood vessels
  • Kidney disease
  • Increased age or being over age 50
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity 
  • Lacking exercise
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Hormonal disorders including testosterone deficiency
  • Radiation therapy 
  • Treatment of prostate cancer
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Illegal substance abuse including cocaine
  • Atherosclerosis

Medicinal causes

Medications may also cause erectile dysfunction however, anyone should consult with a doctor before stopping or changing the medications. Those include

  • Medicines to manage high blood pressure
  • Heart disease medication
  • Anxiety treatments
  • Antidepressants
  • cancer medication
  • Prostate treatment drugs
  • Hormone drugs
  • Medication including sleeping pills

Emotional causes

Satisfying sexual intercourse needs the body and mind to work together. However, if there are emotional and relationship problems between the couple, it can cause or worsen the ED. Psychological causes of ED including

  • Guilt
  • Stress at home or work
  • Stress from social, cultural, and religious conflicts
  • Fear of intimacy
  • Depression
  • Severe anxiety
  • Relationship problems
  • Worry about sex performance
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD

Erectile dysfunction can occur due to one of these factors or a combination of them. Therefore, it is imperative to talk with your doctor so that they can find out any underlying medical condition that causes erectile dysfunction. A proper diagnosis can help you to treat any underlying medical condition and solve the sexual complexities.

Diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction

To diagnose erectile dysfunction, your doctor or healthcare provider may do a physical exam (including blood pressure check, penis, and testicles exam, and rectal exam) and can ask questions regarding your symptoms, physiological, health, and sexual history. They may also recommend other tests that can help to diagnose ED including ultrasound, injection test, urine test, blood test, and nocturnal penile tumescence or NPT test. 

These tests can help doctors to do better treatment and find out if any underlying condition causes ED. The treatment of ED includes medication, talk therapy, or a combination of both. They can also recommend testosterone therapy if the level of testosterone hormone is low in the body. 

Certain exercises can help men with ED such as Kegal exercise, aerobic exercise, and yoga. ED is caused due to problems in blood vessels. Maintaining healthy blood vessels can be achieved by adapting to a specific lifestyle such as eating a healthy diet.

Some foods are recommended that may help reduce the risk of developing ED including whole grains, vegetables, fruits, cocoa, and watermelon. Avoiding red meat, full-fat dairy products, processed sugars, and alcohol may also help to prevent the risk of ED.

The bottom line

Erectile dysfunction can be caused due to any reason whether it is an underlying condition or psychological. If you find symptoms of erectile dysfunction, consult with your doctor immediately. An underlying condition can lead to a serious health issue therefore early diagnosis and treatment may help in successful treatment.  In addition, adopting a healthy lifestyle not only benefits your blood vessels but also improves your overall general health. We hope you find this article helpful.

Premature Ejaculation: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Premature ejaculation is also known as rapid ejaculation, premature climax, or early ejaculation. Read on to learn more about PE and how to treat it.

Understanding premature ejaculation

Ejaculation is the ejection of semen from the men’s body during an orgasm or climax. Premature ejaculation is also known as rapid ejaculation, premature climax, or early ejaculation, a condition in which orgasm occurs before sexual intercourse or just after you start. There is no fixed time of ejaculation during sex but in the case of PE, men ejaculate and lose their erection shortly getting less time to enjoy the sexual intercourse.

PE or premature ejaculation can be frustrating and uncomfortable for men that make sex less enjoyable and can impact relationships with their partners, however, it may not be a cause of worry if it occurs occasionally. PE is a common condition among men and around 30 to 40 percent of them have it at some point in their life. PE is considered a sexual dysfunction that can often occur along with erectile dysfunction however, it is not the same as erectile dysfunction.

