Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?

Creatine for hair is a source of energy and an organic compound naturally produced by your liver, kidneys and pancreas. It is stored in the skeletal muscles, and the body uses it as energy. But does creatine cause hair loss? 

A study was conducted in 2009 in South Africa on a group of young college rugby players regarding creatine for hair and it’s effect on hair loss. These players were given supplements that contained creatine for hair, for three weeks. Researchers of this study found that the level of DHT increased over fifty per cent, but the levels of testosterone didn’t change.  

So if you ask if there is something called creatine hair loss or thinning hair, there isn’t much to indicate that creatine in hair can cause hair loss. We have evidence from personal experiences of people, and at times, these claims against creatine for hair and hair loss can be anecdotal. 

This article will unfurl the relation between creatine for hair and DHT, creatine hair loss and side effects of creatine for hair. Read on to learn what research has to say about creatine in hair or hair loss/thinning hair line and discover more on does creatine cause hair loss.

Relationship Between Creatine For Hair & DHT

To answer the question, does creatine cause hair loss, we need to understand the relation between DHT and creatine for hair. But before that, what is DHT? DHT is a male sex hormone, meaning it stimulates the development of male characteristics. It is linked to hair loss and other health issues. DHT is derived from testosterone, but it is more dominant than testosterone. 

Creatine for hair increases the DHT levels by converting testosterone into a more active form. Since DHT is a more active and potent form of testosterone, which is also responsible for hair growth, with an increase in the DHT, creatine in hair can cause hair loss. 

Citing the example of the creatine for hair – tests on the rugby players, an increase in the DHT level was observed in the study. We know that DHT levels play a significant role in hair loss; this can increase a person’s risk of hair loss, especially if they are exposed to hormonal hair loss or genetic hair loss issues.

That said, more research work is required to conclude whether DHT increase due to supplements containing creatine for hair can lead to creatine hair loss. 

Possible Side Effects Of Creatine For Hair 

Along with finding an answer to whether creatine in hair causes creatine hair loss, you also need to know about the side effects of creatine for hair. And if you consider using it, you but definetely look out for creatine side effects. Below we discuss the side effects of creatine and hair loss:

  • Water retention
  • Weight gain
  • Dizziness
  • Dehydration
  • Fever 
  • Heat intolerance
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle cramping
  • Nausea
  • Gastrointestinal pain 
  • Kidney issues

One must always check for creatine side effects especially if allergic. While you should consider all of these side effects of creatine in hair, these side effects of creatine for hair also largely depend on your body and any underlying diseases. People undergoing medication should be cautious while using as significant side effects of creatine for hair can also cause harm to the liver and heart. But does creatine cause hair loss ?

What Does Research Say About Creatine For Hair?

Does creatine cause hair loss? There is a lot of analysis needed to sum up an answer to whether creatine for hair causes hair loss, but for now, there isn’t much to point out that supplements containing creatine for hair can cause hair loss. As mentioned already, it largely depends and varies from person to person and their take on creatine and hair loss. 

There isn’t much scientific research to feed us with an appropriate answer: does creatine cause hair loss. There is only one scientific literature piece of the rugby players research we talked about earlier in the article. The players in the study took a whopping amount of creatine – twenty-five grams a day. Usually, the recommended amount is five grams. 

The researchers found that creatine for hair may enhance the conversion of testosterone to DHT – the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness. But if you reconsider the research and question, does creatine cause hair loss, you’ll find that it did not prove that creatine in hair can causes hair loss. Moreover, the study was done only on a very small group of people. 

Is Gluten Causing Your Hair Loss

“You are what you can digest”. Most of us have foods like chapati and bread on a daily basis that contain gluten which is not just difficult to digest but also harmful to hair and health. Recent studies show that gluten can also affect your neurological system and cause several brain disorders. Now-a-days, many opt for the latest food trends, the most recent one being a “Gluten-Free” Diet due to the various side effects that it has.

But before diving deep, let’s first understand what gluten is and how it particularly affects hair and health. 

What is Gluten? 

Gluten is a natural protein found in some of the most common food grains like wheat, rye and barley. But just as the pronunciation goes, gluten is basically a “GLUE” that holds the entire food product together. It has this ‘stretchy’ quality which helps to roll out a pizza dough without which the dough would rip apart. The sad part about this GLUE is that it’s present in most of our day-to-day foods like roti, bread, pasta, cereals and so on. 

So what exactly happens when you eat Gluten ?

Recent studies lay emphasis on gut health as the most important aspect that affects almost everything – from mental health to hair health. Gluten tends to damage the inner lining of the intestine thereby blocking the essential nutrient absorption. This reflects on hair making them weak and eventually causing them to fall-off. Various other side effects after consuming gluten include:

  • Bloating of the abdomen – feeling of fullness, heaviness and lasting discomfort in the abdomen, unrelated to the quantity of food eaten. It is the gluten (even though in a small quantity) causing the stomach symptoms. 
  • Gas – bloating of the stomach and a buildup of gas starts to occur after a gluten-containing meal.
  • Diarrhea and constipation – indigestion and irregular bowel movements are a common symptom after gluten is consumed. 
  • Abdominal pain – frequent instances of abdominal pain without any other cause is common after a heavy gluten meal.
  • Fatigue – a persistent feeling of tiredness and lethargy can be mistakenly attributed to many other medical conditions, but is a very common symptom of the after effects of eating gluten.
  • Nausea – Some people tend to nauseate after consuming gluten.
  • Muscle and joint pain- Consuming gluten can also be inflammatory. Pain in the joints is another common and long term effect of consuming too much gluten in the diet.

Why Should One Go Gluten-Free? 

The above listed side effects fall under an umbrella term known as “Gluten-Intolerance”. This is an auto-immune (self-damaging) response to the consumption of gluten.  Over time, consuming gluten triggers widespread inflammation and damage to the lining of the small intestine, making it practically impossible to absorb nutrients, vitamins (like Vit. B complex, Vit. C, etc.) and minerals (like zinc, selenium, magnesium, and many more). Malabsorption or lack of all these nutrients can lead to medical complications and hair loss.

While the causes of hair loss are many such as age, genetics, hormonal problems, pollution, heat and chemical treatments; one of the most important causes of hair loss is poor gut health due to gluten intolerance and the nutrient deficiencies that follow. While gluten intolerance is seen in a number of people, it is left undiagnosed in most. This is because it can range from very mild to severe and therefore, becomes difficult to diagnose in very mild cases. 

What’s the Link Between Gluten Intolerance & Hair loss?

Gluten intolerance leads to an auto-immune response by the body which is also associated with a number of auto-immune disorders that result in hair loss.

Celiac Disease: Most nutrients and vitamins are absorbed in the lining of the small intestine. Inflammation and damage to this lining by gluten results in Celiac disease. This causes overgrowth of harmful bacteria leading to deficiencies and in turn, hair loss and other medical problems.

Alopecia Areata: Studies have shown that a large number of patients having gluten intolerance also end up having a hair fall condition called Alopecia Areata. This disorder happens when your own body attacks your hair follicles leading to hair loss in patches.

When all remedies for hair loss fail, people tend to switch to a gluten free diet only to see magical results in their hair health as well as general wellbeing. This is the most common way people usually find out about gluten intolerance.

What is a “Gluten-Free” Diet?

