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Haartransplantation Türkei – Istanbul

Eine Haartransplantation in Istanbul bietet sich für Sie an, um wieder zu natürlich wirkendem, vollem Haar zu kommen. Das alles natürlich medizinisch sicher und ästhetisch überzeugend.

Geheimratsecken oder es bilden sich kahle Stellen auf dem Oberkopf? In den meisten Fällen handelt es sich dabei um erblich bedingten Haarausfall. Wir können unseren Patienten helfen. Sie erhalten bei uns eine individuelle Haartransplantation in Istanbul zu den besten Konditionen.

Schauen Sie sich gerne unsere zahlreichen Empfehlungen und Auszeichnungen an und überzeugen sich selbst!

Um eine Haarverpflanzung in Istanbul erfolgreich durchführen zu lassen, sollten Sie sich dafür die beste Klinik aussuchen.

Unser Institut gehört unter den türkischen Kliniken zu den besten seiner Art und wird regelmäßig von internationalen Experten und Fachmagazinen beim Thema Haartransplantation empfohlen.

Wir konnten für unsere Erfahrungen im Bereich Haartransplantation bereits zahlreiche Preise und Auszeichnungen entgegen nehmen. Drei Jahre in Folge bekamen wir den Whatclinic Award sowie 2020 den Patient Clinic Award als beste Klinik für Haartransplantation in Istanbul. Auch den Customer Service Award konnten wir bereits mehrfach gewinnen und das dank unserer Patienten.



Does Hair Loss Come From Dad or Mom?

There are many myths regarding the relationship between genetics and hair loss. One popular myth is that hair loss in men is passed down from the mother’s side of the family while hair loss in women is passed down from the father’s side; however, the truth is that the genes for hair loss and hair loss itself are actually passed down from both sides of the family.

Hair Transplant Before and After 37Baldness genes may also skip generations and are completely random in terms of which siblings (male or female) they will affect. They may even have very different effects on siblings in the same family. For example, if your twin brother has hair loss, this does not necessarily mean that you will experience hair loss as well.

The type of hair loss that is passed down to individuals through genetics is known as androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male/female pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness usually begins at the hairline, causing hair loss on the forehead and at the temples first. It can occur as early as the late teens and early 20s, and usually works backward from the temples to eventually cause partial or total baldness on the top and sides of the scalp. Female pattern baldness affects women differently in that it rarely results in total baldness. It’s typically a general thinning of the hair on the top and sides of the scalp. The receding hairline common in men is usually not exhibited by women with androgenetic alopecia.

If you would like to learn more about the causes of hair loss and available treatment options, you can request a free info kit and schedule a free consultation with a Bosley professional. Bosley physicians can inform you if there is a problem, what the condition could be, and offer the appropriate treatment or solution.



Waarom Gladskin Acne?

Acne is een aandoening die zich kenmerkt door symptomen als puistjes, pukkels, comedonen, infecties en cystes. De Staphylococcus aureus bacterie veroorzaakt of verergert veel van deze symptomen. De meeste bacteriën die op de huid leven zijn echter goed en dragen bij aan een gezonde huid. Deze goede bacteriën moeten dus met rust gelaten worden. 



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Waarom Gladskin Acne?

Acne is een aandoening die zich kenmerkt door symptomen als puistjes, pukkels, comedonen, infecties en cystes. De Staphylococcus aureus bacterie veroorzaakt of verergert veel van deze symptomen. De meeste bacteriën die op de huid leven zijn echter goed en dragen bij aan een gezonde huid. Deze goede bacteriën moeten dus met rust gelaten worden. 


Hair Transplant Procedures: Average Cost, What to Expect, and More

Like good health and youth, most of us take our locks for granted — that is, until they’re gone. For many people, a hair transplant can help bring back what looks like a full — or at least a fuller — head of hair.

If thinning up top or going bald really bothers you, the procedure can be one way to feel more confident about your looks. But first talk with your doctor about what you can expect during and after the surgery.

What Is a Hair Transplant?

It’s a type of surgery that moves hair you already have to fill an area with thin or no hair. Doctors have been doing these transplants in the U.S. since the 1950s, but techniques have changed a lot in recent years.

You usually have the procedure in the doctor’s office. First, the surgeon cleans your scalp and injects medicine to numb the back of your head. Your doctor will choose one of two methods for the transplant: follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).

With FUSS, the surgeon removes a 6- to 10-inch strip of skin from the back of your head. They set it aside and sews the scalp closed. This area is immediately hidden by the hair around it.

Next, the surgeon’s team divides the strip of removed scalp into 500 to 2,000 tiny grafts, each with an individual hair or just a few hairs. The number and type of graft you get depends on your hair type, quality, color, and the size of the area where you’re getting the transplant.

If you’re getting the FUE procedure, the surgeon’s team will shave the back of your scalp. Then, the doctor will remove hair follicles one by one from there. The area heals with small dots, which your existing hair will cover.

After that point, both procedures are the same. After they prepare the grafts, the surgeon cleans and numbs the area where the hair will go, creates holes or slits with a scalpel or needle, and delicately places each graft in one of the holes. They’ll probably get help from other team members to plant the grafts, too.

Depending on the size of the transplant you’re getting, the process will take about 4 to 8 hours. You might need another procedure later on if you continue to lose hair or decide you want thicker hair.

Expectations and Recovery

After the surgery, your scalp may be very tender. You may need to take pain medications for several days. Your surgeon will have you wear bandages over your scalp for at least a day or two. They may also prescribe an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory drug for you to take for several days. Most people are able to return to work 2 to 5 days after the operation.

Within 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, the transplanted hair will fall out, but you should start to notice new growth within a few months. Most people will see 60% of new hair growth after 6 to 9 months. Some surgeons prescribe the hair-growing drug minoxidil (Rogaine) to improve hair growth after transplantation, but it’s not clear how well it works.

Risks and Costs of Treatment

The price of a hair transplant will depend largely on the amount of hair you’re moving, but it generally ranges from $4,000 to $15,000. Most insurance plans don’t cover it.

As with any kind of surgery, transplants have some risks, including bleeding and infection. There’s also the chance for scarring and unnatural-looking new hair growth.

Around the time new locks start to grow, some people have inflammation or an infection of the hair follicles, called folliculitis. Antibiotics and compresses can relieve the problem. It’s also possible to suddenly lose some of the original hair in the area where you got the new strands, called shock loss. But most of the time, it’s not permanent.

Talk with your doctor about these risks and how much improvement you’re likely to get from the surgery. They can help you decide if it’s a good option for you.