Symptoms of premature ejaculation

  • The primary symptoms of PE can be persistent and lifelong including 
  • Ejaculation happens just before sexual penetration
  • There can be a failure to delay ejaculation whenever penetration occurs
  • Rapid orgasm or climax during masturbation 
  • There can be negative personal consequences such as distress, frustration, and ignoring sexual intimacy

In addition, psychological symptoms can be secondary including 

  • Depression
  • Embarrassment
  • Anxiety
  • Mental distress
  • Interpersonal difficulty
  • Decreased confidence in the relationship

Premature ejaculation may not be a matter of worry if it happens occasionally, however, you may require treatment if PE happens frequently or for a long period. If men experience PE sometimes, however, normal ejaculation other times, they may be diagnosed with natural variable premature ejaculation. PE may be lifelong as well as acquired; however, if it happens at the start of a relationship, it can be fixed as the relationship goes on. IF PE is persistent and continues that impact sexual relationships, your doctor may recommend counseling.

Causes of premature ejaculation

The exact cause of PE is still unknown while researchers believe that a chemical called serotonin can contribute partly to PE. Serotonin is an essential substance or chemical in your body produced by nerve cells. Great amounts of serotonin in the brain enhance the time to ejaculate however, low amounts of serotonin can reduce the time to ejaculate, and lead to PE. In addition, Psychological and emotional factors may also contribute to PE. 

Psychological factors

Numerous cases of PE are not associated with any disease however those can be due to psychological or emotional factors including

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Guilt
  • Relationship problems
  • Poor body image
  • Lack of confidence
  • Worry about sexual performance
  • Negative feelings about sex 
  • Unrealistic expectations about sex
  • Poor self-esteem
  • History of sexual abuse
  • Aging
  • Overexcitement or too much stimulation
  • Issues related to control and intimacy

Some psychological factors may be temporary if a person learns strategies to delay ejaculation with time. However, these factors can also affect men who have previously normal ejaculation. 

Physical or medical factors 

PE can also occur due to an underlying condition and it can be a sign that an underlying needs treatment. The possible medical causes of PE including

  • Diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Prostate disease
  • Thyroid Problems
  • Illicit drugs use
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Abnormal levels of hormones including testosterone
  • Inflammation of the urethra
  • Genetic traits that can be inherited by parents

Sometimes, men with erectile dysfunction can also face problems of PE. Treatment of erectile dysfunction may cause premature ejaculation to go away.

Diagnosis and treatment

Men who feel symptoms of PE should talk to their healthcare provider or doctor immediately. They ask whether you always experience the symptoms or just have experienced it recently. They can also ask about your sexual life or relationship. They may also take a physical exam. If your doctor finds out that psychological factors are playing a role in your PE, he or she can recommend a mental health professional. If a medical or physical problem is causing PE, he or she may recommend a urologist. 

The treatments of PE include medication, behavioral therapy, and psychological therapy. 95 percent of cases can be treated by behavioral techniques while others may also help including:

  • Stop and start therapy
  • The squeeze method
  • Strengthen your muscles through pelvic floor exercises
  • Wearing condom
  • Seek counseling
  • Antidepressants
  • Medication for erectile dysfunction
  • Numbing creams and sprays
  • Talking with your partner
  • Practice yoga and pranayama daily
  • Stop fantasizing too much about sex or women

Best foods to prevent or manage premature ejaculation

Certain nutrients and foods not only support your immunity but also helps in producing testosterone, libido, and energy. The nutrients and foods include

  • Foods rich in zinc including lean meats, poultry eggs, lentils, etc
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Soybeans
  • Yogurt
  • Spinach
  • Almonds
  • Kidney beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Dark chocolate
  • Peas
  • Garlic
  • Green onion
  • Ginger and honey
  • Ladyfinger
  • Carrots
  • Watermelon
  • Bananas

Lifestyle habits can be helpful to cure premature ejaculation

To maintain an erection you should avoid the following food items and lifestyle habits including:

  • Sugar
  • Starchy food
  • Smoking
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Junk food
  • Stress 
  • Depression

The bottom line

Men with premature ejaculation should talk with their doctors as soon as possible because the complications associated with it can impact your relationship and prevent you from starting a family. If home remedies are not helping you, you should discuss them with your doctor because your PE may be caused due to an underlying condition. Treatment of an underlying condition is imperative as it can also affect your overall general health.