After understanding all about gluten and the damage that it can cause, let’s try and figure out how we can incorporate a “gluten-free” diet . Gluten free diet means avoiding any foods that contain wheat, rye or barley. This means eliminating a number of daily food items as well as a lot of packaged and processed foods containing gluten, most of which you may be unaware of. Some of these food items are:

  • Chapatis: Wheat rotis, chapatis, parathas and items made from them
  • Bread: Whole wheat bread and white bread i.e. pizzas, burgers, pita breads, sourdough breads and tortillas
  • Snacks: Biscuits, pastries, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, pancakes, crepes and other baked goods, crackers and instant noodles like Maggi
  • Sauces: like soy and ketchup, condiments, salad dressings Beverages: like beer and ales, pre-made drink mixes
  • Others: Granola, breakfast cereals, muesli and energy bars & Oats (unless gluten free oats)

Though a gluten free diet may put a stop to many of your favourite and easily available items, there is still a wide range of options available such as: 

  • Whole grains and their flours (quinoa, rice, jowar, bajra, nachni or ragi, samo atta, corn or makkai atta, amaranth, arrowroot, gluten free oats)
  • All vegetables and fruits
  • Nuts and seeds

How to Switch to a Gluten Free Diet?

Getting the hang of a gluten free diet isn’t as hard as it seems when you know the ground rules. Today, anyone can switch to a gluten free diet to help put a stop to hair loss. The trick here is to pay more attention to the kind of foods that you eat. For starters, when buying bread, pasta or cereal, be sure to go for those made with gluten-free flours like ragi, amaranth or nut flours. Here’s a few tips on how to go gluten free: Keep an eye for gluten free labels: When buying any food packets, keep an eye out for food labels and watch out for the ingredients from the list of gluten to avoid when starting with  a gluten free diet (mentioned above). 
Don’t be fooled by the food industry: Play food detective and look for phrases like “gluten free”, “low gluten” or “not made with gluten-containing ingredients” written in bold or flashed across the packet. Read the labels carefully to make sure there is no gluten or cross contact with gluten in any ingredients.

Benefits of Switching to a Gluten Free Diet:

  • Reversal of hair loss occurring due to gluten
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Controls blood sugar levels
  • Is good for the heart
  • Battles cancer cells
  • Improves digestion and makes you free from symptoms of gluten intolerance like bloating, flatulence, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea.

What’s the Link between Dairy and Hair Loss?

You may be wondering why at Rejuvenate Health we’re always telling you to cut down on milk and dairy even though you’ve been told right since childhood that it’s great for your bones. Well to be honest, dairy causes more harm than good. This is why we hear a lot about lactose intolerant, vegan and diary-free diet. But does having this really cause hair loss? Read on to find out the reason behind why dairy products cause hair loss. 

What is Dairy?

Dairy refers to foods made from or containing the milk of mammals. These include cows, sheep, goats, camels or buffaloes. The foods includes milk, yogurt, cheese, and kefir, as well as milk-containing products, such as ice cream, butter, ghee, cream, sour cream, cream cheese, whey products, and casein.

How does Dairy Trigger Hair Loss?

While most argue that dairy is good for the healthy growth of hair, it is actually the opposite. Dairy items contain substantial levels of fat in it, which increases the testosterone levels in your body. This testosterone is then converted into a hormone called DHT which is one of the leading causes of hair loss. DHT in excess is known to decrease the diameter of the hair follicle, shrink the follicle and shorten the regular hair cycle eventually causing hair loss. Having dairy products also intensifies other hair related problems like dandruff and psoriasis because of it’s highly acidic nature and it’s ability to cause allergic reactions which further causes hair loss.

This allergic reaction is not immediate (like itching or swollen lips) but rather is a delayed one. The primary reason why delayed allergic response caused by dairy is responsible for hair loss is because it leads to a cascade of increased immune responses in our body. This auto-immune response causes one’s own body to attack and destroy the hair follicles and also cause inflammation of the scalp. These two factors combined, result in massive hair loss. This inflammation caused by dairy products also results in poor and constricted blood flow to the scalp which leads to hair loss and hair thinning. In addition, commercially available dairy products are almost always pasteurized (due to which it loses it’s lactose enzymes and becomes difficult to digest) and contaminated with hormones and antibiotics. This is because these animals are injected with these hormones. These injected hormones and antibiotics cause adverse effects on hair and health. Lastly, dairy products also block the pores of the scalp, resulting in an oily scalp and also cause hair thinning.

How to go Dairy-Free?

Now that you know how dairy can cause hair loss and other hair related issues like dandruff, the question that would arise is “If not dairy, then what?”. The next thing would be to switch to a ‘dairy-free’ diet with great alternatives. Here are some tips to get you started on your dairy free diet regime.

Switch to vegan/plant based calcium sources:  You will be amazed to know that the alternatives for dairy are so many. And the cherry on top is that they are nutritionally much richer sources of calcium and protein than milk or milk products. Some great sources of calcium are Soy like soy milk and tofu (100gms = 280mg of calcium); a variety of seeds like chia, sesame and sunflower seeds (1-2 tbspn = 88mg of calcium); ragi and nachni (100gms = 344mg of calcium)

Watch out for hidden dairy: It is important that if you are vegan or switching to a completely vegan-free diet, that you read the label at the back of the product and don’t be fooled by ‘dairy-free’ tag in bold print on the top of the packaging.

Compensate for reduced protein intake: Get your protein from legumes, dairy-free yogurt, lean meats, nuts and whole grains. 

Go easy on processed dairy: Dairy free junk food like ice creams and cheese should be had in moderation. Dairy- free does not mean it is not processed or loaded with calories.

Here’s a list of Great Alternatives to Various Dairy Products

  • Alternatives for Milk: A variety of plant based milks are available in the market and can also easily be made at home. These include soy milk, coconut milk, rice milk, oat milk, and cashew milk.
  • Alternatives to Butter: Coconut oil, olive oil, sesame oil or any other plant based oil, and bananas
  • Alternatives to Cheese:  Dairy free cheese or vegan cheese ranges are available in the market. They are generally made using plant based milk. Nutritional yeast – is a good dairy free alternative to cheese. Nutritional yeast has a nutty, cheesy flavor and many manufacturers fortify it with essential vitamins.

Difference Between Hair Fall and Hair Breakage

Hair fall is a condition when the hair strands fall off from the root. The losing upto a 100 strands a day is normal hair fall. Certain conditions such as alopecia, hyperthyroidism, overstressing and certain practices such as over styling can aggravate hair loss. If you start to lose more than 150-200 strands of hair per day, then you are having abnormal hair loss.

Hair breakage, on the other hand, happens at the hair shaft and not the roots. You can identify hair breakage from prevalent split ends. This generally happens to dry and brittle hair. Hair breakage can be addressed easily. It does not cause balding and is not a problem as serious as abnormal hair loss.

Tips to Prevent Hair Breakage

To prevent hair breakage, you much make certain changes to your daily routine. This includes changes to hair care routine as well as certain daily practices. These are easy home remedies for hair breakage-

  • Use a shampoo and conditioner whose formulation is gentle on the hair. Do not scrub too hard, preferably use fingertips to rub the scalp.
  • Do not skip the conditioner after hair wash.
  • Whenever going for a swim, use a hair cap and swimmers’ shampoo for post-swim hair wash.
  • Do not scrub the hair dry using a towel. Try a cotton t-shirt and use a gentle tapping motion instead of scrubbing.
  • Try to air dry the hair when possible – limit the use of a hot blow dryer.
  • Brush your hair gently and avoid brushing too often.
  • Avoid pulling hard while braiding or tying the hair – opt for wearing down the hair or loose braiding styles. Change your hairstyle to one that is gentler on the hair.
  • Go for hair masks to keep the hair soft and pampered.
  • Go for hair trimming the ends of the hair every 6-8 weeks.
  • Use a heat protecting agent before blow-drying and styling.
  • Sleep on a silk pillowcase to avoid roughing up the hair while sleeping or wrap up the hair in a silk scarf before sleeping.
  • Have a balanced diet rich in vitamins.

Dry and frizzy hair means that you might be experiencing hair breakage. The good news is that hair breakage is easily addressable. It is recommended that you, eat good, maintain a good hair care routine and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This will provide your hair with the necessary nutrients and prevent breakage. If you see unusual hair breakage or abnormal hair loss, you must consult the dermatologist as this could be the symptom of an underlying medical condition.

All you need to know about Keratin treatment

Keratin is a naturally occurring fibrous protein found in epithelial cells. Different types of Keratin are responsible for the structure and health of skin, hair and nails. Alpha hair keratin helps maintain the structure and strength of your scalp hair. Hair keratin is meant to protect your hair from stress which comes in the form of breakage, heat damage and frizz. The question you should be worried about is does keratin hair treatment cause hair loss and is keratin hair treatment good or bad? 

Let’s understand what is keratin hair treatment. Keratin hair treatment is used for improving the texture and appearance of your hair. Because it is naturally meant to bond the overlapping hair cuticles rendering it smooth, shiny and safe from exposure damage. 

However, keratin hair treatment used in professional hair treatments and hair care products is derived from animal parts such as feathers, horns and wool. Not only that laying on keratin hair treatment on its own is not enough and therefore needs to be combined with bases such as formaldehyde or glyoxylic acid. Not only is formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, it can also cause respiratory problems when inhaled. Overexposure to formaldehyde and over-straightening can also cause damage to the hair strands which can result in dryness and weakening leading to breakage and increased hair loss. keratin hair treatment can also make hair greasy and limp. 

How long does the effect of keratin hair treatment last?

For all the stress your hair goes through during the keratin hair treatment it isn’t permanent. A keratin hair treatment with formaldehyde as a base will last for about 6 months, whereas, non-formaldehyde milder versions will last only a couple of months. 

Can keratin hair treatment cause hair loss?

Yes. Multiple people have experienced increased hair loss and no hair regrowth after one or repeated keratin hair treatment. While the hair fall might not be from the roots always, it will happen invariably because of the side-effects of formaldehyde on your hair and scalp and the high heat exposure used during straightening after applying the chemical formula. This can weaken your hair roots, cause dryness, brittleness and scalp irritation. Not only that for anyone who has a predisposition to hair loss or has poor follicle health on account of an undiagnosed hair loss condition can experience excessive hair loss in the months following the keratin hair treatment and may hamper hair regrowth. 

Is Keratin hair treatment for hair loss?

Not at all! Hair strands don’t have any blood supply, they are made up of cells and protein bonds which is why chemical treatments or heat can be used to restructure them. Hair loss conditions and improper hair regrowth occur due to the health of your hair follicles, which receive blood supply, therefore oxygen and nutrition from your body. If your follicles are unhealthy, ageing prematurely or shrinking due to DHT, no amount of external treatment on your hair will help resolve it. It is only possible to treat hair loss safely with prescription medication such as topical minoxidil, topical finasteride. Combined with natural ayurvedic medicines and proper nutrition that help tackle the internal root causes of hair loss and improve hair regrowth.

How do I know if my follicles are healthy?

Don’t worry. We will help you in your hair regrowth journey. Take the Rejuvenate Health hair diagnosis test to find out the type and stage of your hair loss condition and get your very own customized hair loss treatment to improve hair regrowth.  Or reach out to hair experts today

Can dieting cause hair loss?

Keto, warrior, juice cleanse, intermittent fasting are just some of the choices for anyone who wants to start their fitness journey. Not only are people spoilt for choices with multiple diet options but also in the information available. Gone are the days where people would get information from expert curated blogs. Today people get advice on health and well-being everywhere they look – social media, ads, a well-wisher, a self-proclaimed expert. While experts have also taken to these mediums to advocate the importance of taking an expert supervised approach when trying to lose weight or get fit. 

There have been numerous cases wherein people have experienced adverse effects of fad diets. While some side effects can be extreme in nature and have serious consequences for you long term. One lesser known side effect of crash dieting that causes sudden weight loss can trigger hair loss conditions such as Telogen Effluvium or aggravate existing hair loss conditions such as Androgenic Alopecia. 

So what happens to your body when you suddenly lose a lot of weight?

It can not only deprive you of certain essential nutrient groups that are important for your overall health and especially hair and skin health such as protein, vitamins, healthy fats, etc. But also because your body thinks that it is starving which can create a shock-like experience for your body. At which point it will push most of your hair that are in the anagen or growth phase to telogen or resting phase. Telogen phase hair tends to stay on your scalp for three months and then fall. For a normal person 9-11% percent of their hair is in the telogen phase but for those experiencing telogen effluvium up to 30% of their hair can be in the telogen phase at once. So you can experience shedding of up to 200-300 hair strands in a day for over 3 to 6 months. Because you’re shedding at a faster rate than the growth of new hair it will result in increased scalp visibility and heavy volume loss. 

But don’t worry. Telogen effluvium, whether triggered by weight loss or any other type of mental or physical stress, is treatable to the point of recovering almost all of the volume lost with Rejuvenate Health haircare treatments.

So does this mean you shouldn’t try to lose weight to get fit? Absolutely not! You just need to remember that getting fit or healthy is a marathon and not a sprint and therefore weight loss should always be done in a sustainable manner where you lose no more than 1-2 kgs in a month. If a health condition requires you to lose weight at a more rapid pace make sure to do it with the advice of a nutritionist. If you are planning to get on the Rejuvenate Health treatment or already on it, you can schedule a free call with our nutritionist to get a personalised diet plan which will help you achieve your fitness and hair goals all at once.

Effective Hair Fall Treatment for Men And Women

Tresses play a significant role in enhancing the beauty of not only women but men equally. Who does not want beautiful and long hair? However, when you start noticing a few hair strands while combing can tense you. Hair falling beyond the limit of normalcy is not liked by anyone, whether it is women or men. 

If you see a part on your scalp wider than before, or you see a clump of hair, it will definitely haunt you. It becomes unignorable when you get to see hair lose more than 50 to 100 strands per day. Even as per the study of the American Academy of Dermatology, with age, hair density gets lower, and hair becomes finer.

Hair loss, or you can medically call it ‘alopecia’ affects your scalp, or it can affect your entire body. It can be permanent or temporary. There are many factors responsible for hair loss, such as aging, heredity, hormonal changes, and any medical conditions.

When your hair starts losing in excessive quantity, it will term as baldness, which is more seen in men rather than women. On the other hand, hair gets finer on the head, and it starts looking thinner for women. Baldness is more due to hereditary. It is the most common reason behind baldness.

Baldness or hair loss impacts everyone in a different way. Some find it very disturbing and look for solutions, while others take it too lightly and do not go to search for the remedy. Those who belong to the first category are available with many solutions to prevent hair loss or restore it. There are many hair fall treatments present. 

In the article, you will find various solutions and remedies to treat your hair loss. Before that, you should understand the signs and symptoms of hair fall.

Signs & Symptoms of Hair Fall

Hair fall is not the same for everyone. The signs and symptoms of hair fall are different for men and women. So the hair fall treatments vary.