5 Important Health Screenings Ever Man Over 50 Should Take


A healthy lifestyle should be a lifelong pursuit, but starting at age 50, and especially for men, it’s even more important to see a doctor for routine screenings.

Screenings are medical tests that catch a health risk in their early stages before they get too big and before the fix becomes a little bit too complicated or expensive. 

There are multiple conditions that can start cropping up as men get older.

Research has shown a link between age and a variety of health problems, from diabetes and prostate problems to cardiac disease — among others.

None of those conditions is inevitable, of course, but health screenings can prevent an imminent decline in health and reduce the likelihood of a scary diagnosis. 

Sometimes it is easy to neglect to undergo a screening test.

However, if you have worrying symptoms, it is important to take them seriously and have them checked out by a doctor.

Men over age 50 should talk to a doctor about what screenings to have and how often. 

Read on to find out some of the most important screenings for men as they pass the 50-year mark, but do not include all possible screenings.

High blood pressure

High blood pressure is typically one of the top ailments seen by healthcare practitioners in males 50 and older.

Elevated levels of blood pressure put you at an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and other diseases.

Because there are no symptoms of elevated blood pressure, most men don’t even know they have it.

One reason for the high prevalence of high blood pressure in this age range is that the vascular system changes during this age.

Arteries stiffen and become less elastic, increasing internal pressure, all of which contribute to the rising numbers. 

A blood pressure check is an easy, painless, non-invasive screening that can be done in the doctor’s office.


Your chance of acquiring high cholesterol rises with age, just like your risk of developing high blood pressure.

It also has no symptoms or warning indications, which is why it’s critical to see a primary care physician on a regular basis and have routine blood tests performed.

High cholesterol raises the chance of developing heart disease and stroke.

The reason for the high prevalence of high cholesterol in this age range is plaque build-up on the inside of the blood vessels which slows or blocks blood flow.

blood test is done to determine the level of cholesterol. Everyone over the age of 50 should get their cholesterol levels examined.


Diabetes is a common condition that creeps in as males get older.

High blood glucose levels wreak havoc on health, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and many other serious conditions, including blindness, kidney disease, and nerve disease.

Diabetes hits senior men more commonly than females, and the chances of developing hyperglycemia — abnormally high blood glucose levels — and, ultimately, type 2 diabetes are greater.

High blood sugar is often the result of cumulative effects of lifelong eating and lifestyle habits.

Given that the warning signs of diabetes can be asymptomatic for a long time, that is why annual screening is important.  

There are several diagnostic tests your doctor may run, to confirm a diagnosis. These tests include:

  • Random plasma glucose test 
  • HbA1C test 
  • Fasting plasma glucose test 
  • Oral glucose tolerance test

Enlarged prostate

50% of men over the age of 50 are likely to have an enlarged prostate.

While this is not a life-threatening condition, it can create unpleasant changes in patterns of urination.

While not all changes indicate prostate cancer, it’s time to start checking.

A simple blood test called the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test can test for a variety of prostate problems, including infection or enlargement.

All men over age 50 talk to their doctor about having a PSA test.


Another aggravating condition that pops up for men over the age of 50 is osteoporosis.

It causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even simple movements that don’t seem dangerous can cause a fracture.

According to statistics, one out of eight men in India is affected by osteoporosis.

However, the debilitating condition in males largely remains underdiagnosed and untreated and is revealed only after the occurrence of a fracture.  

Increased calcium in the blood is one sign of this, which means your doctor will request a blood test to check your calcium level.

Bone density tests can also detect osteoporosis or osteopenia.

Final thoughts

Remember, regular screening tests are the foundation of a healthy life, regardless of the decade you’re in.

A health check-up may not seem like, a good idea. But it’s worth it! Just do it.

Here’s What To Eat And Avoid To Help Raise Low Blood Pressure


A sudden fall in blood pressure can be as dangerous and detrimental to health as high blood pressure. In severe cases, it can be life-threatening and lead to a number of complications like:

  • Fainting spells
  • Coma
  • Stroke 
  • Cardiovascular diseases

Causes of hypotension or low blood pressure

There are various causes which can lead to sudden drops in blood pressure including: 

  • Heart failure
  • Heart arrhythmias 
  • Liver disorders
  • An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
  • Diabetes
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
  • Certain over-the-counter medications
  • Pregnancy
  • Widening of the blood vessels
  • Heat stroke

Fortunately, low blood pressure can often be prevented or controlled. Eating certain types of food can help you raise your blood pressure.

What to eat and drink

Drink more fluids

Dehydration causes your blood volume to decrease, which makes your blood pressure drop.

Most doctors recommend drinking at least two litres of water every day.

Staying hydrated is especially important during hot weather or while exercising.

Boost your B12 intake

Vitamin B12 is essential for the body’s production of healthy red blood cells. Too little vitamin B-12 can lead to a certain type of anaemia, which can reduce blood pressure and can cause excessive bleeding, as well as organ and nerve damage.

Vitamin B12-rich foods include eggs, chicken, fish such as salmon and tuna, fortified cereals and low-fat dairy products.

Fill up on folate

Folate (also known as Vitamin B9) is another important vitamin found in foods like asparagus, broccoli, liver, and legumes like lentils and chickpeas.

A folate shortage can manifest many of the same symptoms as a Vitamin B12 deficiency, resulting in anaemia and reduced blood pressure.

Asparagus, beans, lentils, citrus fruits, leafy greens, eggs, and liver are examples of folate-rich foods.

Eat sodium-rich foods

According to experts, there is a direct correlation between salt and blood pressure: foods with high salt content can cause a substantial spike in your blood pressure.

Low BP patients can benefit by marginally increasing their salt intake – not more than two grams of sodium in a day.

Some of the healthiest foods with higher salt content include olives, cottage cheese, and canned soup or tuna.

Drink caffeine

Beverages like coffee and caffeinated tea are short-term solutions for hypotension. Caffeinated beverages cause a temporary spike in blood pressure by stimulating the cardiovascular system and boosting your heart rate.

If you suffer from low blood pressure, then having a cup of coffee in the morning can be an instant remedy. 

What to avoid if you have hypotension

Cut back on carbs

A new study shows that a low-carbohydrate diet can effectively help with off-setting hypotension, especially in older adults.

When you eat a food that is high in carbohydrates, particularly processed carbs, it tends to digest very quickly relative to other foods.

This can result in a sudden drop in blood pressure. 

Go easy on alcohol

If you have blood pressure that is naturally lower than normal, it is advised that you should try to limit your alcohol consumption and should never use alcohol as a way of treating low blood pressure.

Binge drinking and long-term high-risk drinking can lower your blood pressure by reducing your blood volume.

How low blood pressure is diagnosed?

To determine whether you have hypotension, your doctor will evaluate you using a combination of a physical examination, an investigation of your medical history, and a number of medical tests.

He will first examine your symptoms, the circumstances triggering the drop in blood pressure, and your medical history.

He may also take your blood pressure and pulse rate after you’ve laid down for a few minutes, right after you get out of bed, and a few minutes after you get up.

You should also expect a few cardiac tests, as low blood pressure can indicate a heart problem.

An ECG and an echocardiogram are two of these exams that give a clear picture of your heart.

Blood tests to check for hormone levels and blood sugar levels may also be required. 

Final thoughts

Maintaining normal blood pressure is critical to the health of your heart and arteries, and it’s critical to monitor your readings so you can make necessary changes before health concerns arise.

Even if your blood pressure is normal, you should have it checked at least once per year or two.

It would also be an effective idea to take regular preventive health checkups to keep track of your blood pressure.

Healthy Eating: Easy Healthy Recipes To Maximize Nutrition!

Here are some easy ways to improve your nutrition by incorporating a variety of foods and essential nutrients into your diet.