Symptoms of baldness can be different in both the gender. Usually, at the beginning of baldness in men, hair falls in such a way that the part of hair on the head is seen in ‘M’ shape. Gradually the hair fall becomes more, and it changes shape to ‘U’.

In the case of women, this pattern is different. Usually, hair loss starts from the very middle part of the head of the women, especially the hair around the hairline, and then from all the parts of the head.

The signs of hair fall in men may include:

  • Thinning of hair 
  • Hair weakening
  • Hair break
  • Loss of hair all over the body.
  • Circular to patchy bald spots.
  • Especially thin at the top of the head.
  • Scaling patches that spread throughout the skull.

The signs of hair fall in women may include:

  • Hair loss from the middle part of the head
  • Thinning of hair
  • Excessive hair loss while shampooing
  • Excessive hair loss while combing the hair
  • Sudden hair loss

Causes of Hair Fall

There are many reasons responsible for hair fall and only by understanding the cause, hair fall treatment can treat the loss of hair. 

  1. Heredity

Heredity and genetic conditions are the most common reason and natural reasons for hair fall. Losing of hair due to heredity is termed androgenetic alopecia and is seen in men mostly. Some people refer to hair loss due to genetic conditions as male-pattern baldness.

  1. Hormonal Changes

Hair loss or thinning of hair due to hormonal changes are most common in women. During pregnancy, postpartum, menopause or using contraceptives change hormones in women, and it leads to hair loss. It negatively affects the growth cycle of hair and results in hair loss.

  1. Medications and Radiation Therapy

Taking special kinds of medicines such as antidepressants, arthritis drugs, medicines for blood pressure, chemotherapeutic drugs, etc., can lead to hair loss excessively. The therapy for treating cancer can also lead to hair fall. 

  1. Stress

Stress is quite common these days. Any type of stress can be a serious cause of your hair loss. It deprives your hair to get vital nutrients which make hair weak. If you are in emotional trauma for a long time or dealing with prolonged stress, then hair loss will affect you. Hair fall treatment is all you need in such a situation.

  1. Excessive Hair Styling

Making hair in various fashionable ways, using styling tools, spraying on hair, leaving hair untied and exposed to the sun can not make you saved from losing its strands. Effort to look stylish is one of the reasons for hair fall.

  1. Hair Care Products

Today, the market is filled with too many hair care products containing chemical compounds. If you buy such products or use chemicals on your hair, then prepare yourself for hair loss. Be gentle while choosing shampoo and conditioner, or you can use Traya Hair Care Products, which absolutely harm free.

  1. Infections

Infections on your scalp can reduce the quantity of your hair. Bacterial and fungal infections cause baldness of hair or hair thinning. To restore hair, syphilis can be effective. Some hair fall treatments suggest this way of treatment.

  1. Vitamin Deficiency

Many factors such as peptide bonds, protein, and amino acids are responsible for hair production. Deficiency of nutrients or lack of a balanced diet can raise the condition of hair loss. Improper diet or diet without proteins, iron, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B cause hair fall.

  1. Pollution

Pollution in and around you, dust, fuel particles, and air pollution interrupt protein formation, which is very important for hair, and it leads to causing premature hair fall condition and greying of hair before age. Check out Traya hair care products to prepare your hair to deal with environmental damage.

  1. Lifestyle 

You are always in a hurry, take inadequate sleep, smoke, and work outdoors directly under the sun; all these lifestyle habits of yours can cause hair loss. A body needs a proper mechanism, and when you disturb it, it affects badly on your body and hair too.

Hair Fall Prevention Tips

Today every third person is facing a hair loss problem. You, too, try so many hair fall solutions and hair fall remedies but see rare effects. The biggest reason for hair loss is the smallest mistakes you make on a daily basis, which you do inadvertently. These mistakes are responsible for damaging the hair. This causes hair to weaken and breakage of strands. Know about the mistakes you make due to which your hair weakens and starts to break. Here are a few tips for hair fall prevention:

  • Take a balanced diet.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles.
  • Take multivitamin tablets.
  • Do not expose your hair to the sun directly.
  • Cover your hair in pollution.
  • Say no to excessive hairstyling techniques.
  • Massage your hair with oil regularly. 
  • Avoid stress. 
  • Avoid washing your hair with hot water. 

Diagnosing Hair Loss

There are three methods available to diagnose hair loss. 

1. Pull Test

The Pull Test is a manual examination of hair conducted by a doctor. Doctor pulls out a few dozens of hairs and sees how many come out in his hand.

2. Blood Test

With a Blood Test, medical conditions associated with hair fall problems can be determined.

3. Scalp Biopsy

In Scalp Biopsy, the doctor plucks your hair to examine the condition of hair follicles.

Hair Fall Treatment For Men

Hair loss tendencies were not commonly seen at young ages. It was seen as a symptom of old age. However, this can not be said for modern times. People are falling prey to baldness at an early age, even in teenage and childhood. You have already learned the reasons why men fall for baldness. So, here are hair fall treatments for men:

1. Drugs

Minoxidil: Rogaine or Minoxidil is a really important drug to prevent hair loss in men. It is available in two forms: liquid and foam. Men should apply it twice a day on the scalp to prevent hair loss.

Finasteride: Men dealing with hair loss problems can try this pill for hair loss. Take it on a daily basis after consulting a doctor. Please note that this drug has adverse side effects when taken orally hence is not prescribed in Traya kit.

These drugs show their effect in six months or more. 

2. Hair transplants

Men can opt for hair transplants as hair fall treatment. Follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction are two hair transplant options available to men. 

 3. Laser treatment

Study has been made to support the effectiveness of laser treatment as hair fall treatment. For male pattern hair loss, LLLT means low-level laser therapy is safe. The therapy helps hair to regrow.

4. Quit smoking

Smoking is the enemy of your lungs. Cigarettes are also enemies of your hair. It reduces blood flow in the head and causes hair loss. If you smoke, it will have a negative effect on your hair. 

5. No alcohol

Alcohol reduces the capacity of hair growth, and you will start facing hair loss. If you don’t consume alcohol, it’s a good thing for your hair. But if you are addicted to it, and you are a regular drinker, then it reduces the amount of yours. 

6. A balanced diet

A balanced diet is necessary for your hair growth and keeps you fit and fine. Include a variety of vegetables, especially green, fruits, whole grains, and proteins, in your diet, and you will see the difference. 

Foods you can add to your diet areean beef, beans, green leafy vegetables, iron-fortified grains, and eggs, salmon, mackerel, tuna, flax seeds, egg yolks, hemp seeds, and walnuts, eggs, lean meats, and seafood, etc.

6. Regular checkup

Not only genetics is responsible for hair-related problems but a few medical conditions can also cause hair loss. 

The following medical conditions can be responsible for hair loss:

  • diabetes
  • lupus
  • lichen planus
  • sarcoidosis
  • scalp psoriasis
  • alopecia areata
  • thyroid conditions
  • eating disorders 
  • iron deficiency anemia
  • hair pulling disorder, known as trichotillomania
  • Celiac disease
  • syphilis

Water Therapy 

Use clean drinking water, and you will not need a doctor then. Problems such as hair breakage and hair loss will also be reduced. There are natural minerals in the water which wipe out many types of bacteria and viruses to reduce hair loss. Exercise

Exercise makes our body metabolism healthy and balanced. Do regular exercises. Take a nutritious and balanced diet. This makes our body and mind healthy. Our hair follicles too.

Hair Fall Treatment for Women

Women suffer hair related problems due to many reasons such as stress, hormonal changes, pregnancy, menopause, pollution, etc. The deficiency of nutritional food is also one of the main reasons for hair loss in women. However, possible medications and hair fall treatments are available for women for hair loss. 