Healthy food doesn’t have to be dull and neither does it have to be complex.

The ingredients and styles of cooking in Indian cuisine vary based on region, season, religion, and family traditions.

You can find everything from meat-based curries to vegetarian and vegan dishes, as well as an assortment of spices and ingredients that give each dish its distinct flavour profile.

However, the cuisine isn’t just about taste — dishes across the Indian subcontinent are packed with nutrients, meaning they’re also very healthy options.

A substantial part of any Indian food is its spices, herbs, ghee, fruits and vegetables.

It is estimated that India has almost more than 2000 dishes and 31 types of cuisines.

As per registered dieticians, healthy dishes include wholesome, minimally processed ingredients and plant-based food.

Tip: Develop a sense of your own capacity to control and turn your back on all the junk-food cravings

According to nutritionists, here are some easy ways to improve your nutrition by incorporating a variety of foods and essential nutrients into your diet.

Healthy bowls

You can have a bowl full of whole grains like quinoa with at least a cup of dark veggies like spinach, broccoli ( roasted, grilled or raw), and proteins like tofu, beans or fish (as per your choice).

You can top it with your favourite toppings like sauces, dried fruits or nuts etc.


It is one of the best and simple recipes, anyone can have for breakfast.

Chillas are usually made up of chickpea flour (besan). However, sprouted moong beans can also be used to make chilla.

You can also add some herbs, spices, and chopped veggies (like tomato, cucumber, carrots etc.) to make it more tempting and delicious and serve it with sauce, pickle or curd etc.

Grilled cheese and tomato soup

This is the oldest classic combo of whole grain bread and real cheddar cheese that can be paired with low sodium (or less salt) tomato soup.

Tip: Use cheddar cheese instead of processed cheese.


Poha is one of the famous Indian breakfast recipes. It is basically made of flattened rice that is soaked in water for a few minutes before cooking.

You can add onions, tomato or some spice to enhance its taste. Some people also prefer to top it with peanuts, peas, bhujia or lemon etc.

It adds nutritional value to the food including calcium and iron etc. It also helps you feel full for a longer time.

Jowar Medley

A bowl of healthy jowar medley is not only healthy but also a tasty option to include in your diet.

Since it is rich in protein, calcium and fibre, it adds nutritional value to your food. It can be served with baby corn or lettuce leaves to make it more scrumptious.

Air fried chicken drumsticks

For non-vegetarians, it can be the best, simple and easy-to-cook healthy recipe.

The recipe is as follows: Chicken drumsticks are marinated with some herbs and spices, crushed walnuts, a little bit of lemon juice, breadcrumbs and seasonings (as per your choice).

Air fry it until completely cooked and can be served with cooked vegetables or air-fried fries.

This dish is rich in high-quality protein and does not contain much fat.

Did you know that beyond its rich protein content, chicken also contains a good amount of iron, zinc and vitamin B12?

Oats idli

For calorie-conscious fellows, oats idli can be the ideal food. It is usually made up of batter containing roasted oats, grated carrots, coriander or any other veggies of your choice.

Steam the batter to get feather-light fluffy scrumptious idlis.

Since oats are rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins, they add a good nutrition value without compromising on the delicious taste.

Panchratna daal

For vegetarians, daal often forms the basis of a high-protein meal. Panchratna daal is a medley of 5 types of daal, namely, moong, channa, masoor, urad and arhar.

This protein-packed recipe with the goodness of all these lentils cooked in delicious spices makes it a great addition to your daily diet.

Top it off with fresh coriander and enjoy it with some steamy rice or roti.                                                                                               

Lentils have a high content of insoluble fibre as well as prebiotic carbohydrates. prebiotic carbs support the growth of gut-friendly probiotics, which may be beneficial for gut and mental health as well.

Melon and Kiwi fruit smoothie

This power drink provides a burst of immune-boosting nutrients in every sip and shoots ups your energy level instantly.