  • Minoxidil

It is a drug effective in hair fall. Minoxidil is for topical use to apply on the scalp. You should rub this drug on your scalp daily for months or for years for an effective result. 

  • Estrogen therapy

Estrogen therapy is the hormone replacement therapy to treat androgenic alopecia. The therapy supplies the hormone estrogen to women to decrease its levels. Before taking this therapy, you should consult your doctor. 

  • Spironolactone

Aldactone or Spironolactone is an effective drug to treat hair fall. It addresses hormones in women. However, not many support the effectiveness of the drug. 

  • Corticosteroids

If you are a woman and have alopecia areata, then Corticosteroids can be a hair fall treatment for you. In this treatment, corticosteroids are injected at multiple sites. Noticeable hair growth can be seen only in four weeks.

  • Hair transplant

There can be some conditions in which your body does not respond to treatments properly then hair transplantation can be one option. In a Hair transplant, small pieces of the scalp are added with hair to make it look thicker. However, the therapy is costly. 

  • Hair fall shampoos

Hair fall due to not-so-serious reasons can be treated by using hair fall shampoos. When pores on the scalp get clogged, it becomes the reason for hair fall. Then use a good hair fall shampoo or Traya Hair Care product to clear the pores.

  • Nutritious diet

A healthy diet works the best. Your diet should contain foods such as different vegetables and fruits, which can provide essential nutrients and prevents hair loss. 

  • Scalp massage

Scalp massage increases blood circulation in hair and it promotes hair growth and prevents hair fall. Regular hair massage or massage on a regular interval can be effective.

Home Remedies for Hair Fall

Be it a man or a woman, everyone loves their hair very much. But nowadays, due to the increasing pollution and use of chemical filled products, your hair starts to weaken. There are many other reasons why hair loss problems have become common today. 

If you are also troubled by falling hair, then here is hair fall treatment for this problem. By adopting some easy home remedies for hair fall, you can prevent hair fall forever. Easily available ingredients at home can also be used to treat hair loss. Neem Leaves 

This will not only protect your hair from any kind of infection, but will also prevent hair loss. Applying neem on the head increases blood circulation, which makes hair stronger and prevents hair loss. For this take some neem leaves and boil it in water. Now wash your hair and massage the head thoroughly for 5 to 10 minutes. Do this every other day for a few months.Fenugreek Seeds

It contains folic acid as well as protein, vitamin-A, C, and K. Fenugreek seeds strengthen the hair and prevent its fall. Soak some fenugreek seeds for the night and grind them to make a fine paste in the morning, and apply it on the hair and scalp. Put a towel in warm water and squeeze it well and then wrap it on the head. Wash it after half an hour. Repeat it two times a week for a month.Curry Leaves 

Curry leaves contain antioxidants as well as protein and beta-carotene. These ingredients are responsible for strengthening the hair and reducing hair fall. For the advantage of curry leave, take a few curry leaves and put them on flame with any hair oil, and heat it for some time. Massage your scalp once it cools down. Try this every day for two weeks.Onion Juice

For hair fall remedy, take an onion and peel it well and cut it into big pieces. Now grind it in a mixer and take out its juice. Mix one tablespoon rose water and one teaspoon honey in it. Apply it on your entire head and hair and massage it for 5 minutes. Wash and shampoo after half an hour. Do this twice a week. The onion contains a large amount of sulfur, which prevents hair loss by increasing blood circulation in the head.Green Tea

Put the green tea bags in 2-3 cups of water and boil for a while. Let it cool, then wash your hair with this water properly. After this, wash the hair with normal water too. After doing this for a few days, you will feel the difference in your hair yourself. The use of green tea will nourish your hair, which will help to reduce its fall by strengthening it. This will also give shine to the hair.Oil Massage 

Take any natural oil for a massage. Oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, or canola oil are good oils. Massage it in your scalp daily by warming it. After the massage, wear a shower cap on the head and wash it with a mild shampoo after about an hour. Oil treatment is a very effective way to prevent hair loss.

Everyday massage should be done for a few minutes, and it helps to speed up the blood flow in the head as well as it activates hair follicles. Hair loss can be prevented if the head massage is done correctly. These home remedies for hair growth and hair fall are really effective. 


A balanced diet containing all the essential nutrients is vital for your body and hair as well. Your meal should have proper nutrients, and for hair fall solution and hair fall remedy, below are given what you should contain in your diet.

  1. Protein

Protein is the main component in the formation of hair follicles. Keratin, a type of protein, is used to make hair. In a study, it was noted that people with nutritional deficiencies such as amino acids and protein face problems of hair loss. So, you should have protein-rich food to prevent hair loss. Animal protein and plant protein like nuts, eggs, fish, low-fat dairy products, chicken, turkey, beans, and peas should be included in the diet.Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet containing raw vegetables and fresh herbs is capable of reducing baldness, alopecia, hair thinning, and hair loss. Include parsley, basil, and green salad in your diet. Eat it at least three times every week. Vitamin A

Vitamin A increases hair growth rate as it is made up of part of retinoids. Sebum production due to Vitamin A keeps the scalp healthier and increases growth. Vitamin A-rich foods are spinach, sweet potatoes, sweet peppers, etc.

These diets are good and effective for hair loss treatment.

Learn Successful Ways To Style And Care For Your Hair

A great hairstyle, the best accessory

If you believe that a great hairstyle makes the best accessory then you definitely need to keep yourself updated with the latest trends to style and care for your hair. Your curls speak volumes and define you, so put in the extra effort to make those tresses the very best you can. There might be those odd occasions when you could go wrong but if you keep at it, you will find more about your hair as you make the transition towards terrific tresses smoothly. 

But if you’re someone who’s experiencing severe hair fall then these simple hair care tips would not work, you will need a customised treatment plan that fixes your hair fall and in turn your hair health.

Caring for your hair the right way

Let’s start with the basics because they could very well be the deciding factor towards having hair and no hair in the first place. A bad hair regimen is the first step towards wrecking all plans of styling your hair. The point is silky and shiny hair with great bounce makes it easy for you to create a style that makes you the cynosure of all eyes. 

  • Wash hair regularly:

This is the first step towards creating healthy hair. Washing hair regularly helps remove all the dirt and oil that could weigh your hair down and this helps create the perfect platform for your plans for better hair. Your hair type would determine the number of times you need to wash your hair; probably once a week for dry hair and twice to thrice a week for oilier hair. A hydrating shampoo is a good idea, as they contain nourishing oil and enrich the quality of your strands. 

  • Use a conditioner:

Always use a conditioner after you shampoo your hair. This helps you style your hair in the desired manner and also protects your hair from harmful environmental factors. Make it a point to apply it only to the ends of your hair and not your scalp, rinse it off meticulously after application.  Never use a conditioner before shampooing your hair but always after. A conditioner can also be used on the days you decide not to shampoo, as the rinse helps add bounce to your hair. 

  • Use chemical free hair-care products:

Always use products that are chemical free or have low chemical content to avoid a negative impact on your hair. Hair products with a heavy chemical composition could affect the structure of your hair, irritate the scalp and weaken your strands. Gentler products with limited sulphate and paraben content are recommended as they reduce the damage caused to your hair over time. 