Kiwi is a tangy and sweet fruit that is rich in vitamin C, which stimulates the body’s immune response.

When kiwi is combined with fruits like papaya, melon and grapes, it enhances the nutritional value of the smoothie.

Did you know- kiwifruit contains roughly 230% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C?

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is rich in antioxidants and vitamin B3 (niacin), which is needed for skin and nerve health. Some studies have shown that it may also help in Alzheimer’s disease.

This delicious spread also contains an excellent source of vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant and can protect against coronary heart disease.

Tip: Try to use natural peanut butter, without added sugar and other additives.


Eggs are one of the few foods that should be classified as “superfoods.”

Egg yolks and whole eggs contain significant amounts of protein and choline and are widely used in cookery.

Eggs can be consumed in various ways such as scrambled, poached, omelette or boiled eggs etc.

Eggs are the best source of choline and quality protein that promotes hair health supports eye health, may reduce the risk of heart disease etc.

Did you know that eggs are high in cholesterol, but eating eggs does not adversely affect cholesterol in the blood for the majority of people?

Final thoughts

Nutrition and health go hand in hand. After all, it’s food that fuels every cell in the body and helps build stamina and muscle strength.

You may get bored and lose motivation if you don’t try different ingredients and recipes.

Here we have mentioned a few best, easy and most popular Indian recipes you can try.

However, there might be chances that you are allergic to any of the ingredients or might have an undiagnosed medical condition that can be aggravated by any of the ingredients. 

‘In such a situation, you can also opt for genetic testing, which is a cutting-edge predictive health tool to ascertain your predisposition towards certain foods; that can have a positive or negative impact, depending from person to person.

Furthermore, you should also undergo preventive health checkups. These health checks give a complete report about your health, allowing you to take necessary precautionary measures to improve your well-being and keep a host of ailments at bay. 

Giloy (Guduchi) For Hair and Health

Natural products these days are gaining immense popularity due to their therapeutic value and practically no side effects when compared to clinical drugs. Giloy or guduchi scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia is one of the most widely used traditional medicines in ayurvedic literature.

Giloy for hair is a well known concept in ayurveda. Giloy benefits for hair includes hair protection, fighting hair loss, rejuvenation and overall improving hair health. 

Giloy for dandruff treatment Giloy is very beneficial for dandruff treatment as it is Katu (pungent) and Kashaya (astringent) in nature which helps in clearing dandruff and itchy scalp. One can simply mix giloy leaves powder in water or rose water and apply it followed by shampoo. Dandruff can cause hindrance in hair growth therefore eliminating dandruff can assist in hair growth. 

Guduchi can do wonders for hair and there is a lot more to know about giloy benefits for hair and how to use giloy for hair.

Benefits of Using Giloy for Hair

Giloy or guduchi is seen as amrita in ayurveda as it is beneficial in fighting various diseases. It works on skin, hair and immune related diseases. Now that we already know about how to use giloy on hair, we will look more into its action phase.

Giloy’s benefits for hair are largely attributed to its antioxidant property that works on the hair stem and shields it from oxidative damage caused by free radicals in the body. Giloy is often considered a powerhouse of antioxidants. These free radicals damage the hair from roots and cause split ends, roughness and brittleness. Guduchi when applied on hair may benefit it by promoting scalp health by detoxification, prompting shiny hairs by repairing cell damage caused by oxidation, reducing hair loss due to scarred hair follicles.

Along with antioxidant properties, guduchi also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing redness, itchiness which are often regarded as one of the contributing factors of bald patches, also referred to as alopecia areata. 

Mindblowing Benefits & Tips For Sugar Detox For A Healthier You


Did you know that sugar and alcohol have similar toxic effects on the liver?

Minimising your added sugar intake is an excellent way to live a healthy lifestyle. While it isn’t always simple, the advantages outweigh the difficulties, since additional sugar has been shown to have harmful effects on the body.

Sugar is sweet but in the long run, it makes things bitter and becomes challenging to get out of the trap of quitting sugar.

Tips to reduce the sugar intake

Decide when you want to stop eating refined sugars and for how long you want to do so.

Plan on quitting sugar for 7 to 10 days, eliminating all added, refined, artificial, and natural sugars.

Another option is to gradually reduce sugar in your diet over a longer period of time, such as 30 days.

The next stage is to create behavioural adjustments to prevent you from succumbing to sugar. 

Below are some nutrition and lifestyle suggestions to help you break your cravings.

Choose water over a can of soda 

Substitute plain or sparkling water for sugary sodas, fruit juices, and energy drinks. Add additional mint or lemon or lime slices if you want to amp up the taste.

Concentrate on your entire diet

Increasing the nutritional richness of your overall diet will help you feel better and cut down on added sugar.

Vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, poultry, eggs, and shellfish are all good examples of unprocessed foods.

Choose unsweetened snacks

Snacks that aren’t sweetened are the best. Sugar may be added to your favourite granola or protein bar.

When you need a refuel, go for whole, nutrient-dense foods like nuts and seeds, whole fruit and nut butter, hummus and vegetables, or hard-boiled eggs.

Rethink your dessert 

Check-in with yourself instead of grabbing your favourite pint of ice cream or favourite candy bar after dinner.

Is your evening sugar fix a hard-to-break habit, or are you hungry?

If you’re really hungry, try a handful of macadamia nuts or unsweetened Greek yoghurt with berries and unsweetened coconut, which are both strong in protein and healthy fat.

Benefits of sugar detox 

Sugar reduction can benefit in a variety of ways. We’ll go over all of the advantages of quitting sugar and show you how simple it is:

Better mood 

Sugar has been connected to depression, therefore giving it up might benefit your mental health.

So, to be in a good mood to have more satisfactory control over emotions sugar detox is going to help you out. 

Always high on energy 

Increased energy is one of the most significant advantages of sugar abstinence. 

Sugar causes toxins to build up in your body, making you fatigued and sluggish.

When you stop eating sugar, your body won’t have to cope with these poisons, and you’ll have a lot more energy to go through the day.

Deep sleep

When you ingest too much sugar, it might affect the quality of your sleep.

Sugar deceives our bodies into believing they are weary, so if you eat sugar throughout the day, your body will assume you need to sleep.

This results in sleep disruptions and poor sleep quality, as well as general lethargy and exhaustion.

You will sleep considerably better if you stop eating sweets and your blood sugar levels will return to normal.

You will have a clear mindset

Sugar’s effect on blood sugar levels and insulin production can have a deleterious effect on our mental clarity and cognitive performance.

Our blood sugar levels rise as soon as we ingest sugar, which might briefly give us a sensation of mental clarity.

It can lead to sluggish thinking, poor memory, and poor mental functioning. When you stop eating sugar, your mental clarity should improve as your blood sugar levels normalise.

Eliminating sugar will help you focus and boost your cognitive abilities.

Final thoughts 

Sugar has been related to a wide range of health issues, including tooth decay, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Sugar abstinence has a wide range of health benefits, including weight loss and increased energy, as well as a lower chance of developing more serious ailments.

If you’re having trouble quitting, consider substituting fruit for the sweet taste.

Sugar abstinence is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health, so get started now.

These sugar detox tips can assist you in getting started.

Also, it’s best to get a preventive health check-up, learn about your health status, make informed decisions ahead of time, and enjoy peace of mind.

PCOS & Infertility: The Often Ignored But A Deep Connection


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a medical condition where the hormonal levels of women are severely affected.

PCOS causes women to create higher male hormones than they should. This hormonal imbalance women to miss menstrual cycles, making it difficult for them to conceive.

PCOS is indicated by hair growth on the face and body, as well as baldness. It can also cause long-term health problems, including diabetes and heart disease.

Birth control pills and diabetes drugs (which treat insulin resistance, which is a hallmark of PCOS) can assist in correcting the hormone imbalance and alleviating symptoms.