  • Oil your hair regularly:

Oil could possibly be termed the most important ingredient for your hair. Blessed with a number of beneficial properties they help in improving the condition of your hair by increasing the moisture content and also enhance hair growth; coconut and olive oil are the preferred options. A good oil massage before you shampoo your hair, stimulates and nourishes the hair roots by augmenting blood circulation in your scalp. Drop some oil onto your palm, rub your hands together to warm it up and take them through your hair, use a comb for longer hair.

  • Let your natural hair style flow:

Do not add weight to your hair by adding multiple products to it. Let it flow naturally i.e., if you have naturally straight or curly hair, maintain a style that agrees with your type of hair as far as possible. Trying to add curls to your naturally straight hair or vice versa would only interfere with a smooth system and lead to possible hair fall. Also use hair bands to protect your hair from the harmful effects of the environment; do take care not to stretch your hair too tight when using the band. 

Also read: 8 hairstyles that don’t damage your hair 

  • Dry your hair in the correct manner:

Do not blow dry your hair as it could make your scalp dry. You can do it less frequently or on special occasions to protect your hair. It is best to rub your hair lightly with a microfiber towel as it causes less friction. Another option is to wrap your head with a cotton t-shirt for about 20 minutes to dry it out completely; this is one of your very effective hair care tips.  Make it a point not to comb wet hair as it could lead to split ends, and you could end up damaging your strands permanently. 

  • Keep yourself hydrated:

Keep drinking a lot of water, at least 3 litres every day, to keep your hair in the best health. Water makes up almost 25% of the weight of your hair and so it is extremely important to keep yourself hydrated.

  • Keep a balanced diet:

The key to good hair health as well as overall health is always a good diet. Following a diet plan with a good mix of minerals and vitamins could promote hair growth while fooding habits without the essential nutrients could lead to possible hair loss. 

  • Trim your hair regularly:

It is always advisable to trim your hair as it keeps your tresses healthy. A timely trim gets rid of split ends and also helps detangle hair. This gives a new and good look to your hair. 

Styling your crowning glory

They say life could be more beautiful when you meet the right hair dresser. And if you do the right things, you could make significant progress to make the job of the stylist simpler. And for that to happen you need to know your hair type so that  can take care of your hair in a better way. 

You need to decide on the method of styling your hair, depending  on whether your hair is fine or thick. If your hair is fine, you will have fewer strands and they will never feel heavy. If on the other hand you have thick hair you will struggle to keep them together and have a tough time stopping the frizz. 

The first thing that you need to do before styling your hair is to ensure that it is free of knots and totally dry. 

  • Get a good haircut: 

A good haircut will add the necessary thickness and life to your hair. This will help you create the right hairstyle later. A good haircut frames your face in the proper way and highlights your features. A cut once every 6 weeks is not a bad idea to keep your hair primed for that eye-catching style when you are in the mood. A hairstylist loves to play around with good hair as it adds to the portfolio. With well-kept hair you offer a great playground for the stylist to take it to the next level and show their skills. 

  • Take care when applying heat to your hair

Use a diffuser when applying heat to your hair with a blow dryer to reduce the intensity and damage to your scalp. Use a heat protectant for additional protection. However, spray it from a distance so that you do not make your hair excessively damp. 

If you are in the mood to curl your hair, use a curler with a heat setting gauge as finer hair requires a lot less heat than thicker hair. Keep a good distance between the scalp and the heat giving device to avoid harm. It might not be a bad idea to wrap a towel around your neck if you are doing this for the first time. Pull your hair to your finger-comb only after the hair has cooled. 

For those who want to straighten their hair you need to give yourself time for effective straightening. It pays to work efficiently without going too slow; this will help warm up your strands systematically from root to tip until your hair is straightened. 

  • Decide on your hair care products depending on hair type:

It is essential to choose the right product mix depending on the type of hair you have. Those with lighter, finer hair need to go for mists and light sprays as heavy conditioner might weigh down the hair and make it flat. The ones with thicker hair can afford to use richer products with cream and oil for nourishing their hair. 

When it comes to hair products, always go with the tried and tested formula of less is more. Use less of your gel as they dry up in a short while anyway. Gels are best to make short hair spiky, highlighting those curls or keep hair down to add to your style quotient. Always use gels and cream over wet/damp hair. You can finger comb the gels or could also opt for a plastic comb to create a sleek look.  

Use hair mousse to add volume to your hair and control those unruly curls. Remove the frizz from your hair and add bounce to your hair. 

Always use hair serums as they seal your cuticle and are particularly effective if you heat style your hair on a regular basis. Heat serums are safe to be used everyday as they wash away easily and leave no coating on the surface of the hair. 

  • Use the right sort of comb/hairbrush to style your hair: 

It is always safe to use a wooden hair brush as metal brushes could heat up and harm your tresses.

Natural boar bristles are great for those with fine hair. They run smoothly across your hair without tugging at it and help in enhancing hair shine. 

For normal and thick hair, you could try a comb with nylon and boar bristles as they are great for detangling and also provide that elegant sheen to your hair. 

Nylon bristles are very effective with thicker hair and help detangle knots. 

  • Go to a trained hair stylist for that great cut: 

It always pays to go to a professional stylist if you want some magic. They will be able to offer you the best advice on how you can style your hair in the best possible way; you will be offered multiple options including some outstanding ones, that you might not have thought possible before. 

If you want to figure out on your own which style will suit you best, you can try the following. Draw a rough outline of the shape and structure of your face on the mirror in front of you. Depending on what you see in front of you – a square, round, oval or oblong structure – you can try to find a style that complements the shape in the best way. 

For e.g., for those with a square face, short hairstyles are recommended; make sure not to part your hair through the centre. On the other hand, those with an oval shape are generally the luckiest as they can opt for any sort of hairstyle. 

You can even cut your hair in layers to provide texture to your look. But that also depends on whether your hair type supports that change; trying textures on curly hair might be a recipe for disaster. 

If you are in the mood for something radical you can try to colour your hair too. A bright new tone, attractive highlights  add to your face and make you stand out. Do make it a point to express your preference to your stylist and come to an agreement. A subtle difference in intensity could be enough to change the look completely and leave you completely dissatisfied. 

The right hairstyle could be the difference between an average and a stunning look. You can learn how to take care of hair by observing a careful regimen over a period of time. A better understanding of your own type of hair could help you develop a customised hair care routine to nourish hair. Developing the craft of styling hair might take more time and needs further study and regular practice. Constant effort will however power you towards your chosen goal sooner than later. 

Understanding different hair types & it’s essential care

Ever wondered about the endless range of products available in the market, which advertises benefits for hair. If that leaves you perplexed, then it is time up to ramp up & understand why there is so much diversity in the product range. If there is diversity then it means each of us surely don’t share the same hair type. So, here’s our detailed perspective about different hair types & the ways in which you can take care of them as well as style them.

Hair Type

Wherever you go besides the face, your hair is one such aspect that gets noticed the most. By god’s grace we all look slightly distinctive from each other which gives us a fair chance to stand out. However, not just the hair type yet each individual hair care requirement is also different. Hence, it is very important to first understand your hair type. This will surely give you a better insight into what products might suit you & which might not.

Hair Texture

Before going any further ahead, let’s understand what is your hair texture. What does hair texture exactly mean? It means the natural shape of your strands. If you’re unable to determine yours till now then let’s do one thing. Don’t use any hair product & wash off your hair like usual, letting it dry naturally. Now observe, if the hair is straight without any signs of curl or bend in it then it falls in the Type 1 category, which is nothing but the straight hair. However, after drying if your hair forms an ‘S’ shape then your hair falls in the Type2 category. On the other hand, the hair that creates a loop or curl pattern is said to fall in the Type 3 category. Lastly, if the hair witnesses a zig-zag pattern or creates a tight curl or spiral falls in the Type 4 category kind of hair texture.