The prevalence of PCOS in India varies between 3.7 and 22.5 per cent, depending on the population investigated and the diagnostic criteria utilised.

Symptoms of PCOS

Around the time of a woman’s first menstruation, some begin to experience symptoms. Others only find out they have PCOS after they’ve acquired a lot of weight or struggled to conceive. Here are some common symptoms of PCOS:

  • Weight gain: Around 80% of women with PCOS suffer from obesity or being overweight. 
  • Facial hair: Hair grows on the face and body of more than 70% of women with this illness, including the back, belly, and chest. Hirsutism refers to excessive hair growth.
  • Heavy bleeding: Because the uterine lining develops over a longer time, your periods may be heavier than usual.
  • Acne: Male hormones can make the skin oilier than usual, which can cause acne outbreaks on the face, chest, and upper back.
  • Unbearable headaches:  In some women, hormone change can provoke excruciating headaches.
  • Abnormal periods:  During PCOS, the uterine lining is unable to shed every month, due to a lack of ovulation, thus leading to irregular periods. Some women suffering from PCOS can experience as little as eight periods in a calendar year or in some cases, none at all.

PCOS and infertility

PCOS might raise your risk of miscarriage, especially if left untreated.

It is due to reduced levels of the hormone progesterone in women with PCOS, that it is crucial for ensuring that the endometrial lining is thick enough to allow the implantation and development of an embryo. 

Progesterone is also required for the embryo to continue to grow and develop after implantation until the placenta takes over progesterone production around weeks 10 to 12.

This implies that low progesterone levels might raise your chances of miscarriage even before you discover you’re pregnant.

How does PCOS affect pregnancy and lead to complications?

PCOS can have a significant impact on pregnancy and lead to difficulties such as:

  • Miscarriage
  • Baby spending more time in Intensive Care Unit
  • Caesarean section (C-section)
  • Heavyweight baby
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Preeclampsia

Even though PCOS is the most frequent cause of infertility in women, it is also easily manageable. Rather than becoming discouraged, women with PCOS should seek treatment from a specialist.

Diagnosis of PCOS 

In most situations, a patient’s symptoms or complaints indicate PCOS to the doctor.

So the doctor examines the patient’s medical history and does a physical examination to search for indicators of excessive hair growth, insulin resistance, and acne. 

The reproductive organs are analysed and physically examined for any abnormalities, such as bulk, growth, and so on.

Post-that the following diagnostic tests may be recommended:

  • Ultrasound: A USG of the reproductive organs is performed to examine the appearance of the ovaries and the thickness of the uterine lining. A transvaginal ultrasound is sometimes used to get a better image of the organs.
  • Blood tests: Hormone levels, glucose tolerance and fasting, and cholesterol and triglyceride levels are all evaluated using blood tests.

Treatment of PCOS

There is currently no definitive cure for PCOS. Treatment, on the other hand, can improve the odds of conceiving in people who want to have a family. 

Individual symptoms differ, thus therapy is not always the same.

Here are some suggested options for treatment which also depend on whether a person wants to get pregnant or not:

  • Hormonal imbalances can be corrected using birth control tablets
  • Insulin-sensitizing medications boost the body’s insulin utilisation and, as a result, testosterone synthesis
  • Exercise and a healthy diet can help you feel better and lose weight
  • Maintaining a healthy weight can aid in the reduction of insulin and testosterone levels, as well as the alleviation of symptoms
  • Medication to manage blood sugar levels in the event of diabetes

Final thoughts

PCOS can cause a woman’s menstrual cycles to be interrupted, making it difficult to conceive.

Unwanted symptoms such as hair growth on the face and body are also caused by high amounts of testosterone levels.

Losing weight can help with PCOS symptoms and increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Weight loss can be achieved by a combination of diet and aerobic activities.

Doctors usually prescribe lifestyle changes as the primary therapy for PCOS, and they often work.

And, above all, keep your health in check by opting for regular PCOS diagnostic check-ups to evaluate the effectiveness of the management techniques.