Hair Porosity

Porosity means the ability of hair to soak up moisture, which is a technical definition given by professionals. In case the hair is found to be highly porous, this means that there is a presence of various holes on the surface layer which is also known as the cuticle. Porosity could be caused due to various reasons ranging from a natural phenomenon, exposure to the heat-based process, chemical exposure, etc. In this scenario, the hair becomes more porous than it is usually. The holes present in the cuticle allows the hair in absorbing the moisture. The hair becomes frizzy for individuals who reside in a humid climate as the cuticle absorbs the moisture from the hair. When we say that the hair is porous, it means that it has the capability to absorb moisturizing products very well. This porousness enables the leave-in conditioners to fill in the holes while sealing them to make the hair more manageable.

The hair which is less porous in nature is said to be more tightly locked & resists moisture absorbing capability. Then whether it is environmental humidity or through chemicals. In order to dodge product buildup which ultimately makes the hair dull, you should wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo every week. Also, try considering mild products viz. Mousses or hair milk so as to create that much-needed volume. You can make the products work effectively by using a blow dryer. Wondering how does it work? Well, the heat generated by blow dryer helps to open up the cuticle which is tight, thus helping in penetration of moisture becoming easier.

Testing hair porosity:

If you wish to test the porosity levels of your own hair, then follow these steps:-

  • Take a bowl filled with water and put a few strands of your hair in it.
  • Wait for a few minutes, then watch for results.
  • If your hair floats then it means it has low porosity. But if your hair sinks that means it possesses high porosity.

Density of hair

When we use the word density for hair, it means the number of hairs present on the head. So, if the scalp isn’t clearly visible then one is said to possess dense hair. However, if you are able to clearly see the scalp irrespective of parting hair or not then one has low hair density. The lack of hair density is determined by varied factors. As many individuals go through stress, hormone changes during pregnancy/menopause & some lack the essential nutrition. It is always advisable to closely choose & witness products that affect our hair density over a course of time. Avoid those products that prove to be heavy or harmful the hair, which is another cause of low-density hair. You can go for texture sprays & mousses that are light, which can help in adding the desired lift & volume to the hair. Whereas, the individuals having high-density hair can use butter & thick cream to make their hair shiny yet manageable.

Ways To Determine Hair Type

Determining the hair type in detail:

  • Straight Hair

This is one of the most common hair types in India. It is determined by hair falling flat from the root tips. There are no curls and the hair texture is soft with high oil secretion. This is further bifurcated:

Type 1A: In this hair type, the hair is very shiny, smooth and soft. Despite this fact, the hair is not voluminous.

Type 1B: In comparison to Type 1A, in this type, the hair is relatively more thicker as well as bouncier.

Type 1C: This hair type is determined as thick yet rough hair.

  • Curly Hair

Admired by many, this hair type has ‘S’ pattern strands. It stays curly at all times even after straightening. The people who have such hair type are often found complaining about frizziness & tangles. Let’s see the subdivision of this hair type:

Type 3A: In this type, the hair possesses loose curls.

Type 3B: In this type, the hair possesses medium curls.

Type 3C: In this type, the hair possesses tight curls.

  • Coily Hair

This hair type is signified by a ‘Z’ pattern, where the hair is found to be rough & faces to breakage every now & then. It in this hair type the person has tight curls & is further subdivided into various categories:

Type 4A: In this hair type, hair is of soft texture.

Type 4B: In this hair type, hair is in a wire-like form.

Type 4C: In this hair type, the hair is very wiry much more than Type 4B.

  • Wavy Hair

This hair type stands to be between the curly & straight hair. Where the individual possesses a slightly curly pattern at the ends of the hair. Though the hair is not determined completely curly. This is further categorized in the following:

2A:  In this hair type, the hair is wavy but thin.

2B: In this type of hair the hair is again wavy in nature but with a medium thickness.

2C:  This hair type is both thick as well as wavy.

What’s Your Hair Type?

It is imperative to understand one’s hair type before landing with a huge queue of products. As you won’t be able to assure the fact that which ones are actually good/bad or essential for your type of hair. So to stay in tune with your hair’s exact requirement as it is important to know your exact hair type. It is as good as saying we treat our body’s with the kind of food, nutrient and exercise it requires as per the body type & requirement. Likewise, hair is also an indispensable aspect of the personality which needs to be taken care of. Besides the usual classification of having straight, wavy, curly or coily hair, there is much more to it for each of these categories too. Not only this but you will have to understand the details about hair porosity, hair density, etc, which has been mentioned above already.

We completely understand that all this might be sounding all greek & Latin, however, we are here to explain you everything in detail.

How to style and care for your hair type:

So, now we will take you to a deeper level where you will get to know how you will be able to style as well as take care of your hair according to its exact type.

  • Straight Hair

The people who possess straight hair, face oily & having hair to be flat issues. This is why we advise refraining using heavy serums & hair butter of various sorts. Also, if you are in a habit of washing your hair too often then your scalp will start producing more oils. You can instead use dry shampoo & texture spray which are actually safe & considered ideal for people who are blessed with straight hair type.

The hairstyle that will suit you the best:

  • Chin-length blunt cut.

For Type 1A: Due to the lack of hair volume, get your hair cut in layers to add more volume.

Type 1B: You can go for an updo or slicked back hairstyle.

Type 1C: You can opt a short hairstyle or a layered cut as well.

  • Wavy Hair

Type 2A: In this type of hair there is the presence of loose waves at the hair ends. So you obviously won’t like to make them flat instead will like to make them more prominent & attractive. For this, you can use gels & creams or oil-based products that are good for hair care.

Type 2B: In this hair type the curls can be noticed at the ends. So, it highlights them, even more, you can get them dyed in a pattern of ‘S’. This method is known as balayage, which is nothing but free hand painting on the hair.

Type 2C: Here you can visibly notice the ‘S’ shaped curls, which are present at the crown area. However, this hair type is frizzy so it is advisable to use a diffuser while blow-drying the hair. How does it help? The diffuser helps in preventing more frizzy hair after blow-drying.

  • Curly Hair

Type 3A: In this hair type, individuals have loose loops along with ‘S’ shaped curls. So keep this texture intact the hair should be brushed gently without applying force. If you have this hair type then surely a loose ponytail will suit you the best.

Type 3B: Having thicker curls in this hair type can lead to a lack of moisture retention and hair being rough. Hence, first and foremost it is essential to provide that necessary moisture to the hair. You can do it by the following ingredients: shea butter, honey, eggs, banana, aloe vera, etc. Try to avoid using silicone or sulfate that takes away all the natural moisture from the hair.

Type 3C: This hair type has tight curls which set perfectly. However, since too tight curls lead to entanglements and breakage so it is always good to use a leave-in conditioner to avoid the same.

  • Coily Hair

Type 4A: This hair type needs a lot of care in terms of moisturization as it is delicate in nature. So conditioning it well is the need of the hour. You can use butter, cream, good conditions to take care of it. Avoid making a braid.

Type 4B: A hair type with a zig-zag pattern which always suffers from too many tangles. So always comb your hair with the utmost care and use a leave-in conditioner when the hair is damp. If you wish to flaunt your curls then use curling cream or gel.

Type 4C: Fragile and tight curls is what this hair is known for. Hence, keep the hair moisturized well.


In a crux, we all have different hair types and individuals face different types of hair loss. So through this article, we are sure that you must be now in a state of a better understanding of your hair type. The basics, of course, each one of us mostly knows but this in-depth study and explanation was necessary to opt the right hair care products, choice of hairstyle and styling tips.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata condition causes patchy hair loss on the scalp. Check out the causes, symptoms and natural remedies to treat Alopecia Areata.

Alopecia Areata

Isn’t hair fall an inevitable part of your life. Well, if you are suffering from hair fall keep a check on it as hair falling out in hair patches is what alopecia areata is all about which can be unobserved effortlessly. But alopecia areata is one major reason for hair fall. How exactly does alopecia areata happen and is there an alopecia areata treatment? That’s quite strange though, the immune system of your body will outbreak your hair follicles, generally the most healthy ones. Though alopecia areata is a kind of transmissible disease still that’s not the only cause of it. You will be stunned to learn that almost 6.8 million of the population of the US suffers from alopecia areata symptoms. At present, alopecia areata is cureless; nevertheless, there are various alopecia areata treatment which will reduce your hair fall as well as help in speedy regrowth of your hair. If you want to learn about the causes and symptoms as well as the natural remedies for alopecia areata symptoms, make sure you take out a bit of time and give a read to this article.

What is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia Areata is also known as a self-immune disease and very rightly so as the very own immune system of your body will lead to the breakage of your healthy hair follicles. Besides occurring in the scalp of your hair, it may lead to hair breakage even in your eyebrows, eyelashes, face, and other parts of the body as well. Alopecia Areata symptoms are patchy hair spots occurring abruptly as also thinning hair. This disease can happen to anyone, be it male or female, but the early signs usually arise during your juvenile and adolescence before you cross the age of 30. Although a hereditary disease, it is perceived that only one or two among a five-member family suffers from alopecia areata. It is observed that if a child has inherited alopecia areata both the parents are the sufferers of this disease. Other than this alopecia areata symptoms may also occur due to stress. People suffering from diabetes, arthritis, and even celiac disease are at higher risk of attack. Alopecia areata treatment does not have any complete remedy, however, the only sign of respite is that it is not life-threatening. Well, alopecia areata also has some brutality as well –  It can be generally described as spot baldness. But if there is hair loss in multiple hair patches it is described as alopecia areata multilocularis. The condition of alopecia areata symptoms can be limited only to the beard, in such a situation, it is known as alopecia areata barbae. Complete loss of hair on the scalp is referred to as alopecia areata totalis while the hair loss from all parts of the body including the scalp is known as Alopecia Universalis. Do not get frightened to discover such types of peculiarities in your scalp or body. There is some alopecia areata treatment that will help prevent hair fall as well as help you in growing back your hair.

  • We all know that our immune system helps fight all the foreign elements from entering our bodies. But in this regard, if you are suffering from alopecia areata symptoms understand that your immune system has misguided your healthy hair follicles as foreign invaders and attacks them. Hair follicles are the base from which your hair grows, attack on them primes to hair fall. Though there is no concrete answer to why this process happens.
  • Alopecia areata symptoms can also happen due to extreme stress as many of you have the experience of hair loss due to stress.
  • If anybody in your family is suffering from alopecia areata, you are at higher risk of getting prone to the disease genetically. 
  • A family member suffering from autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, or diabetes will raise the concern of some other family member inheriting the disease of alopecia areata.

What are the Symptoms of Alopecia Areata?

  • Hair loss is the main and primary symptom of alopecia areata. Loss of hair in small round hair patches exposing your scalp means you are suffering from alopecia areata. Spot baldness in one or two places means you are at the initial stages of the disease. It is being researched and found that in such mild symptoms your hair may grow back but it is impulsive. How much hair fall is normal is what you should be aware of.
  • Most commonly found in children, the hair fall area may itch and can cause a bit of pain as well. It can be a permanent disease or a temporary one as the cycle of hair fall/thinning hair and hair regrowth varies from person to person.
  • Alopecia areata beard or hair loss occurring in various parts of your face like eyelashes or eyebrows as well as the beard is also considered as a symptom.
  • This can lead to a spontaneous delinquent, however, the first thing you might notice is tufts of hair falling out while taking shower or clusters of hair stuck to your pillow.
  • Another common symptom is – patchy hair fall occurring on a particular side of your hair instead of spreading all over your scalp.
  • Hair loss in a wide area is also a cause of this disease.
  • Stiff nails developed as red nails are also a symptom of alopecia areata effect in fingernails or toenails is one basic symptom to recognize that this disease is evolving.

How to Diagnose Alopecia Areata? 

  • Alopecia areata is diagnosed mainly by examining the hair loss pattern. The intensity at which you are losing your hair along with the symptoms occurring is the main tool to diagnose alopecia areata. 
  • Hairs from the affected area are taken under a microscope to diagnose alopecia areata.
  • Trichoscopy is also a very quick and straightforward way to diagnose alopecia areata as it can easily examine your scalp psoriasis.
  • Though very rare, a lab test or skin biopsy might be needed to provide an alopecia areata treatment.
  • In case the autoimmune diseases are generally not the cause of you developing alopecia areata symptoms, a blood test might help diagnose the disease.

As there is no cure for alopecia and no medication permitted for the treatment of this disease, here are some natural remedies for alopecia areata. Onion Juice or Garlic Gel 

As you might be well aware, onion juice is an excellent remedy for hair regrowth. Hence, applying onion juice or garlic gel to the areas suffering from alopecia areata will be a great hair fall solution for the hair regrowth.


Research states that a massage treatment for your hair made up of mixtures of various essential oils like lavender, rosewood, and thyme may come in handy for some people to overcome the disease of alopecia areata.

Green Tea 

Green tea has tons of benefits and as you all might know the procedure for making green tea, this remedy might come in as one of the easiest to try out. Apply cooled-down green tea liquid into your scalp to get rid of this peculiar disease.

Other Oils

Some other oils like coconut, olive, jojoba, and castor might also help you out from this misery.

Herbal Enhancements

Other than green tea some other herbal supplements like ginseng and Chinese hibiscus might also help.

Stress Management and Diet

Excessive stress can lead to alopecia areata. Stay away from getting stressed out as it plays an important role in the formation of this disease. Try and maintain a restricted diet or diet with an auto-immune protocol which mainly includes meats and vegetables.

Other than these, try to cover up your scalp, protect your eyes if you are losing your eyelashes, and protect your affected areas from cold temperatures.

Although a skin disease, yet very different from others as it does not cause rashes and redness. Make sure you understand the type of alopecia areata you are suffering from, whether it is mild or acute before deciding on any kind of treatment. Natural remedies might not work for people suffering from acute alopecia areata symptoms and might also be a good hair fall solution. For such instances, medical treatment is available. Steroid injections might help mild alopecia areata treatment. Oral treatments like consuming cortisone tablets might fight the disease. Other light therapy or radiation treatment will also help overcome alopecia areata symptoms. But before you take any decision, do consult a dermatologist for operative treatment.

Alopecia areata is a very peculiar disease and can be challenging if it affects your entire scalp. Though the prevention measures are limited since the cause is still unknown, don’t get depressed. Protect your hair from environmental dust and heat and take necessary precautions right away as soon as you start noticing even mild symptoms. As this takes place mostly during your teens, it might affect your appearance as well which effortlessly can lead to an emotional breakdown. But don’t forget that this disease is not life-threatening and may be temporary as well, as in some cases hair regrows on its own without any treatment. If you need help, you can get in touch with our dermatologists on board.